Male infertility is teratozoospermia. How to improve sperm quality? Is it possible to get pregnant naturally?

Male infertility is teratozoospermia. How to improve sperm quality? Is it possible to get pregnant naturally?

After reading the article, you will learn the reasons why male infertility is and what methods this disease can be cured.

Unfortunately, the diagnosis is not so rare in our time. More than 19% of pairs hear such a sentence of doctors. Moreover, they cannot conceive a child not only because of female pathologies, but because of the male.

One of the male diseases that prevents normal fertilization is teratozoospermia. This disease occurs due to a violation of the structure of the spermatoginosis system.

Teratozoospermia symptoms and causes

If in a fairly long period of time a woman does not manage to get pregnant with regular sexual relationships, then one should be examined by both partners. After all, only doctors can establish such a diagnosis as teratozoospermia in men.

Male infertility
Male infertility

To do this, you need to hand over sperm and using laboratory tests to study the mobility of sperm and abnormalities in their structure. A specialist will immediately establish a disease by changes in sperm. They can deform, namely:

  • there will be defects in the structure of the head, there may be two heads or its size increases
  • outwardly, the neck of the sperm will change and its entire middle part, asymmetry will appear or become thicker (thinner) the middle of the spermatozoa
  • atypical changes in the tail (harness) will appear, more precisely: they will become short, thin, or there will be many of them
How to establish teratozoospermia

The causes of the manifestation of pathology

  1. Aggressive factors external environment. First of all, this includes irrational nutrition (starvation, overeating), the use of harmful food. The impact of natural factors - heat, radiation, contaminated air, water
  2. Genetic changes. Various pathologies that appear over time due to heredity
  3. Unhealthy Lifestyle. Such factor can be considered patients who smoke, move little, abuse with heavy drinks, not stress -resistant people, drug addicts
  4. Endocrine changes.Most often manifested after thirty years. Also arise due to the disease of the thyroid gland
  5. Various eggs of testicles, appendages, in particular - viral pathologies (mumps), a disease of blood vessels, tumors of various etiologies, prostatitis, orchitis, urethritis

Analyzes for teratozoospermia

As mentioned above, a man will have to hand over sperm for analysis. After that, experts will study the spermogram. To do this, they will put the studied substance into a specially equipped counting chamber, where they are immobilized, and then study the characterization, their structure.

Analyzes for teratozoospermia
Analyzes for teratozoospermia

Important: according to medical regulations, men should have at least four percent of sperm with normal forms of development. If there is any deviations from this data, then you have a pathology.

Is it possible to get pregnant naturally with teratozoospermia?

If men have thirty percent of healthy sperm, fertilization is possible both naturally and with the help of an artificial procedure.

However, relapses are possible. In the event that fertilization occurred by unhealthy germ cells, then there is a place to be - anomalies of the fetus, miscarriages.

Is pregnancy possible with teratozoospermia
Is pregnancy possible with teratozoospermia naturally?

With this disease, it is best to do a man ECO (artificial fertilization procedure). The process lies in the fact that ripened embryos are introduced into the uterus with the help of an elastic tube.

The main advantage of this method is that only healthy spermatozoa is taken for fertilization. The price of this service is quite high, but the results in most cases are positive. More than 65% of couples become parents.

IVF with teratozoospermia

Artificial insemination with this ailment is as not effective as natural fertilization. In seventy percent of a hundred there may be a threat of miscarriage.

It can only be done with a slight degree of teratozoospermia. The AI \u200b\u200bprocedure only allows an inactive sperm to reduce the path to the uterus - this is the only advantage of its natural fertilization.

How to improve and improve sperm quality?

Mostly treatment of teratozoospermia It comes down to the use of medications and a number of procedures, without which it is impossible to improve the condition of the patient, namely:

  • stop overeat, restore normal weight using a proper nutrition system
  • refuse smoking, even if you have a large experience of nicotine dependence
  • stop drinking beer and other alcoholic beverages
  • get rid of the habit of drinking often strong coffee
  • avoid stressful situations
  • it is advisable to change the place of work if it is associated with chemical production
  • oddly enough, but men should not overheat, only in comfortable cool conditions can healthy germ cells be produced
  • eat healthy vegetables, greens (beans, parsley, dill, etc.)
  • consume folic acid
How to cure teratozoospermia?
How to cure teratozoospermia?

Treatment of teratozoospermia with drugs

Only a doctor can prescribe medications to each patient. It is after the analyzes that the degree of germ cell damage is established, and when determining the causes of this, it becomes clear, which drugs are effective for improving the condition.

In addition, with any form of this ailment, it will be necessary to drink general strengthening drugs: zinc, selenium, folic acid, Verona, spermactin, tribestan.

Infertility in men - treatment methods
Infertility in men - treatment methods

How to improve sperm quality folk remedies?

To improve the quality of germ cells, first of all, we must abandon all sorts of bad habits that we wrote about above. There are still old grandfathers recipes that are effective from this disease

  • Recipe: You will need to take the plantain seeds (one large spoon) and fall asleep in boiling water (two hundred grams). Then let them still boil for about five minutes. Take two tablespoons of a day, four times a day. Treatment course four to five weeks
  • Recipe: Mix the pumpkin seeds with May honey, pre -chopping them. Eat the sweetness before the meal along one tablespoon
  • Recipe: Mix in a cup of fresh fresh milk, one small sheet of a hundred -year -old, five peeled nuts, a little butter and a tablespoon of honey. Drink on an empty stomach in the morning
Folk recipes for infertility in men
Folk recipes for infertility in men

How to improve sperm quality: tips and reviews

After read, it is clear that the treatment of teratozoospermia requires an individual approach. However, there are factors that can improve the patient's condition even without the use of drugs - this is a healthy lifestyle, positive emotions.

Positive results of the treatment of teratozoospermia

Video: Treatment of male infertility

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Comments K. article

  1. We also had a problem precisely as a husband’s sperm. But it’s good that there are many competent doctors now. After treatment, we quickly could quickly get pregnant, after about a month 3-4. By the way, he took tinctures on different herbs-stiff, chamomile, thyme+spermapalnate as prescribed by a doctor)

  2. And my husband’s vitamin complex was assigned a plus, for about 3 months there was a course. There are enlarged doses of el-carnitine. After that, I managed to get pregnant. There was a year of attempt before taking the drug ...

  3. After a year of married life, pregnancy did not occur. Both were examined. The husband had prostatitis, which he was embarrassed to say. He was treated by a prostanorm, then drank a rush course. The drug is natural, no chemistry. It contains only substances useful for the male body: L-Arginine amino acids, L-Carnitin and Taurin, additionally reinforced with nettle root extract. After retaking a spermogram, the results of became much better. We went on vacation, and my husband continued to accept the second course of the spermaplat. We were not returning home not alone. The desired pregnancy has come.

  4. As for improving sperm quality, I can advise spermactin. His doctor recommended me. A drug without alien chemosyne and based on healthy amino acids, alpha-lipoic acid and vitamin C. It perfectly improves indicators. Of course, it is still important to lead a healthy lifestyle, but still drugs play a big role))

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