Male infertility: Piospermia. Is pregnancy possible? Treatment of piospermia

Male infertility: Piospermia. Is pregnancy possible? Treatment of piospermia

The article will tell you how to identify and cure the piospermia.

Infertility is not only a female problem, but often male. If the examinations of the female body have not revealed violations, then the time has come for examination of a man.

  • The first thing to do is turn to the urologist. The doctor will prescribe tests, hardware and instrumental examination. After receiving all the results, we can talk about the causes of infertility and the methods of its treatment
  • Quite often, infertility is not the dysfunction of the reproductive system, but the reaction to other diseases
  • Such diseases include piospermia. It can be identified independently, according to fairly characteristic features. However, examination and treatment should occur strictly under the supervision of a doctor

Piospermia symptoms

  • Piospermia is a disease of the genitalist system of a man, which is characterized by the formation of pus in the seed fluid
  • Pus, in turn, are dead leukocytes that arose as a result of a strong inflammatory process in the genitourinary system
  • It follows from this that piosperia is only a reaction of the body to inflammatory diseases (urethritis, prostatitis, tuberculosis, other infectious diseases)
  • The main symptom of piospermia is a change in sperm itself. The liquid acquires an unpleasant odor and greenish color
  • Additional symptoms: pain during erection and ejaculation, swelling of the testicles, pain in the groin
  • Also, symptoms that are characteristic of the disease that led to piospermia may appear.
Symptoms of piospermia
Symptoms of piospermia

The causes of piospermia

  • The cause of the piospermia is inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system
  • Inflammation, as a rule, have an infectious or bacterial nature
  • Weakened immunity, erratic sexual intercourse, an incorrect lifestyle - all this can lead to piospermia

Analyzes for Piospermia

  • Piospermia, especially in a neglected state, is quite easy to determine by external signs. But the doctor will still prescribe a number of examinations
  • The first is a spermogram that will reveal the presence of pus in sperm and confirm the diagnosis
  • The next step will be the identification of the disease, which is the culprit of the piospermia
  • The doctor will prescribe additional sperm tests on the flora
  • Tests will be carried out to identify sexually transmitted diseases
  • Ultrasound of the reproductive system may be prescribed
  • Also, a number of additional studies are carried out, necessary according to the doctor

Piospermia can you get pregnant?

  • Piospermia itself is not the cause of infertility
  • In the early stages, when pus in small portions enters sperm and does not interfere with the life of spermatozoa, pregnancy is possible
  • With advanced stages of the disease, there are quite a lot of pus, it poisons sperm toxins. In this case, pregnancy is impossible
  • Piospermia is often the cause of other male diseases: asthenozoospermia or teratozoospermia

Types of treatment with piospermia

  • You can begin treatment of piospermia only after detecting the underlying disease. Eliminating inflammation, the intake of pus will stop
  • The main step in the treatment will be the intake of antibiotics. They will kill pathogenic organisms and cleanse blood
  • Also, drugs that increase immunity and restore the protective functions of the body will be assigned
  • Additional physical procedures may be assigned
  • A set of urethra instillation procedures may be assigned
  • The treatment period depends on how quickly the problem is detected and what nature is the underlying disease

Treatment of piospermia with drugs

Premium preparations:

  • Antibacterial
  • Anti -inflammatory
  • Auxiliary drugs (vitamins)
  • Drugs that restore useful flora

Any infection has its own nature. Each infection has its own type of antibiotics, which the doctor will be attributed after the examination.


Treatment of piospermia folk remedies

  • Naturally, folk remedies for piospermia can only carry an auxiliary function. The main treatment should take place only under the supervision of a doctor
  • To improve the effect of treatment to food, you need to add natural antibacterial drugs: onions, garlic, honey and lemon
  • Taking antibiotics negatively affects the flora. Therefore, in abundance, use fermented milk products
  • Some products, such as eggs, fatty meat and lard provoke an increase in inflammatory processes. There are such products you need as little as possible
  • Use products rich in vitamins and minerals. Also, lead an active lifestyle
Garlic - natural antibiotic
Garlic - natural antibiotic

Piospermia treatment: tips and reviews

  • Piospermia is just the “Iceberg peak” among more serious diseases
  • Treatment of piospermia in no case should be delayed
  • It is necessary to do all the procedures that the doctor will prescribe, even if they are painful and unpleasant
  • You cannot interrupt treatment, otherwise the inflammatory process may return with renewed vigor
  • After the cure of piospermia of pregnancy problems, as a rule, does not arise

Video: How to recognize male infertility

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Comments K. article

  1. I also had problems with sperm, though a slightly different nature, an indistinguishable sperm were ... very much wanted a child with his wife, so even without hesitation the treatment began (although usually all the men do not like it)-the effect of the tribulus and tincture of the tulle. After 3 months, the wife became pregnant, which is very happy))

  2. Thanks for the useful recommendations. Indeed, now many men have health problems .... You need to protect you, whatever one may say. I definitely try to limit saturated fats in the diet and give spermactin to take. It improves sperm quality. Everything matters here. But it was thanks to these measures that we had a pregnancy easily.

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