Is it possible to put a candle in the church for health or for the rest of the unbaptized: the rules of the Church

Is it possible to put a candle in the church for health or for the rest of the unbaptized: the rules of the Church

In this topic, we will talk about church rules regarding the unbaptized.

Traditions relating to church rites are rooted in the far past. But, unfortunately, many of us are not serious about this act, which is why a lot of questions arise when visiting the Church. And one of them, which sometimes raises doubts even among the proper visitors of God's temple - is it possible to put a candle for the unbaptized, in particular for health or for the rest. Therefore, in this material we will give an explanation of this position.

Is it possible to put a candle for the unbaptized: for health and for the rest according to the rules of the church

A slightly controversial and controversial question, which should be carefully examined. And in order not to guess about whether it is possible to put a candle for the unbaptized, let's go about everything in order.

It is important to understand that the process of baptism is a sacrament of initiation into a certain faith. That is, this is an official confirmation of her involvement in her, the adoption of her laws and rules. Baptism - This is one of the seven sacraments of the Church, which is considered a fundamental rite.

There is no strictly prohibition
There is no strictly prohibition
  • Hence, some ministers of the Church and believers believe that for an unbaptized person you can not pray or put a candle. But this is not a very correct judgment.
  • The fact is that a candle is a alms, which we give unbaptized. That's why read a prayer to yourselfduring the memorial service, it is not forbidden. The same goes for Madame candles or for health.
    • That is, you can come to the church to put a candle and pray for a person, but only mentally, to yourself. And only on condition that There is faith in your soul.You must be sincere and really want it. It should be the urge to your believing soul. After all, we have heard repeatedly that each of us should have faith inside.
    • But to give the name unbaptized for notes that are read is impossible.
  • But keep in mind - During the incorrect eucchanistic sacrifice, that is, during the liturgy,such prayers are prohibited, because it is brought only for members of the church.
  • Sometimes a person who is dear to us could not come to God. We will not delve into the causes of such a situation. After all, difficult times are remembered when baptism and even faith in God were punished. It's hard to realize that We cannot ask the Lord for the repose of his soul.Again, due to the fact that you need to submit notes about its repose.
    • But do not fall into despondency. Firstly, We can pray at home in front of our home iconostasis,put a candle, read the akathist for the deceased. And secondly, the Providence of God is about those people who did not have time to know him.

Important: there are exceptions. For example, if we are talking about a newborn who, by virtue of his age, did not manage to pass the sacrament of baptism. But at the same time, both of his parents should be baptized. In this case, the rite is possible.

But notes you can't write
But notes you can't write

But I would also like to touch a little psychological aspect, why you can’t pray directly and put candles for the unbaptized

  • Unexplored people do not attribute or did not take themselves (if they have already left this world) to the Church of Christ. And according to all church laws, only a person himself can decide - Is it important for him to communicate with God and conduct any rites.Therefore, praying for an unbaptized person or putting a candle for his health or rest, we violate his will.
  • It is believed that prayer for a person who consciously avoids baptism is useless. Baptism implies faith in the Lord salvation. Although no one can say for sure that the Lord does not save those who are not baptized. Do not forget that "God loves everyone."
  • And, nevertheless, it is precisely in this absence of a person’s faith that lies the reason that a candle cannot be placed for the unbaptized, order a prayer and conduct any church rites.

Although there are cases in life when it is necessary to seek the help of the Lord even in the case of unbaptized. Remember only these simple rules and keep faith in your heart!

Video: Is it possible to put a candle for the unbaptized?

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