Can you go to the cemetery with young children? At what age can children be a cemetery?

Can you go to the cemetery with young children? At what age can children be a cemetery?

Signs, traditions and opinion of the priest about the advisability of visiting a cemetery with children.

A cemetery is a place that most people are afraid of. According to many, troubled souls that are between the two worlds, which cannot fall into any of them, may wander there. In this article we will tell you whether it is possible to take children in the cemetery. 

Is it possible for a child up to a year in a cemetery?

In children up to a year, the nervous system is only formed. Kids do not quite adequately perceive the world around them, and do not understand what is happening.

Is it possible for a child up to a year in the cemetery:

  • There is no point in bringing a child to one year age in the cemetery. He will not remember this in the future, and will not be able to feel the emotions that are required of him. In this place there is a lot of new, unusual, which can scare the child.
  • If the child reacts inadequately to a new place, it makes no sense to drag him to the cemetery. Children can scare loud sounds, or vice versa, excessive silence. At the age of one year, a high percentage of child mortality, for not established reasons. In order not to increase the risk, it is worth leaving the baby from home.
  • This place can be uncomfortable for kids, the baby will want to eat, sleep. It is very difficult for a baby to explain why you can’t scream or cry in a cemetery. If you need to remove it on the grave, you should leave the child at home. If there is a small child, you will have to go to the cemetery with someone to hold the baby in his arms and reassure. Drop the idea to come to the cemetery with a baby. 

Is it possible for children in the cemetery?

There is a rational grain in the ban on visiting children of such strange places. Especially if it comes to preschool or infants. 

Is it possible for children in the cemetery: 

  • Do not come to the grave with a child of preschool age. Children 2-4 years old often behave uncontrollably, and overall very emotional. There is a possibility of violation in the psyche after visiting the cemetery. It is difficult for a child to understand what kind of place it is, to realize what is happening. The graves look gloomy, the child can fantasize stupid things, which will lead to sleep disorders, or even enuresis. 
  • Kids aged 2-4 years are very active, it is difficult for them to explain that this place is the abode of the deceased, that you can’t run here. Therefore, kids can not behave adequately, screaming cry, run along the graves.
With kids
With kids

Can children go to the cemetery on memorial days?

As for children 6-7 years old, this is the age when most preschoolers become adequate, they understand what is happening around, but they also do not have to drag them into the cemetery.

Is it possible for children to go to the cemetery on memorial days:

  • Children of this age understand who such a deceased person is, but it is during this period that an internal protest arises, they can resist and deny everything related to death.
  • For kids, this is a serious shock, they may have an idea to react negatively, cry, and in every possible way to deny death.
  • In order not to injure the psyche of the child, it is necessary to bypass the cemetery. Try to leave the baby with someone so as not to go to the cemetery together. 

Why do children should not in the cemetery: signs

There are folk signs, beliefs that say that children in the cemetery have no place. Previously, disadvantaged people came here, to whom no one helped. Often they were dangerous. A few centuries ago, people who were sick of typhoid, smallpox, who were driven everywhere, came to the cemetery. Nobody wanted to help them in the city. The only haven was a cemetery. Often monuments, shops and tables were infected. At that time, if the child touches such an object, he can get sick with a dangerous disease. Now the situation is not so critical, but there are many disadvantaged, homeless people who collect sweets, drinks, food from graves.Now people do not believe in folk signs that say that children have no place on the graveyard. 

Why children are not in the cemetery, signs:

  • In cemeteries there may be souls, in a borderline state, wandering between the world of living and the dead. Therefore, they can look for a way out of the border state and instill in children. Children have a very weak energy field into which it is very easy to penetrate dark forces, perfumes. Otherworldly forces who want evil and can harm the baby can also live in the cemetery. 
  • Psychics and sorcerers conduct a lot of rituals on the graves of the dead. Therefore, they can often leave valuable things, toys, jewelry on them. These are things that are discouraged by damage, all the negativity, with the purpose of their own cleansing. Having picked up such things, you can seriously get sick. It is quite difficult for a child to explain that you cannot choose a toy from the grave. Children are very curious, often selecting sparkling, shiny jewelry, buttons that lie on the asphalt or on the street. 
With baby
With baby

At what age can children be a cemetery?

The energy system of the child, up to one year old, is too weak. The energy field cannot restrain the penetration of dark forces that will try to harm. So that the child does not hurt, sleep well and feels, it is worth posting a trip to the cemetery until better times. Many parents have a question, and when at all it is necessary to bring children to this strange place.

At what age to children can a cemetery:

  • It is better to make a visit at a conscious age, starting from 6-7 years. However, before this it is desirable to have a conversation so that the child understands how to behave. Most preschool children are curious, very violently expressing their emotions.
  • You can not spontaneously bring the child to the grave of some relative, having previously spoken with him. There should not be any strange, unusual situations for the child. It is worth explaining before going to the cemetery what kind of place it is, to which relative you are going, who he was the child.
  • It is necessary to talk a little about the deceased person, you only need to remember the good. It is worth telling what purpose adults come to the grave to their dead relative. The child must understand that this is a burial place where a loved one rests. Adults come here to remove, and honor memory, remember, bring flowers. 

Can a child go to the cemetery alone?

If this is a distant relative, then it is not necessary to come to a child who has not reached 12-13 years old. To visit the cemetery with children, starting from the age of seven, is necessary only if a really close person died: father, mother, sister or brother. In contrary, the trip should be postponed. It is worth explaining to the children that the cemetery is a calm atmosphere, there are no otherworldly forces, since children are now watching a lot of frightening content, they can be afraid of such places. 

You can go to a child in a cemetery alone:

  • You should not visit this place alone. Cleaning on the grave should be carried out with the family.
  • If the child does not have relatives left, he can visit the grave of the deceased with a guardian.
  • Children from the age of 14 with a stable psyche can restore order on the grave on their own.

Try to explain to your child that you can’t shout at the cemetery, you need to behave very quietly. Running, stepping on graves is also prohibited. Try to explain to children from the age of 6, what death is, why there is a cemetery.

Video: When can children be in the cemetery?


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