Is it possible to go to sick leave during vacation without detention? Is the sick leave paid during vacation without maintenance?

Is it possible to go to sick leave during vacation without detention? Is the sick leave paid during vacation without maintenance?

Situations in life are different and diseases always overtake unexpectedly. In our article, we will analyze the situation when a person is on vacation without saving wages and got sick. Will they give sick leave and will it be paid? Let's find out.

The disease always overtakes unexpectedly and does not choose the day of the beginning. If suddenly it began after going on an unpaid vacation, then many questions immediately arise - is it possible to take sick leave and will they pay for it?

Is it possible to get sick leave on vacation without saving wages?

Sick leave on vacation without salary
Sick leave on vacation without salary

As a rule, to leave for vacation without detention, it is enough to write a statement. It is provided by agreement of the parties, but there are situations when the employer has no right to refuse. Such situations include marriage, as well as the death of a close relative.

There are situations when during such a vacation, the employee receives injury or illness. Undoubtedly, he is given the right to apply to a medical institution for help. But the sick leave will not be provided. But, when the vacation is completed, the sick leave will be discharged immediately from the first day.

The same applies to cases of the issuance of hospital parents if the child is ill. In the same way, a certificate of disability can be issued from the date of completion of the vacation.

Since the law is granted by mutual agreement by law, you can agree to withdraw from it ahead of schedule. In such a situation, immediately after this, disability benefits will begin to be accrued. Just keep in mind that not all employers go to this, because then they will have to pay more.

Is sick leave on vacation without detention?

Will the sick leave pay?
Will the sick leave pay?

As we said, receiving a sick leave on vacation without payment is impossible. Accordingly, the allowance for this period will not be paid. This is spelled out in the legislation on social insurance. According to him, while on vacation, the allowance is not provided.

It is worth noting that this rule does not apply to annual paid leave. The sick leave will be fully paid, and even the vacation will last the number of days of illness.

When the vacation without payment ends, but the disease does not pass, then after the sick leave, it will be paid in full.

Thus, obtaining sick leave is possible, but at the same time it will be necessary to hide the fact of being on vacation from the doctor. But there is no point in deceiving, because such sick leave will not be accepted and paid. Accordingly, the only legal way is to wait for the end of the vacation and arrange the sick leave.

Video: sick leave on vacation at your own expense: what to do?

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