Is it possible to find a person: a search for people on the Internet, on social networks, on photography. Can I find a person’s address on the Internet?

Is it possible to find a person: a search for people on the Internet, on social networks, on photography. Can I find a person’s address on the Internet?

In this topic, we will consider alternative solutions to find a person and information about him on the Internet.

Sometimes the connection between people even breaks off in our world, where development and computerization has, in comparison with previous generations, the highest climax. But I don’t really want to run to the program “Wait for me”. Moreover, finding a person at home, and even through your PC - is easier! And how to find the information you need about the right person, we will talk in this material.

How to find a person through the Internet: modern spy tricks

First you can try to use search engines systemsGoogle orYandex,also, to search for people is often used Bing andYahoo.It is necessary to introduce the name of the desired in the search line, and then already track down on the proposed sites. It is worth scrining a couple of pages, if the information has not been found, then there is no point in looking for further. Sometimes, to find a person, you may need additional information about him to expand your search. Especially if a person has a fairly common name or surname.

You can add the following criteria to the search line:

  • age or date of birth;
  • contacts (nickname in social networks, e-mail);
  • photo;
  • city \u200b\u200bor at least a country;
  • name of the educational institution or place of work;
  • hobbies or hobbies;
  • acquaintances or relatives;
  • identity documents;
  • if possible, enter information from the biography.

Important: Remember, if the lawsuit lives in another country, then when selecting you need to introduce another language, as well as modify the region.

Yandex launched a small assistant to search for people

  • This is for a special site - It is in it that it’s easier, faster and larger to look for people. As you can see in the photo below, you can choose any criteria and analyze 11 social networks. In this case, the system will show the person you need both when recording a name and when using Nick.
Watson can resign
Watson can resign, because it is really elementary

Photography will help to find a person on the Internet

  • If you have a photo of the person you have, it can be used for search goals. First you need to translate the image into an electronic format, if initially it was a regular photo. And then you should use any search engine, for example, Google or Yandex, at Images (pictures).
  • When you get to the search page, you need to find an icon with a camera on the right at the top of the search line on it. After clicking on this icon, the search engine will offer you to upload a photo from a computer. And after loading, the system will give you a list of relevant options (similar to this image).
First step
First step
  • If you know where a person often spends time, for example, in a bar, a park or has been abroad, then you can download an image with this place. And according to these geometers you can find the person you need.
  • Thus, you can find the source of this photo, which will allow you to go to the page on the social network or a page in the search engine. It is also easy to find a friend or relative you are looking for if he is famous or wrote about him on the Internet using a photograph. The same tags or marks of friends in the photo will be very useful in such a situation.

In general, it is possible to find someone with the help of his photograph, but it is worth remembering that the criteria for “similarity” of search engines are very different from human representations. Especially if this person is very similar to some celebrity, most likely you can find a completely different person.

Final presence
Final presence

How to find a person on the Internet through social networks?

This is perhaps one of the simplest and most popular ways to search for people today. Almost every of us uses a particular social network where it sets our photos with which you can find it. Of course, the older generation is more incredulous about such new technologies, but they can also be found through relatives and acquaintances who are registered on social networks.

Important: on such resources, the most convenient forms of searching for users are usually arranged that allow you to introduce not only the name and surname, but also other different categories of the search. For example, the place of residence, the date of birth, the university, etc. and again do not exclude the acquaintances of the same friends and their relatives.

To start the search, you need to register in the social. Network. Moreover, no matter what it is, authorization takes place without fail on any resources.

Consider the most popular social networks

  • Youth entertaining VKontakte page.You need to go to your page. At the top there will be an inscription of the name of the same social network, and to the right of it is a search line. Here you need to enter the name and surname of a person, and the system will give you a certain number of users with the same name. Further, it is very easy to find the right person in avatars.
    • If the search engine provides too much selection, then you can reduce the circle by indicating additional criteria. By the way, you can immediately indicate the category of "people". In order not to roam groups and unnecessary villages.
    • But the catch sometimes happens that a person can indicate, for example, an old city of residence. Then the system will not show it. If the girl, with marriage, replaced the girlish surname, then without new knowledge you will not find her. Also, for example, a person did not indicate a place of study, and you have drove this criterion. Then a person will not be present in the proposed list.

Important: you need to indicate the information that was saved on the page of the desired object!

VKontakte will not be difficult to find a subscriber
VKontakte will not be difficult to find a subscriber
  • "Classmates" - The resource that the older people prefer. After registration, you must go to your page and in the upper right corner you can find a search line. It prescribes the name and surname of the personality, and after the system redirects you to the search page with the criteria for clarifying requests.
    • In principle, the resource works similarly with the previous option. It is only worth noting that the system will show not only the requested name, but also its diminutive form.

Important: you can enter data not only in Russian or other language, but also in Cyrillic.

Classmates will cope with the time of the task with a bang if a person has started this page
Classmates will cope with their task with a bang if a person has started this page
  • «Facebook "it is considered one of the most popular and advanced social networks among youth almost throughout the world. After authorization, you need to find the “Friends Search” button on the left side of the upper panel on your page.
    • The algorithm of actions is the same, so we will not stop there. The only thing you cannot drive additional requirements when searching for people. By the way, it is in this social network that there is a great binding of your friends with you in common places. That is, there is a comparison at the place of work or study.
Facebook complicated the task a little
Facebook complicated the task a little
  • Convenient and practical «Skype ".After you went into Skype, you need to find the “Contacts” button, you need to click on it. Then select "Add (+) contact." A new window pops up. After you will have a choice: by nickname/name, by phone number or "invite to Skype."
    • The difficulty is that you cannot prescribe additional information. Nickney is also written strictly as a person is recorded. And it is worthwhile to understand that the result will have to be sought manually.
In this case, you need to know the reliable, not an approximate information
In this case, you need to know the reliable, not an approximate information
  • «Instagram ", Which has recently become incredibly popular among users. To find the person you are interested in, you must first press the icon of the magnifying glass in the lower left side of the screen, click on the search bar. Immediately highlight the keyboard. Now enter the name or nickname of a person. Then the system will give you many results.
    • If you go through the computer version, then the line with a magnifying glass is located in the center at the very top. When you write the right person, the results will immediately be upset. But you cannot add criteria. It is necessary to leaf through their entire list proposed.
Very simple, but not for sure
Very simple, but not for sure

Can I find a person’s address on the Internet?

  • With the advent of specialized search portals, it has become much easier to find a person. But, despite this, the address of residence will have to be asked personally with this person, because This relate to the personal data of everyone.
  • Therefore, there is practically no such information in open form. Unless if a person did not leave her somewhere by stupidity. But The city of residence, the place of work or educational institution is quite possible even with the help of social networks.
  • One of the excellent opportunities how to find a person’s place of residence on the Internet is provided by telephone reference books. Basically, such electronic books provide information for free. Usually, only the name and surname of a person, or vice versa, is a phone number or address, if you don’t know what his last name is quite enough.
One of the alleged search options by phone
One of the alleged search options by phone
  • If you could not find the person you need using the most common sources, you can resort to the use of other specialized sites and programs. One of the most popular reference books is considered Org number.But in this base there is information not about residents, but only about owners and owners.
  • To find a certain person, you need to go to the site, and then select the city and enter the name or home phone number into the search line. After moving to Googlemaps, and already from the satellite you can see where the person lives.

As you can see, finding a person via the Internet is possible, however, you need to have at least some data. At the same time, do not lose sight of the fact that the object can simply install its settings in such a way that search engines will not display it. And remember - if a person is not registered anywhere, then no program will show it to you. In this case, as an option, you need to look for already through friends or relatives.

Video: Ways, how to find a person over the Internet?

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