Is it possible to bay leaf during pregnancy and breastfeeding? How does the bay leaf of pregnancy affect? Bay leaf - use for delayed menstruation and for termination of pregnancy in the early stages: folk recipe, reviews

Is it possible to bay leaf during pregnancy and breastfeeding? How does the bay leaf of pregnancy affect? Bay leaf - use for delayed menstruation and for termination of pregnancy in the early stages: folk recipe, reviews

The article will tell you how to use a bay leaf to call menstruation or terminate pregnancy.

How does the bay leaf of pregnancy affect?

Bay leaf is a storehouse of useful trace elements, fragrant and fragrant spices, a folk cure for many diseases. The value of this plant has been discovered for a very long time in ancient Greece and since then a person has been actively using Lavrushka not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology, medicine and even esotericism, as a symbol of protection and well -being.

There are a lot of recipes for healing and body care using a bay leaf and each is characterized by its effectiveness. But at the same time that the bay leaf is useful, it can also harm the body. Therefore, use and use it should be extremely careful. First of all, it should be taken into account that the plant is an allergen and in the case of individual intolerance, a bay leaf can give you a number of unpleasant symptoms.

On the other hand, the frequent use of concentrated decoctions and sheet infusions can provoke poisoning. Therefore, always adhere to the recommendations and tips on compliance with the course of treatment of a particular drug from the laurel. After taking a bay leaf in several days, a “break” should be arranged so that the body does not receive a portion of unnecessary substances and does not suffer from this.

A record amount of such an important mineral for the reproductive function of women as zinc is hidden in the bay leaf. Qing cares not only about the health of the internal genital organs (both women and men), but also helps to regulate the hormonal background so that the egg matures and is ready for fertilization in time.

Another important component in the chemical composition of the bay leaf is folic acid. This substance also comprehensively affects the female body, providing it with great benefit:

  • Takes care of female beauty (nails, skin, hair)
  • Helps regulate all oxidative and metabolic processes in the body.
  • Helps to break down other vitamins
  • Cleans the body from toxins
  • Regulates hormonal background
  • Improves the absorption of beneficial substances by the body
  • Supports the health of reproductive genital organs
  • Controls blood pressure

The bay leaf serves as the basis for the preparation of infusions and decoctions necessary for a woman for a successful conception. However, after successful fertilization, you should stop taking such natural drugs so as not to harm your body.

In addition to folic acid and zinc, the plant has a number of other trace elements that can provoke internal bleeding and muscle cramps. Such consequences are fraught with increased uterine tone, which leads to a breakdown of pregnancy or miscarriage. Also, you should always focus on the individual sensitivity of the body and remember something that is good for one person can be a poison for another.

Important: if you use bay leaf very often in cooking, you should not worry about it. In minimal quantities, this spice will not be able to harm you in any trimester of pregnancy.

What is harmful and useful for a bay leaf during pregnancy?

Is it possible to bay leaf during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

You can answer this question only in this way: "Always focus on your own sensations." If you have intolerance to this ingredient, you will feel nausea, vomiting, itching and red rashes may appear on the body. In this case, the use of drugs and the addition of “lavrushka” to food completely stops.

If there are no unpleasant symptoms, since you can use bay leaf without any restrictions, adding it to the first and second dishes. If you think about a course of treatment with a laurel leaf, then it is important to know about warnings. During pregnancy, you can actively use bay baths, lotions and compresses.

Another thing is if you are going to take decoctions and infusions inside. Here you should proceed from the gestational age, since in the first trimester this “folk remedy” can provoke vat of the uterine muscles, and therefore increase the tone and increase the risk of miscarriage. Another warning is not to use a bay leaf in large quantities, so as not to provoke an allergy to it, both at home and in the serp.

Important: it is forbidden to use bay leaf in large quantities as well as women who are breastfeeding. Through breast milk, toxic substances can enter the child’s body and provoke an allergy, or a negative reaction.

Why is it useful and why is the bay leaf harmful during pregnancy?

Folk recipe for decoction with delayed menstruation and for termination of pregnancy in the early stages

The unusual properties of a bay leaf have discovered women many centuries ago, when gynecology was not so developed. A person noticed that taking a decoction or concentrated infusion provokes internal bleeding. This is useful when a woman or girl has a delay in menstruation.

It doesn't matter what the initial reason for the delay in menstruation was:

  • Stress
  • Nervous
  • Endocrine problems (overweight)
  • Hormonal disorders
  • Physical exercise
  • Chronic or oncological diseases

Important: in any case, you should seek this problem for help from a doctor and if you do not have pregnancy, as well as serious health problems, you can try to “call” menstruation with a decoction of bay leaf.

The action of such a decoction on the body is very simple. The substances contained in the bay leaf act directly on the uterus, enhancing its activity. Muscle tissue is reduced and this provokes discharge. We can safely say that a day after drinking a decoction, you will begin to do your period.

The same property can also affect the health of the fetus in the early stages of pregnancy. Increased uterine activity and hypertonicity will provoke a breakdown of pregnancy if the egg was fertilized recently. If the fruit is large enough, then drinking a decoction in this case will bring it negative consequences and will even be able to provoke malformations.

Causing menstruation and termination of pregnancy with a bay leaf

Folk recipe for infusion with menstruation, from unwanted pregnancy in the early stages

There are many essential oils in the laurel sheet that can affect the human body differently. In the complex, all substances contained in the laurel sheet, along with essential oils, can contribute to the miscarriage or calling of menstruation in the girl. This happens because a decoction or infusion prepared from a bay leaf expands the vessels.

Extended vessels and increased blood circulation increase the pressure on the uterus. This provokes bleeding, as menstruation, so the output of the embryo along with blood. To do this, drink a day "cool" infusion of laurel 1-2 tbsp. Before eating(1 pack of sheet 20-30 g per 0.5 liters of water). You can also take a bath with bay leaf and mustard powder.

Important: be careful, independent intervention and termination of pregnancy with folk methods is not always effective. You can quite really get the opposite result - severe bleeding, depletion of the body and malformations of a non -“remote” embryo for the rest of his life.

How can bay leaf cause menstruation and terminate pregnancy?

Can bay leaf terminate the pregnancy: reviews

Victoria: “I have never resorted to this method, since I was always afraid of unpleasant consequences. Once I just made a very hot bath for herself and sat in it with the hope of terminating pregnancy. This did not happen and I gave birth to a child, whom I love very much now! ”

Alexandra: “I know that a large amount of laurels drunk may be toxic and a woman does not that interrupt the pregnancy, but simply poison! Be careful, girls, better go to the gynecologist! ”

Video: “Bay leaf will relieve many problems with health. How can you use bay leaf "

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