Is it possible to warm breast milk in the microwave? How to warm up breast milk from a refrigerator, freezers: methods, tips

Is it possible to warm breast milk in the microwave? How to warm up breast milk from a refrigerator, freezers: methods, tips

In this topic, we consider whether it is possible to warm breast milk in the microwave, as well as look at all possible heating methods.

There are situations when a young mother simply does not have the opportunity to feed the baby. For example, if she needs to urgently leave for work or study. In this case, pre -combined, frozen milk comes to the rescue, which at a temperature of -19 ° C can maintain its beneficial and nutritious properties for up to six months. But in order to feed the baby in this case, you need to heat breast milk. Immediately a simple and fast option comes to mind - a microwave oven, but we will study the benefits and harm of this method in more detail.

Is it possible to warm breast milk in a microwave?

The microwave ovens today are objects of mass disagreements, because they have not come to a common denominator - whether the devices are harmful or not. Especially, there are many doubts among mothers who want to warm breast milk in this way. But in order to figure out everything, it is worth studying the principle of action and the very effect on products.

How does the stove itself work?

  • In the microwave oven, food is heated very quickly. After all, water molecules, which are in any food, begin to move under the influence of magnetron waves millions of times faster.
  • To be precise, they make movements almost 5 billion. One second. Therefore, due to such a “friction” of particles, rapid heating occurs. But they also move randomly. Therefore, in the end result, due to electric waves, food can lose its beneficial properties, since the molecules are destroyed.
The microwave is still gathering a lot of discussions regarding the benefit of its warmth
The microwave is still gathering a lot of discussions regarding the benefit of its warmth

Important: in 1991, the American scientist Lita proved that beneficial amino acids and antibodies contained in food are destroyed and turned into compounds dangerous for health. And in the future they can provoke cancer and other terrible diseases.

How does the microwave oven affect breast milk?

  • Therefore, the first thing the mother needs to know, who decided to warm up breast milk in the microwave - uneven heat heating. As a rule, the bottom and near the glass walls will overheat in seconds, and inside it will be ice.
  • The danger is that breast milk cannot be boiled! And near the walls, the rapid rotation of molecules in liquids often causes a boiling process.
  • As a result, scientists have proved that the molecular compounds of some areas of protein, which are heated faster, are destroyed under the influence of electric waves, And milk becomes not only useless and non -nutritious, but also dangerous for the baby.
  • The main advantage of milk over other products is the presence of antibodies that favorably affect the human body, including childhood. And so these valuable antibodies turn into isotopes!
  • Particles such as immunoglobulins also suffer,which is vital for children's immunity.
  • In addition to all this, some scientists insist that Carcinogens appear in the products that are dangerous for the body.
  • Maternal milk is enrichedd.-Izomer.They make a blow to the not entirely formed nervous, cardiovascular and urinary system of the baby.
Significant disadvantages of this method are on the scales of convenience and speed
Significant disadvantages of this method are on the scales of convenience and speed

But there are advantages:

  • you will spend much less time. Milk will heat up quickly. Yes, so that you need to make sure that it does not run away;
  • less difficulties and more convenience - put a glass or bottle, opening the lid, and after a couple of seconds he took out a warm product.

Important: it is precisely because of this uneven heating, overheating and “non-war” that certain particles are destroyed, which we talked about above. Therefore, it is forbidden to warm breast milk in the microwave!

But the older children can be heated in the microwave. By the way, this is approved by even the famous Dr. Komarovsky. But this is another conversation.

What are safe methods of heating breast milk?

The main advantage of the microwave is the possibility of fast heating of food. Another thing is when it comes to feeding a newborn child. Then a young mother should give preference to safer methods of warming up milk.

An old and proven option is a water bath
An old and proven option is a water bath

Water bath will help to safely warm up breast milk

  • This is one of the best and most secure ways to warm up milk. In order to evenly heat the milk to the temperature you need, it is necessary to put a pan on medium heat, half filled with water, and heat the water almost to a boil.
  • But you do not need to boil it, but immediately remove the pan from the fire. That is, the water should be warm so that you can lower your hand into it. Too hot liquid will provoke the destruction of beneficial bacteria.
  • Lower the bottle of milk into a pan with hot water for several minutes, depending on how much the milk was frozen.
  • On average, it takes 3-5 minutes to heating the refrigerator and 10 minutes for a frozen product. Just do not forget to turn the bottle to also warm the milk evenly.
  • And do not worry - no particles will have time to collapse. Since the speed of molecules is not at all like that, and the fluid temperature is not so high.
You can quickly heat milk under a stream of water
You can quickly heat milk under a stream of water

Under a stream of hot water, you can also quickly heat breast milk

  • Hot water flowing from the crane is the easiest option for heating frozen milk. But keep in mind that it should not be boiling water. Otherwise, the breakdown of enzymes and beneficial bacteria will go. And this will also affect the benefits of milk.
  • The newly made mother of the baby only needs to get a bottle of milk from the refrigerator and hold it under a stream of hot water. Thus, milk will heat up quickly and evenly.
  • But again, they did not just open the water, but turn the bottle. After all, this is how the liquid warms up faster and better, because the mixing of the cold and hot area of \u200b\u200bmilk will go.
Modern devices help warm up milk quickly and to the desired temperature
Modern devices help warm up milk quickly and to the desired temperature

Apparatus for instant heating of breast milk and baby food

  • This is a modern device that will help the young mother easily warm up baby milk to the desired temperature. Moreover, the convenience is that you can warm several jars at once.
  • Acts on the principle of a water or steam bath. Water flows into the compartment and heats up to the desired temperature. And depending on which company you have chosen, the speed of warming covers for about 2-10 minutes.
  • A big plus - you do not need to control the degree of heating of the water itself and milk. The program will do everything itself and will not cause overheating. By the way, steam acts much softer for milk.
Be sure to check the temperature of the milk before feeding
Be sure to check the temperature of the milk before feeding

How to warm breast milk: tips

If the mommy of a newborn baby take care of his full and healthy development, then she should know some rules for storing and defrosting milk for feeding.

  • The temperature of the heated milk for feeding is best measured by the thermometer. The temperature of the milk should not be more than 37 ° C. Or drop a little on the inside of the brush. There the skin is much more sensitive.
  • And do not forget that the frozen product initially needs to be thawed. And this is done in a very simple way - leave it for a while at the temperature of your room.
  • You cannot store previously thawed breast milk in the refrigerator.
  • Before feeding the child with warm milk, it must be shaken properly in order to make sure that the liquid was warmed up evenly.
  • Do not heat milk for feeding more than once.

Video: Warming up breast milk and microwave

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