Is it possible to eat tomatoes with a nursing mother during breastfeeding of a newborn salty, fresh, baked, yellow? When can you eat tomatoes during breastfeeding? Tomatoes during breastfeeding - Komarovsky: video

Is it possible to eat tomatoes with a nursing mother during breastfeeding of a newborn salty, fresh, baked, yellow? When can you eat tomatoes during breastfeeding? Tomatoes during breastfeeding - Komarovsky: video

In this article, we will discuss whether a woman during breastfeeding can have tomatoes, what varieties to give preference, we will talk about the benefits and dangers of tomatoes for the health of the mother and child.

Is it possible to eat tomatoes during breastfeeding of a newborn in the first month salty, fresh, baked, yellow?

With the birth of a child, there is a lot of trouble. And one of the worries of mom is food. Women lactating women with confidence will say that eating during this period should be very careful. After all, everything that mom eats can affect the health of a newborn.

Important: a nursing mother must observe a diet. Certain products can cause in newborn colic, allergies, stool disorder.

Tomatoes are a strong allergen. Not all people, of course, are allergic, but still many people of different ages are faced with a similar problem. First of all, it is for this reason that many doctors recommend that during the lactation the tomatoes in the first month of the baby’s life are completely abandoned.

What else are tomatoes dangerous for a newborn? In addition to allergies, tomatoes can provoke other troubles, for example, irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa of the newborn. This is facilitated by the increased acidity of the product. Another reason is colic, which often torment children of one to three months of life.

Important: in the first month of the child’s life, it is better to abandon tomatoes. There is more potential harm to the baby than the benefits at this age.

If mom really wants to, you can try a small piece of tomato. It is advisable to prefer yellow varieties tomatoes, so the probability of allergies will be significantly lower. And most importantly - tomatoes should be fresh, salty tomatoes, like all other pickles, during lactation prohibited.

Nutrition of a nursing mother: is it possible tomatoes?

Is it possible to eat tomatoes of a nursing mother salty, fresh, baked, yellow, if a child is 2, 3, 4, 5 months?

Tomatoes are a very common product. In many salads, other dishes, tomatoes are often found, and how to not eat at least a little is very difficult. Especially in the summer, when the season of fragrant fleshy tomatoes comes.
Tomatoes contain a lot of vitamins, and refusing completely to eat them - not entirely right. Do not be upset if you are temporarily forced to deny yourself, because from the three -month age of the child you can introduce tomatoes into your diet. But you need to do this with caution:

  • Do not immediately eat a few tomatoes, enter this product into your diet gradually, little by little. If you notice that rashes appeared on the child’s skin, the child became restless for no apparent reason, bloating, colic, diarrhea, stop eating tomatoes.
  • If you did not notice the negative reaction of the baby, continue to eat tomatoes a little, but only fresh.

Important: salted tomatoes cannot be eaten if the baby is 2-5 months old. It is better to eat fresh, stewed or baked tomatoes.

Salty tomatoes, in addition to the risk of allergies, can provoke a poor health for other reasons: salt and increased acidity. If a nursing mother is fond of pickles, you should not be surprised that the child suffers from colic and bloating. This is very serious, because the baby’s gastrointestinal tract is only formed, you need not to harm it during this period and make the child get the maximum benefit from food.

Salted tomatoes during breastfeeding cannot be eaten

To enter tomatoes into the diet of a nursing woman, it is better to use stewed or baked tomatoes. Of course, part of the vitamins after heat treatment disappears, but at the same time the pigpine pigment is destroyed. This pigment forms the color of tomatoes in red, which is precisely the cause of an allergic reaction in most cases.

Yellow tomatoes are an alternative to traditional red fruits. Although more often they buy and grow red tomatoes familiar to everyone. But it is worth paying tribute to the yellow varieties of tomatoes. After all, the benefits of yellow tomatoes are no less than in the red ones, moreover, they are very tasty. Such varieties for allergy sufferers and nursing mothers are especially good. If a nursing woman has a choice: red or yellow tomatoes, it is better to choose yellow ones. The probability of an allergic reaction in a child will be much less.

Yellow tomatoes can be eaten with breastfeeding in small quantities

When, from what month, you can eat tomatoes during breastfeeding?

Important: tomatoes during lactation can be administered upon an achievement by a child of three months of age, not earlier. You need to do this extremely carefully, eat the product in small portions, observing the reaction of the baby.

Special attention should be paid to the choice of tomatoes:

  • Firstly, tomatoes should be mature, ripened.
  • Secondly, imported tomatoes are checked for long-term storage, which is harmful not only for children.
Home tomatoes

If you choose mature tomatoes not problematic, then with the second point you can argue. Where can I find homemade tomatoes grown without the addition of chemicals in a metropolis? The best period for introducing tomatoes into the diet is summer and autumn. At this time, you can purchase local seasonal tomatoes without harmful additives at fairs, markets and even in supermarkets.

Not quite suitable time for entering tomatoes into the diet is winter, spring. At this time, only greenhouse or imported tomatoes can be found on store shelves, which will not bring tangible benefits, except for taste pleasure. And if the use of such tomatoes does not affect the well -being of an adult, the reaction of a small child can be unpredictable. In winter, it is better not to eat tomatoes if this time coincided with the period of lactation. In addition to tomatoes, there are a lot of other vegetables that will help to get enough, diversify the diet and benefit the body of the mother and child.

Tomatoes during breastfeeding - Komarovsky: video

Dr. Komarovsky has his own opinion regarding the nutrition of a nursing mother and tomatoes including.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky about the nutrition of a nursing woman

Only you decide whether to follow the doctor’s advice or to have your opinion, it can be different. One thing is unchanged: each case and each organism is individual, you need to try, select and introduce products gradually, so you can determine the reaction of the child.

In the video below, the doctor gives recommendations for the nutrition of a nursing woman.

Video: Nutrition of a nursing woman and colic

Now you know more about the use of tomatoes during breastfeeding, which means you can form your opinion and decide whether you will eat tomatoes during lactation or wait until the baby grows up.

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  1. Food during feeding is a very important aspect in the healthy development of the baby. To everything above, I want to advise introducing a very useful and all available drink - carrot juice into the diet.

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