Is it possible to give icons as a gift: signs, the opinion of the church. Can I take an icon as a gift?

Is it possible to give icons as a gift: signs, the opinion of the church. Can I take an icon as a gift?

From our article you will learn whether it is possible to give icons for the holidays, and also get acquainted with the opinion of the church in this regard.

Orthodox icon - This is not an easy image of the face, and the shrine that helps the human soul cope with all life temptations and troubles. That is why the sanctified Orthodox icon is an ideal gift for loved ones. With its help, you will bring your own person closer to God and give him the opportunity to communicate with Him as often as possible.

But still, before presenting such a present, first ask the culprit of the celebration, how he relates to such gifts. After all, if a person for some reason will be far from the Christian faith, then your surprise will not bring much benefit to him.

Is it possible to give icons as a gift: signs

Signs of Orthodox shrines
  • Probably, each of us heard that the donated Orthodox shrine can bring trouble to the person who accepted it as a gift. Our grandmothers were quite seriously related to this signs, so most often they themselves acquired an image in the church. Now let's figure out what their fear was based on.
  • It was previously believed that it was through the icon that envious people damaged a person. And since she was most often hung in the most prominent place, damage acted faster and people began to quarrel and hurt for no reason. But in fact, this sign has no reasonable soil. After all, if a brother, sister or mother will do such a surprise to you, then they are unlikely to try to harm your family with their present.
  • Moreover, such a gift is presented only by the sanctified, which means that he can protect you from the most evil intentions. There is also an opinion that it is impossible to give yourself embroidered or painted icons. It is believed that due to the fact that they are not made by clergy, but by ordinary people, it is impossible to turn through them to God. Some believers, in general, consider it a very great sin.
  • But in reality, even an embroidered icon can be a real Orthodox shrine. Simply, before giving a present to a person, he will have to be brought to the temple and consecrated. After the priest leads the desired ritual over him, he will not be different from the icons that are sold in the church.

Is it possible to give an icon for a birthday?

Birthday icons

Birthday - This is a special event in the life of every person, therefore gifts on this holiday I want to receive the most sincere. And what could be sincer than the Orthodox icon? Such a present will show the culprit of the triumph how warm and good you treat him. And most importantly, it will remind you of your friendship all his life.

And do not listen to people who say that you cannot give icons. Believe me, if you do this with the most sincere feelings, then your present will bring the birthday man extremely positive emotions. But if you have already decided to give the icon for a birthday, then very seriously approach its choice.

Since there are shrines that can be given exclusively to men or exclusively to women, it will be better if before finally decides on the choice, you will try to study this issue more deeply.

Iveron Icon of the Mother of God

Shrines that can be given to women:

  • Kazan Icon of the Mother of God (capable of healing from illness and give family well -being)
  • Vladimir Icon (eliminates heart diseases and transfers the prayers of mothers about children)
  • The icon of the Virgin is the Three -handed (will help get rid of woeful thoughts and protect the house and its household from everything bad)
  • Iveron icon (this image must pray for the forgiveness of their sins)
  • Bethlehem icon (is given to those women who dream of children and family well -being)

Shrines that can be given to men:

  • Savior miraculous (It is necessary to give those representatives of the stronger sex, who do not have the opportunity to often visit the church)
  • The face of St. Nicholas (A wonderful present for those men who travel a lot or just their work is connected with the road)
  • Icon of the guardian angel (will help protect a loved one from temptations and troubles)
  • The image of the patron saint in business (will help choose the right direction in life, and can also help to understand family affairs)

Can I take an icon as a gift?

The Orthodox shrine is best accepted as a gift
  • As mentioned above, you should not believe in signs that the donated icon is able to harm a person or his environment. If you know the donor of this presentation very closely and you are sure that he experiences exceptionally warm feelings for you, then you can safely accept his surprise. If you have any doubts, then just take a gift and go to church, tell the priest about everything that worries you, and ask to consecrate the present.
  • Yes, and do not forget that such a surprise cannot be accepted as a regular gift. The words of gratitude familiar in such cases do not speak for the icon. If you want her to really bring only positive emotions to your house, then thank for this present not only the donor, but also God and be sure to apply to the face of the holy head. But whether to take an icon as a gift from strangers or unfamiliar people, to solve only to you.
  • If you feel that they give it to you with the purest intentions, then you can accept the present. If you have at least the slightest doubt, then try to tactfully refuse a gift. After all, if you take it, and then you will understand that it was presented with an evil intent, it will be quite difficult to get rid of it. You can’t just throw it out into the street or burn the icon. Such actions are considered a very strong sin. To get rid of such a gift you will have to go to church and ask the clergy to take it from you.

Why, for what purpose is the icon is given?

Icons give in order to demonstrate respect and favor

In the old days, the icons were given exclusively to weddings, christening and housewarming, and mostly parents, godparents or just the closest relatives did it. It was believed that in this way it is possible to protect the house and its household from damage and the evil eye. Nowadays, few people pay attention to signs and most often give icons solely because such a present is considered very fashionable.

But any clergyman will tell you that you need to give such a present wisely. If you just want to give a gift to your closest person, then present him with an anvasion icon. Such an image is selected by date of birth or by the name of the Guardian Angel. If you know that a person needs to heal mental wounds or get rid of some physical ailment, give him Bogoroditsa Pochaevskaya. She will be able to return to a person health and restore his faith.

Also, using the icon, you can try to bring a relative who is very far from God to the faith. But keep in mind that you need to present such a present only if you are sure that he will not bring contention to your friendship. And, in general, the Orthodox icon, presented for a birthday, wedding or christening, is the key to the fact that the heroes of the celebration will have a long and happy life

What kind of icon do the newlyweds give parents to the wedding?

Icons for newlyweds from parents

Now no wedding is without a wedding, so the parents of the newlyweds are required to make sure that the newly formed family has their own personal wedding couple. If desired, parents can convey to children the icons with which they themselves were married, but it will still be better if they buy in the temple and consecrate images Saint and Mother of God.

It is believed that these two shrines are able to protect the young family from contention and give them family well -being. Also, as a wedding pair, you can choose icons Peter and Fevrony. It was these saints in ancient Russia that were considered the patrons of marital couples. In addition, a good gift from parents can be Fedorov icon of the Mother of God.

It is considered the best assistant to expectant mothers, and also helps to conceive and endure the baby without any problems. In addition, parents can present as a presentation for a wedding The image of the holy forefathers. Such a symbolic gift may be a wish that only the formed family in the future becomes the ancestor of a strong and close -knit family.

In principle, there are no special rules that would say that exclusively the above icons can be given to the wedding celebration. If you went to church and you liked it, for example, the image of Ksenia of St. PetersburgThen feel free to buy it. The main thing is that your present is presented with the purest thoughts and good wishes and, of course, was sure to be consecrated even before the wedding.

What icons give to the christening to the boy and the girl?

Shrine for the baptism of the child
  • The baptism of the child, as well as for any important event in life, must be prepared very seriously. And parents and godparents should do this. Of course, the best gift for a small person will be the Orthodox icon. Such a present in the future will protect the baby from all the evil and bad, and will also help his fragile soul move in the right direction.
  • Godparents must give crumbs Measured icon. It is generally accepted that it must be made to order so that its size strictly corresponds to the growth of a small person. But if for some reason you do not have the opportunity to make such an image, then calmly buy ready-made in the church, sanctify it and give the baby to the christening. A good option can be Name icon. It should depict the face of the saint, which is the patron of the crumbs.
  • Such an image is also sure to be consecrated even before the christening in the temple and is presented to the child after the ritual itself. Usually such a present is placed at the baby’s crib so that he can look at him freely. It is believed that in this way the child, let it be unconsciously, will communicate with his angel the Guardian.

In addition, the following shrines can be given to christening:

  • Panteleimon healer
  • Matrona of Moscow
  • Mother of God
  • Nicholas the Wonderworker

What icon is given to the housewarming?

Icon Tolg prayer

The most optimal gift for the housewarming is the icon of the Mother of God "Pokrov". It is believed that she can protect the house with her holy cover from fire, from water, and from an evil look. It is best to give such a gift without witnesses and preferably before guests begin to gather in the house. Ideally, of course, with this way, the family should enter the new house and only after that begin to settle in it.

Therefore, if you have the opportunity to present a gift to the housewarming, then be sure to do it. If you know that the owners already have such an image, then you can purchase the so -called fold for them. This shrine consists of three connected icons that depict Christ, the Virgin and Nikolai Wonderworker. Such a gift can replace the iconostasis that simply must be in every believing family.

Shrines that can be given to a housewarming line:

  • An image with a cross (will protect the house from envy and filth)
  • Icon "Inexhaustible wall" (protect your housing from thieves and natural disasters)
  • The image of "Inexpressible bourgeois" (This gift is able to protect the house from fire and thunderstorms)
  • Icon "impenetrable door" (able to take people away from you with bad thoughts)
  • The image of the "Belarusian Beauty" (will help to find strength to overcome spiritual and material difficulties)

What icons are given to the wedding?

The icon to the wedding
  • As already mentioned a little higher, the best gift for the wedding may be icons of the saint and the Mother of God or image of Peter and Fevrony. But such a present can be presented to the newlyweds exclusively by parents or godparents. The rest of the guests can present to the spouses icons that will protect their young family.
  • For example, you can give spouses the image of "Unexpected Joy". Before him, the bride and groom will be able to beg from God a calm marriage for himself and a happy life for his future children. It is necessary to place such a present in the married bedroom and every morning or evening to thank the coded for the day lived in the world and consent.
  • But perhaps the most powerful intercessor of married couples is considered icon of blessed Matrona of Moscow. This saint can help in solving almost all family problems. They turn to her if they can’t conceive a baby, beg her health for a loved one and be sure to protect the family from anger and envy. Therefore, if you want the newlyweds to live happily ever after, then give them this image.

Is it possible to give icons: the opinion of the church

The church allows you to give icons to its family and close friends
  • People began to present icons as a gift in the most ancient times. At that time, the shrines were very expensive as for the most part were finished with gold or silver. Therefore, such a gift was a fairly good investment. Most often, the image was placed in “red coal”, and it was done so that the guests could see it.
  • And although modern shrines can be made of wood and papers, in their beauty and spiritual filling they are in no way inferior to old images. Therefore, in our time, people do not cease to give them to each other, and do it with great joy. Moreover, absolutely all priests recommend the icon as a spiritual gift that can cleanse the soul of a person of bitterness and anger.
  • In view of this, if you decide to give an Orthodox icon to a loved one, then feel free to buy it and do not pay attention to any bad signs. The main thing is to give your present with pure thoughts and the best wishes.

Video: What to do with donated icons?

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