You can give a gold or silver cross, with a chain and accept as a gift for a birthday, weddings, anniversary, just like that: church rules, signs. Is it possible to buy a cross to another person? If you gave a gold or silver cross: what to do with it?

You can give a gold or silver cross, with a chain and accept as a gift for a birthday, weddings, anniversary, just like that: church rules, signs. Is it possible to buy a cross to another person? If you gave a gold or silver cross: what to do with it?

Is it possible to give a cross?

Do gold or silver crosses give, with a chain, their own cross as a gift to your beloved guy, man, husband, beloved girl, woman, wife?

Regarding gifts, there are many signs and beliefs. Some of them cannot be accepted, and also give. This also applies to crosses. In this article we will tell you whether it is possible to give and accept crosses as a gift. 

Whether they give gold or silver crosses, with a chain, their own cross as a gift to her beloved guy, man, husband, beloved girl, woman, wife:

  • In ancient times, the pectoral cross was considered a symbol of Christ, and its wearing on the neck was a symbol of repentance, as well as serving God. However, later, in ancient Russia, it was considered a good symbol and the meaning of exchanging crosses.
  • If people removed crosses from their chest, put on another person, this symbolized that they became brothers, and want to improve their relationship.
  • However, now there are a lot of other signs, according to which it is impossible to give crosses to each other in any case.The church is positive about the implementation of such gifts.
Choosing a gift
Choosing a gift

Is it possible to give a cross: signs

Folk signs are negative about such presentations.

Is it possible to give a cross, signs:

  • It is believed that the person who was presented with the Cross will carry him, that is, suffer from a large number of troubles. His life can become unhappy, and filled with grief and suffering. However, there is another opinion.
  • The person who takes the cross as a gift takes on the suffering of the one who presents this gift. Accordingly, if a person gives a granting cross is not very happy, suffers, or he has some incurable disease, then it is believed that the person who accepted the gift can take on part of these troubles. 
  • Using a cross, you can send damage or evil eye. Although many esoterics believe that with the help of church paraphernalia it is quite difficult to do something bad, since it is saturated with positive energy. 
Precious present
Precious present

Who can give a cross a child?

The clergymen have their own personal opinion, regarding whether it is possible to hand icons and crosses as a gift. It is believed that this is a really good sign, and such gifts should definitely be accepted and thank for them. This is especially appropriate if the cross is made of precious metal. It will be less stupid to abandon such a presentation. 

Who can give a cross for a child:

  • A good sign is to give a cross to your godson. Especially if this happens for the first time, during the rite of baptism of the child. But everything happens that a person can lose a cross during a life.
  • Accordingly, the godfather or mother can again give their godson such a decoration. It is believed that the cross is not at all a jewelry and jewelry, but a symbol, a talisman, a charm, as well as an object that is a faith.
  • He protects a person from evil intentions, as well as troubles. Accordingly, it is best to give crosses from metals that are not amenable to corrosion. This will allow the subject to serve for a long time, its appearance will not suffer. 
Expensive decoration
Expensive decoration

Why can't you give a cross for a birthday?

There are many questions regarding when can you give a cross?Why can't you give a cross for a birthday? There are a lot of information, as well as prejudices, and will. It is believed that such products can be given to religious holidays, such as Trinity or Easter. However, you can do this on the day of the name day, the day of the angel or birth. However, if there is no reason, but at the same time you want to make a person pleasant, you can hand him a cross on any other day, and just like that, for no reason. 

Cleaning a cross donated for a birthday:

  • In order to get rid of negative energy, in case of doubt that a person handed you this gift with some bad thoughts, or wanted to do badly, damage or evil eye, you can carry out several simple rituals. Soak such a decoration in holy water for the whole night. Thus, it will give all negative energy.
  • You can go to church and with the help of the priest to sanctify such a gift. After that, do not be afraid to wear it on your chest, because the ceremony of consecration washes off all evil, as well as the negative energy that could be sent to a person. If a question arises, you can either give crosses to loved ones, wife, mother or husband, then an unambiguous answer - yes. This is due to the fact that close people wish each other only the best.
  • In no case should you be afraid to take such objects as a gift, you can not refuse. If you received a cross as a gift from a person whom you do not really like, or are not sure of his good intentions, then do not refuse to receive a gift, and do not arrange scandals. Thank a person for a gift and take it with you. In no case do not immediately hang a cross on the neck if you think that it has some kind of negative energy.
  • Carry out the rite of purification or consecration in the church. If you are generally negative about this person, you can give this cross as a donation to the church shop. 
An unusual gift
An unusual gift

Is it possible to give a cross to the son, daughter, dad, mom: signs, Orthodox rules

It is believed that strangers or strangers should not be given such gifts. But the clergy believe that close people may well carry out such presidents to each other.

Is it possible to give a cross to my son, daughter, dad, mom:

  • Mother can give her son or vice versa, as well as a wife to her husband. Possible to give such gifts to close relatives.
  • If you go to your acquaintance for an anniversary, but are not completely sure how he will perceive this kind of gifts, it is better to refuse to carry out and acquire them. Give something neutral.
  • Nevertheless, a cross is a symbol of faith that protects a person from troubles and evil forces, interventions. Therefore, if you do not want to hear a refusal, or an ambiguous reaction from the birthday, get something else. 
Baptism rite
Baptism rite

What cross is to give: gold, silver, wooden?

Many will ask which is better to give a wooden, silver or gold cross? From the point of view of the church, then there is no difference in which metal the product is made of. The main thing is what thoughts, as well as wishes and meaning, you invest in this gift.

What cross to give: gold, silver, wooden:

  • The sincere and kinder wishes, the better. Therefore, you must definitely hand the cross, exactlyalso, As well as receive it as a gift, only with good intentions and thoughts. 
  • Above, it was exclusively about new crosses that are purchased in a church shop or a jewelry store. What if you want to give your own cross that was worn on your chest?
  • In general, there is no unequivocal answer, but still most esoterics have the opinion that it is better not to give their own, personal products, such as icons and crosses.
  • This is only your product that accumulates a certain energy, so it should not be shared with her friends and even close friends. If you want to make some pleasant present, you can go to the workshop, hand over an unnecessary product for scrap metal, make a new cross. 
Golden decoration
Golden decoration

Is it possible to sell the presented golden cross?

Many are interested in the question, is it possible to sell the presented golden cross? Indeed, very often people who received gifts from their former lovers want to get rid of everything that connects them with torn relationships. Therefore, they strive to sell jewelry, things, as well as values \u200b\u200bthat can remind of a former person.

Cross for sale:

  • In this case, clergymen do not recommend selling crosses, but advise you to store them as a relic near icons. Throw away or take it to a pawnshop or sell, they are not necessary. Many people ask what to do with the old cross, if they gave a new one, more beautiful.
  • The clergymen insist that the cross is not jewelry, but a charm and a religious thing that indicates a connection with God. Therefore, in no case should he be worn over clothes.
  • Usually a cross is hidden under underwear and clothes. Therefore, if you were given a new one, and the old one failed or became old, you can put it in a box and store it at home. In extreme cases, you can give him to church as a donation. 

From the point of view of religion, a cross that was acquired in a jewelry shop is considered just a decoration. But this is easily corrected by going to the church. After you sanctify it, it will not just become a decoration and a precious object, but a talisman, a symbol of respect for a person and love for God. Accordingly, such products are best best before giving, consecrated in the church. Be sure to warn the birthday man about this.

Video: Give a cross

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