Motor oil 5W30 and 5W40: What is the difference? Is it possible to replace 5W30 oil by 5W40. What will happen if oil is mixed?

Motor oil 5W30 and 5W40: What is the difference? Is it possible to replace 5W30 oil by 5W40. What will happen if oil is mixed?

Differences in oils 5W30 and 5W40.

Many motorists with trepidation treat their iron horses, and try to purchase special car chemistry based on the recommendations of the manufacturer. But very often, the inhabitants of our country are acquired by used cars, and there is simply no passport for a car, accordingly, the question arises of choosing the oil used. In this article we will tell you how 5W30 oil from 5W40 differs.

Motor oil 5W30 and 5W40: What is the difference?

It is worth noting that the first figure means nothing more than viscosity indicators in cold weather. That is, this is a kind of freezing index. The second number indicates the viscosity of the oil when heated. This is the whole significant difference. Accordingly, 5W30 oil has a smaller viscosity when heated, it is coldly more fluid than 5W40. But when heated, it becomes overly flowing.

That is, if on a frosty day high viscosity is bad, but this is the advantage in hot weather and when heating the car engine this indicator is critical and contributes to the rapid failure of the engine, as well as the motor parts. Indeed, with high fluidity and low viscosity of the oil, the parts rub more strongly from each other, respectively heat up.

The choice of oil
The choice of oil

Thus, there is a shortage of oil, it does not properly envelop all the nodes of the engine and the motor, which leads to the rapid wear of spare parts, this is fraught with frequent breakdowns of the car. In turn, 5W40 has a higher viscosity. This is of course a negative feature when starting the engine in frost, in low temperatures it is quite thick and you need an effort to make it more viscous.

That is, such a machine is simply starting longer, and when heated, this oil becomes quite liquid, but not the same as oil with an indicator of 5W30. That is, it is actually more thick and evenly envelops all the details of the iron horse, thereby improving its work. Initially, the passport and instructions for the car indicate which oil is recommended by the manufacturer. Very often this indicator depends on the technical features, characteristics of the equipment and materials used, for the manufacture of engines, as well as engines.

Of course, it will seem to many that it is best to use oil with 5W40 markings, because it forms a denser film on the details of the car. However, in fact, this is not so. The fact is that in some models a specially completed design. Therefore, the thickened film can complicate the operation of the engine, making it more slow. Accordingly, this will also lead to rapid burning of fuel and wear of the car, that is, its motor and engine.

Temperature indicators
Temperature indicators

What do the letters and markings mean?

As for this marking, the first digit means an indicator of fluidity in the cold season, and the letter W means Winter, that is, winter. This indicates that this oil can be used both in the summer and in winter. If in the summer their indicators are the same, then in the winter, that is, when heated, they change significantly. Accordingly, in the cold state, both oils have the same viscosity, but when heated, the viscosity of 5W30 is much less. That is, the oil is very flowing and liquid, respectively, a very thin film may not be enough for the normal functioning of the car.

It is worth noting that most often in car dealerships it is recommended to use 5W40 oil for used cars, and for new cars that have no run, it recommends using current oil, with such viscosity as in 5W30. There is still 5W50 oil, it forms a very thick film and even when heated at very high temperatures is very thick, forming a very dense film. Accordingly, 5W40 oil is average and most often used.

Engine oil
Engine oil

What will happen if you use inappropriate oil?

What will happen if the oil is not used as indicated in the documentation. If the documents on the car indicate that it is necessary to use 5W30 oil, and you will take a thicker one, then a thick film will form on the details of the car. Accordingly, such a thick film is quite difficult to push in hard -to -reach places. It will practically not reach small details, respectively, these parts, the units of the apparatus will be rubbed against each other.

You will receive wear and severe heating of parts due to friction. If you use more liquid oil, then very little lubrication will be spent on the fumes, respectively, a very thin film will form, which is not enough for the normal functioning of the car, which will lead to the failure of the motor cylinder, as well as piston rings.

The choice of products
The choice of products

Is it possible to mix 5W30 and 5W40 oil?

It is worth noting that many motorists first used one, then purchased another oil, and do not want to make a complete replacement. The fact is that numbers 30 and 40 mean how many additives are in this oil, and at what speed a thin protective film will form on the details of the motor. Accordingly, these oils can be mixed in winter.

However, in the summer, when the temperature on the street is quite high, and is located above 30 degrees, you should not mix these oils. Because the engine in such conditions can overheat significantly. That is, if you pour into a car that worked in 5W30 oil, oil with 5W40 indicators in the summer, this will significantly increase its viscosity. Friction will increase and the details will be heavily heated, which will lead to the failure of the car.

High viscosity
High viscosity

As you can see, despite the small difference, the oil data are still significantly different. Therefore, it is worthwhile to use the iron horse, recommended by the manufacturer.

Video: Differences of oils 5W30 and 5W40

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