Thrush in the mouth in adults: photos, symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment with drugs and folk remedies. Examination and treatment of thrush (candidiasis) in the mouth of adults: Which doctor to contact?

Thrush in the mouth in adults: photos, symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment with drugs and folk remedies. Examination and treatment of thrush (candidiasis) in the mouth of adults: Which doctor to contact?

Thrush in the mouth of an adult. We discuss the causes, symptoms and treatment. What can this say about our immunity?

Thrush in adults - a simple disease or a signal of a serious disease? !!!

Important: many are used to thinking that thrush (candidiasis) in the oral cavity is a problem of small children. However, no, this disease can affect everyone. In adulthood, people who are forced to wear dentures often get sick (under them the conditions for the propagation and growth of the fungus are created).

The causative agent of candidiasis is the conditionally pathogenic yeast-like fungus of the genus Candida (candidate). What does conditionally pathogenic mean?
This unicellular fungus may be present in our body normally, but with good immunity and lack of diseases, it will not cause thrush.

Frequent causes of thrush development in adults and ways of infection

According to statistics, 60% of the healthy population are carriers of the mushroom of the type of candidate. But our immunity does not allow it to develop on a large scale.

Important: however, when a local or common immune barrier on the mucous membranes, colonies of the mushroom begin to form Candidaand the thrush develops.

The reasons:

  • Violations of the immune system;
  • Pregnancy and hormonal malfunctions in the body;
  • HIV-pares and tuberculosis;
  • Alcoholism and drug addiction;
  • forced intake of cytostatics, corticosteroids, antibiotic therapy;
  • Treatment for oncological diseases (radiotherapy, chemotherapy);
  • Small damage to the oral mucosa.

Important: thrush is a very contagious disease. It is transmitted when conducting general life and using common dishes.

Symptoms of candidiasis in the mouth in adults

Remember: the appearance of this disease indicates the need for a complete examination of the body. This can be a signal that there are more serious diseases.

At the initial stage of development, with the introduction of the fungus into the mucous membrane, dryness, hyperemia and swelling occur in the mouth.

Explicit symptoms of thrush in the mouth of adults in the photo:

• on the cheeks, tongue and sky, whitish plaque is visible;
• itching and burning;
• discomfort when swallowing;
• a taste of metal in the mouth;
• fever in the range of 38 degrees;
• When swallowing, there is a feeling that the food was stuck in the throat.

Important: in people who have asthma and use hormonal drugs for treatment, the scale of the thrush can be extensive and this requires more serious attention.

Treatment of thrush in the mouth in adults and examination: which doctor to contact?

Important: candidiasis is easily treated, but it will constantly recur if it does not eliminate its initial cause - immune and hormonal disorders.

It is necessary to undergo a number of examinations:

  • clinical blood test
  • blood test for glucose content
  • pass the immunogram
  • scraping from the tongue

In the first stages, with damage to the oral cavity, the struggle begins dentist And the disease can be attributed to stomatitis. With a more extensive defeat, involving a pharynx and esophagus in the process of throat, you must definitely turn to mikologist and immunologist.

Antifungal drugs for the treatment of thrush in the mouth in adults: a list, course of treatment

Important: drugs have a systemic effect and kill the fungus not only in the oral cavity, but in the entire body as a whole. There is a cure of carriage.

1. Nystatin (or Levorin). Take up to 6 times a day after meals up to 2 weeks. It is better to absorb tablets, increasing the local exposure. By the fifth day there is a noticeable improvement.
2. Mikonazole (Environmental, Clotrimazole)-50-100 mg per day for one to three weeks
3. Flucosolosol- 1 time per day (200 - 400 mg)
4. I didn’t in tablets 200 mg once a day up to 21 days
5. Diflucan-Capsules once a day for 50-100 mg up to 14 days

For a general strengthening effect on immunity, they are prescribed b vitamins (AT 6), ascorbic acid and PrThey work as antioxidants.
Removing swelling and an allergic reaction will help calcium gluconate. They can nash
Suprastin, Fenkarol, Dimedrol.
With thrush, the exchange is disturbed glandtherefore appoint Feroplex, Conferon.
For rapid cure and further prevention of repeated candidiasis, prescription
vaccination - Pentoxil and Methyluracil.

Locally prescribed rinsing with solutions:
• Soda solution 2%;
• Boric acid solution 2%;
• A solution of iodinol with water.

Processing helps very well local "Chatterbox."

RECIPE: Mix a tablespoon of sea buckthorn oil, 2 tablets of the drug Nystatin and 1 vitamin ampoule AT 12. Remove the plaque with a gauze swab and process the affected areas with this mixture up to 6 times a day.

Diet for candidiasis in the mouth in adults: Rules, prohibited products

The diet has a great influence in the cure of thrush.

Important: all yeast -like mushrooms love sugar, flour, and therefore it is worth limiting yourself in sweets and flour.

The mucous membranes are damaged and ulcerated, therefore, taking acidic, salty and spicy foods will cause burning, itching and pain during swallowing.
Even after recovery, it is necessary to observe a diet for several months, of course, it can be expanded, but within reasonable limits.

With thrush in the mouth, it is worth limiting yourself in the use of the following products:

• sweets;
• yeast -containing products;
• fatty fish and meat varieties;
• mushrooms;
• tea and coffee;
• alcohol;
• mayonnaise, spices, ketchup.

Folk remedies for treating thrush in the mouth in adults: recipes

These methods, quite, can be supplemented with the main treatment. The effect will come much faster.
1. Sulfight (6-8 layers) to soak rosehip oil, sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn or olive And attach to the affected area. Carry out such a procedure for 2 weeks.
2. Rinse solution: 1 tablespoon of calendula flowers pour 1 cup boiling water, wrap and insist 2 hours, or 1 tbsp. Dilute calendula tinctures in a glass
warm water. Rinse the oral cavity 4-5 times a day for more than 2 weeks.
3. Rinse with a decoction of St. John's wort- 1 tbsp. Herbs for 1 cup of water, boil for 10-15 minutes. Rinse 6-7 times a day.
4. Honey. To begin with, a plaque is removed (with a gauze swab moistened in soda solution). Take a teaspoon of sugared mod in your mouth and dissolve 4-5 times a day.
5. Dill seeds. Make a decoction -1 tbsp. Semyan pour 0.5 l of boiling water, insist 1 hour, cool, strain. Take a third of a glass 3 times a day on an empty stomach.

Thrush is one of the most common diseases in people with immunodeficiency.

Following which a number of diseases caused by conditionally pathogenic microflora can develop.

  • With low immunity, there is a probability of developing candidiasis of the esophagus.
  • In 75% of HIV patients, candidiasis of mucous membranes develops on an extensive scale.

Important: candidiasis is, so to speak, the “signaling rocket” of our immune system, therefore, be attentive to your health and be sure to contact specialists.

Video: Secrets of Health Candidiasis

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Comments K. article

  1. Maybe the baby has a thrush because I am a pregnant metrogilmo plus, I was not treated when it was prescribed?

  2. will ecofemin help in this case? He helps from women's thrush well

  3. If ecofemin floravag, then it will help

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