Prayer to Spiridon Trimifunta for work: how and when it is read. Prayer to St. Spyridon Trimifunta for money, health, financial well -being

Prayer to Spiridon Trimifunta for work: how and when it is read. Prayer to St. Spyridon Trimifunta for money, health, financial well -being

The text of the prayers for work and the health of Spiridon Trimifunta.

Saint Spiridon Trimifunta is a well -known clergyman who was not a rather poor person, but owned a large number of lands. He did not create slave conditions for his employees and tried to help the poor and the poor almost all his life. In this article we will tell you how to pray to this saint.

Why is the prayer of St. Spyridon to Trimifunta read?

It is worth noting that the prayer is most often read to get success at work, so that you or you can repay debts, and also achieve success in business. That is, basically all these prayers are aimed at improving material well -being.

To whom prayer helps:

  • In search of work
  • To give debts
  • For a successful business
  • During complex operations of relatives
  • For sale at home

Many interesting legends and stories are connected with the clergyman's face. Many believers said that God really listened to this clergyman and fulfilled almost all his requests, as well as prayers. There is a legend that there was a landowner in the settlement in which the clergyman lived, who, due to strong drought and crop failure, raised the prices of bread, thereby destroying the poor population. Thanks to the clergyman, heavy rain fell on the ground and the drought ended. Accordingly, the farmer suffered huge losses.

The face of the saint
The face of the saint

Prayer to Spiridon Trimifunta for work: How does it help?

There are also stories related to the help of the poor. One of the merchants wanted to buy one hundred goats from the clergyman, while he gave a bag of money for 99 animals. Since the clergyman did not like to count the money, he believed people, he did not count it, put them in a string bag and carried away. At the same time, 99 goats were taken out of the corral, and one goat returned back. In case of any attempts by the buyer, to return the goat to his pen, she all the time returned back to the corral to the clergyman. Later, the buyer realized that this was happening for the simple reason that he decided to deceive the clergyman, and did not report the money for one goat. He repented, returned the money, was able to pick up his animal.

Not only the life of St. Spyridon is connected by many legends and stories. There are also rumors about the healing power of prayers that are addressed to him, as well as the strength of the holy relics. In 1948, one of the women who often walked around the churches and asked the Lord to return his son's voice, since he was dumb from birth, did not give any results. And then the mother of the child had a dream in which it was St. Spiridon who healed her son. Then the woman was forced to go to another city, to the temple of the clergyman in which his relics were. For three days, mother and son were prayed for help, on 3 days, after the relics of the saint were carried over the boy’s head, he spoke.

The text of the prayer
The text of the prayer

Who helps and how is the prayer of St. Spyridon to Trimifunta to be read about health?

There are many stories that relate not only to help in monetary matters, but also to health. Many women were healed with infertility who visited the monastery and bowed to the relics of the saint. At the moment, the relics are in the Danilovsky monastery in Moscow, transported there in 2007. It is there that you can pray, put a candle, and also ask St. Spyridon for help.

There are stories that really prayers to this saint help to succeed in work or solving financial issues. One woman said that for a long time she could not exchange a one -room apartment with a two -room with a surcharge. Because they offered either very expensive options, or those that did not fit the location. For a long time, she tried to change the apartment, but nothing happened. Then the sister advised me to go to the temple and pray to the saint, ask for help. Just a few days later, a woman called her, who wanted to make an exchange. This option was very good and successful. At the same time, the transaction took place on December 25, on St. Spyridon's Day.

Prayer for health
Prayer for health

During his lifetime, St. Spyridon helped the poor. There is a story according to which a poor farmer who suffered from drought came to the saint and asked for money. Saint Spiridon gave him money. When a person returned the duty, St. Spyridon said that it was necessary to give God what he asked. He laid out this money on the table and said that the money would turn into a snake that crawled. Thus, God helped Spiridon, making all his requests, as well as listening to prayers that helped people and saved them from the disaster of misfortune.

Prayer to Spiridon
Prayer to Spiridon

There are no certain rules that the saint Spiridon does not exist during prayer. It is necessary to purchase an icon in a church shop and put it next to other church images in the corner, where you usually have candles and all religious paraphernalia. It is best to pray in a closed room when no one bothers you. You can say prayer in your own words or resort to the use of existing ones. The above shows several options for prayers to St. Spyridon.

Video: Prayer to St. Spyridon

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