Fashionable advice from Evelina Khromchenko for women: TOP-25, at 2022-2023 for women with lush forms, small stature. Basic things in the wardrobe of fashionistas in 2022-2023

Fashionable advice from Evelina Khromchenko for women: TOP-25, at 2022-2023 for women with lush forms, small stature. Basic things in the wardrobe of fashionistas in 2022-2023

Evelina Khromchenko is a famous stylist and fashion expert. Let's look at her advice on fashion trends in 2022-2023.

If you want to always look fashionable and stylish, as well as choose your individual image, it will be useful to use the recommendations of those people who certainly understand this, namely, experts in the world of fashion and stylists. This article contains the main tips from Evelina Khromchenko, an expert in the world of female fashion, for those beauties who seek in any situation to look stunning, while without spending huge amounts on a wardrobe, accessories and expensive cosmetics.

Universal Councils from Evelina Khromchenko in 2022-2023: TOP 25

So, let's start with universal recommendations:

  1. We select the jeans in tightening with all responsibility, since an unsuccessful model can hopelessly spoil your image. Stop your choice on classic smooth models, without any embroidery or pebbles.
  2. Like an alternative to jeans - shortened trousers, worn with a turtleneck or a black sweater and elegant medium -heeled shoes and stockings in the tone of the "bottom".

    Short trousers and sweater
    Short trousers and sweater
  3. According to advice from Evelina Khromchenko for women, the jumper in the "prick" with a high neck is able to help out in any situation. Beautifully tightening and emphasizing the chest, it attracts attention even by hiding the body from an outsider. In general, the main thing is not to overdo it with fit. Only a woman with an ideal figure can afford such things.
  4. In general, the success of any image lies in simple combinations. Black trousers and a snow -white shirt diluted with a bright neck or shawl, and you are impeccable in any situation. Add to the image of the daytime “nude” makeup using light powder for matting shiny zones and point application of highlighter to highlight the cheekbones, remove the perfect shape of the eyebrows. The manicure is also restrained, no murals on the nails of unrealistic length. Better neat nail nails with jackets or covered with plain matte varnish (can be transparent).
  5. According to advice from Evelina Khromchenko, Every woman should divide her outfits into 3 groups - personal, for gatherings with girlfriends and for dates. Going to a romantic meeting, dress as feminine as possible: emphasize the waist, attract attention to the chest or hips. Do not strive to get off "to fluff." Choose a couple of outfits for each case: a light dress for collecting a parent committee, a small black-to the theater, a tracksuit for a gym, etc.
  6. If you want to get rid of the gait, inherent in men, a skirt 15-20 cm long below the knee will help this. By the way, remember: do not put on boots, the top of which covers a bone with a skirt (exception - a skirt to the floor). Especially, this applies to girls who are naturally full of legs, since such shoes cover the most slender part of the legs (ankle).

    The skirt will make a female gait
    The skirt will make a female gait
  7. Fashion laws say: lush sleeves require a reduced hairstyle, a shortened dress - high density tights, a bright outfit - “calm” shoes. Let your image have only one emphasis. Let your eyes be better.
  8. When dressing blouses and shirts from thin fabrics, make sure that they are not transparent. It is better to be a little mysterious, using a shallow neckline or sleeve, opening the shoulders than to stick out everything and immediately for show.
  9. Considering tips from Evelina Khromchenko,we can say that in the wardrobe of a modern woman among basic things, there should be a classic cashmere jumper with a V-shaped neck.

  10. It is mom who should be a clear example of how to choose and combine clothes, apply makeup, control with hair of any length.
  11. No matter how you dress up and so that you do not try to hide it, your clothes will give you headlong. Be natural, creating an image, focus on clothes, shoes and accessories, and not on unusual hair color or a “catwalk” hairstyle. The best shade of hairstyles is your native, select the hairstyle itself in accordance with your type of face.
  12. A woman with excessive body weight should not give up heels that can help hide the shortcomings of an imperfect figure. If the weight is normal, wear the heel at your discretion.
  13. You should not be afraid to wear high heel even every day - this is how one of advice from Evelina Khromchenko for women. As a rule, legs get tired of such shoes if the block is incorrectly selected or the size does not fit.
  14. Shoes should differ not only in convenience, but also by grace. Having picked up the shoes to the color of the trousers, you visually lengthen your legs.
  15. Cervical accessories (scarves, scarves) in tandem with lipstick in tone are able to transform a woman, even if she chose the color that is not quite suitable for her type.

    Under the lipstick
    Under the lipstick
  16. If during walking the skirt or dress “crawls” up, select a different model or purchase a larger size.
  17. Putting on a bright shade or with shine, it is recommended to make a neat hairstyle on smooth hair, so as not to reduce the effect made by the outfit.
  18. In principle, clothing for the evening provides for the following: shine should be present either only in an outfit or in accessories.
  19. The classic is suitable for images of a woman of any age. It is enough to put on a narrow skirt of black color, add a tuxedo, stilettos and a small bag-clate and you are elegant-sexy.
  20. If your plans include a rapid construction of a career, dress as if you are already upstairs of a career staircase. In this regard, remember: shoes with an open toe are not for the office.
  21. A small black dress is relevant for any age - as one of the advice from Evelina Khromchenko. The only advice for women of mature age: put on black tights of high density under a similar outfit.

  22. A red dress is a challenge, burgundy - the desire to express himself, black - a demonstration that priorities in life have already been placed.
  23. Choose jewelry without trying to give it out for an expensive decoration - you will look cheap and stupid. High -quality jewelry is able to emphasize your personality and win even next to diamonds. Also with branded things: if you can’t afford the original brand, it is better to pick up the one that you can afford.
  24. It’s not so difficult to become an object of universal attention - apply a bright lipstick on the lips, put on large glasses from the sun and opt for a throwing bag. Just do not overdo it with the size of the Baulchik. Better less, but better.
  25. Things stood inexpensive, strewn with shiny pebbles, will not add anything but vulgarity to the image. Like diamonds, worn in the morning or day, especially young unmarried girls. They should opt for decorations of silver or enamel with semiprecious stones.

And, finally, we will dwell on two moments that are not connected with either clothes or accessories, but without them it is impossible to look elegant:

  • The maximum naturalness, which implies a negative attitude to everything foreign in the body. Forget about implanting silicone and Botox injections, acrylic nails and overhead eyelashes. Believe me, you are beautiful as you are.
  • Polite and friendly behavior, the ability to make compliments attracts much more positive attention than fashionable clothes and accessories.

Important: fashion is not the desire to look like a peacock, it is a perfectly sitting skirt, successfully selected trousers, lengthening legs, this dress that makes the woman literally soar above the ground.

This is the moment of buying a new handbag that has changed the girl’s life, these are purchased shoes for the amount that you postponed “for a rainy day”, and then suddenly realized that he was not destined to accumulate. It is definitely better to spend money on a new dress than on a psychoanalyst or the purchase of antidepressants.

Good taste is produced for years, day after day. He just stopped doing this, no matter at what age, old age begins to sneak up. To look great, it is not necessary to be young and perfectly beautiful.

Fashion tips from Evelina Khromchenko for women: question-answer

  • Question to the expert: How to wear outfits with horizontal stripes, what, as you know, are filled?

E. X.: “Limit the stripes on clothes with a jacket, the walker of which, forming vertical lines on the sides, can make a more slender figure.”

  • Question: How to create an image of a young and sexy woman?

E.Kh.: For a fervent image, get a classic vest: uniform, army, marine. They can be found in Voentorg stores; Since the models are intended for men, opt for a s-l in size, shorten the sleeves and wear with things in a free style.

  • Question: Advise the image for the classic event.

E. X.: If you are going to the anniversary of someone from relatives, friend, colleague, classmate, the best option for a dress for such an event is a cocktail dress. Just not maxi, not from expensive materials, without brilliance or ruffles. Choose a dress of plain, matte fabrics, you can do without sleeves. Throw a jacket from the same type of material on top, so that if it becomes stuffy, it could be removed and continued to enjoy it in the evening.

  • Question: Advise what to be guided by when choosing a skirt?

E.Kh.: The main criterion is the skirt should not strongly tighten the hips, otherwise you are facing an excessive demonstration of your figure, even if it, in your opinion, is perfect. In addition, the contours of underwear can be drawn in a very tight -fitting skirt.

  • Question: Your recommendations about the choice of a white female shirt.

E.Kh.: Choose models of a direct, not fitted silhouette - such a model is suitable not only for the office, but also for gatherings with friends, walks. It doesn’t matter that your waist will be hidden, but under such a model you can wear a bra of any color. By the way, one of the common male fantasies is a woman in a white male shirt.

  • Question: How to wear white things and not seem complete?

E.Kh.: The fact that the white color is full of leisure speculation. Be careful with him only if your plans have a performance on a television channel. Dressing in all white, you will look 7 kg on the screen 7 kg and 7 years older. In everyday life, white -colored outfits can wear both full and slender people. For example, if you doubt the ideality of your figure, put on a dark jacket on a white shirt and leave it unbuttoned. Two side lines, settled vertically, will perform the function assigned to them - reduce unnecessary volumes.

  • Question: Do you have a trench coat, what are the basic fashion principles?

E.Kh.: The trench coat should look slightly worn. When purchasing a new thing in the store, work a little on it: hinder the collar, lift it, roll up your sleeves. You can give a thing to dry cleaning so that after processing it seems that you wear it for some time. It is better to tie the belt on the trench coat on the knot, having previously fastened not on all buttons.

Add renunciation
Add renunciation
  • Question: How to combine shoes for the color of clothing?

E.Kh. Dressing dark trousers with light boots, you visually shorten your legs.

Stylish tips from Evelina Khromchenko for women on 2022-2023

  • In the presence of excessive kilograms, be able to hide the folds on the sides, distracting attention on the neckline.
  • Buy a dress with a smell - a woman with any type of figure will look advantageous in it.
  • Avoid shapeless outfits - this is one of the main tips from Evelina Khromchenko for women. They are able to mutilate even the most slender figure.
Avoid formlessness
Avoid formlessness
  • Mandatory thing in the wardrobe is high waist jeans.
  • A strongly tight -fitting dress should be sewn from dense material.
  • This season does not prohibit the use of contrast in shades of one outfit. For example, do not be afraid to put on shoes that are excellent in tone from a bag and dress.
  • Nevertheless: the simultaneous presence in one outfit is more than 3 tones is unacceptable.
  • You can also remain stylish at home. Get rid of stretched T -shirts and an old robe of an incomprehensible color. Turn on the light pants and a visca T -shirt. A knitwear dress of free cut is also suitable.

A small black dress will always be relevant, it looks appropriate on a woman of any age and bodily parameters. In addition, there is no event or place for which this outfit would not fit.

  • Relying on tips from Evelina Khromchenko,choose suitable accessories for a black dress: a small black dress can be worn with a blazer, contrasting in color, catchy scarf and shoes-lodges with small heels.
  • Going to visit friends or older relatives, dilute the black color with a bright belt or beads in the style of “folk”.
  • In the evening, put on this dress with stilettos, catchy jewelry (pearls are suitable), take a small neat clutch.
Style for the evening
Style for the evening
  • With a black dress, black tights and black shoes with a decent heel look better - thus, the legs are visually lengthened. Other colors look ridiculous with black tights.

Tips from Evelina Khromchenko for women With magnificent forms

  1. Use multi -layer in clothes: a dress and a cardigan of a free cut, a blazer and trousers with a blouse. So you visually hide the fullness.
  2. The prevailing lines in the outfit are vertical: side sides of the cardigan, vertical strip on the dress, etc.

  3. Avoid a large drawing on a dress or skirt - you will seem more fully.
  4. Pants and ankle boots are slender legs.
  5. Black trouser suit - makes it slimmer not only legs, but the whole figure as a whole.

  6. High boots can visually lengthen the legs.
  7. The perfect length of skirts and dresses is on the palm below the knee.
  8. Stop the choice on trousers that are not too tight, rather a little free from the waist.
  9. Do not be afraid of high -heeled shoes - this is one of the main tips from Evelina Khromchenko for women.

  10. It is forbidden to wear things that do not have shape, it is better to choose those that emphasize the waist.
  11. Women with magnificent forms look more advantageous in the clothes of dark shades than in the bright ones, which add volume to their roundness.

Tips from Evelina Khromchenko for women of small height

Recommendations to miniature fashionistas:

  1. Shortened models - for you: sleeve ¾, a jacket that barely reaches the waist.
  2. Feel free to choose tight clothes: for example, a skirt in a “lining”, straight cut, to the knees long.
  3. It is better that the pattern on the fabric is small.
  4. Choose shoes “to the color of the legs” - bodily, better - in high heels, but the average is not forbidden.
  5. Dilute your outfit with catching accessories and the attention of others is provided to you.

  6. Pants choose such a length so that they slightly cover the heel - this will add growth to you.
  7. Fessile clothes are definitely not your choice, you will just get lost in it. Emphasize the naturalness of proportions in everything.

Basic things in the wardrobe of fashionistas: Tips from Evelina Khromchenko for women in 2022-2023

  • A biflatry demi -season coat of beige color.
  • Black classic black trench coat.
  • For lovers, for example, a sports style, any other outerwear of a black shade is allowed.
  • Cardigan made of knitted material, color beige or gray.
  • A snow -white shirt resembling male.
  • Free T-shirt with x-shaped straps on the back.
  • Black suit: trousers and jacket.
  • Black or dark gray sheath dress in a classic style.
  • A pencil skirt of any dark shade.
  • Dark blue jeans with a high waist.
  • Stiletto heels.
  • High -heeled sandals.
  • Convenient sneakers combined not only with sports images, but also with evening outfits.
With sneakers
With sneakers
  • The vest is still in trend.
  • The ballet shoes remained in fashion.
  • Small handbag-clath.
  • Bag with a long chain, instead of a strap.
  • A wide belt (you can even several).
  • Long thread of pearls.
Pearl thread
Pearl thread
  • A scarf made of natural silk of square shape and catchy colors.

In general, now you know how to select daytime and evening images, outfits corresponding to the figure and age, and how important naturalness and elegance are not interfering with sexuality. Use tips from Evelina Khromchenko, tell your friends about them. The main thing is to experiment, be new every day, mysterious for others and, at the same time, young and fervent for yourself. Look more at the official website of Evelina Khromchenko at this link.

Video: Fashionable advice from an expert

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