DIY shower and baths. How to tie a baby washcloth with your own hands? A photo

DIY shower and baths. How to tie a baby washcloth with your own hands? A photo

Several ways to make a washcloth for a bath with your own hands. Crochet and knitting patterns are considered.

A washcloth for a bath is a useful accessory that helps to thoroughly wash off any pollution from the skin and remove the dead areas of the epidermis. The stores have a large selection of such products, but if you know how to knit, make an accessory yourself.

What threads or yarn to choose for knitting washcloths?

There are a lot of threads for knitting a bath washcloth. Here are the most common options:

  • Jute
  • Berest
  • Polypropylene
  • Kapron
  • Leg-split

To obtain this accessory, even non -standard materials can be used, such as vegetable grids and nylon tights.

It is cheaper to purchase a rope in a household and divide it into fibers.

Photos of shower and baths associated with crocheted

How to tie a washcloth with your own hands: tips and reviews

To make a washcloth, do not get too thick threads, since delicate skin can be injured from daily hygiene procedures with such an accessory.

The soft threads of twine or nylon tights are ideal. Combine threads of different colors. Use simple schemes, and you can make an accessory in just a few hours.

How to tie a shower and a hook with a hook with your own hands for beginners with step by step: schemes

If you have mastered the simplest techniques for crochet, choose simple schemes. A simple option is a washcloth-pipe. Dial 30 VP and connect them into the ring. Now knit in a spiral of SN until you get a stocking of the desired length. Tie the pens. Pay attention to the choice of yarn, it should be hard enough, nylon threads are suitable.

Mitten mittens - crochet mitten

It is knitted from two parts that are sewn together.

  • For the manufacture of the mitten, type 20 air loops
  • Knit 5 rows with a crochet
  • Now proceed to knitting your finger
  • To do this, at the end of the row, type 8 VP. Tie them with SBN
  • Next, return to knitting the main canvas
  • Stitch 5 rows and reduce the loops. Just do not tie one column from the edges.
  • In the same way, tie the second part of the mitten
  • Sew two canvases. Tie a loop

How to tie baths with a hook with your own hands for children?

The principle of manufacturing children's washcloths is not much different from adults, the only difference is design. Children love a variety of animals and heroes of cartoons. Based on this, tie a washcloth. The easiest way to tie a mitten with a bear cub or a rabbit.

  • Measure the child’s hands and dial twice as much as it is another 8 pieces
  • Connect them in a ring, tie the SBN
  • Knit 5 rows, now in the middle tie 7 VP and connect them with a dull loop with the resulting pipe. This is a hole for a finger
  • Continue to knit the pipe for another 8 rows. Reduce the number of columns by 4 pieces in each row. Knit until all the loops end
  • You must get a cap or a bowl. Tie a finger retail
  • It remains to decorate the washcloth with a pen and arrange a muzzle. Tie round ears on both sides of the mitten. Make a small nose and eyes
  • You can embroider these parts of the muzzle with threads

Do not use buttons and other plastic fittings, it can melt. Combine yarn of different colors.

How to make washcloths for the soul and bath with elongated loops crocheted?

There is nothing complicated in knitting such an accessory. Get polypropylene threads. They are sold in a fittings store or in household goods. For knitting, a hook of 5 or 6 with a round head is suitable. He will not cling to the threads.

  • Tie a 20 cm long chain. Connect the loops in the ring
  • Now knit 3 rows of SBN
  • Proceed to the knitting of the "fluffy" part of the accessory
  • To do this, before knitting, just pull the loop and remove it from the hook
  • Knit so until you get the case of the required length
  • Tie 2 more rows of SBN. Make the handles

Beautiful funny baths with your own hands

One of the bright and pretty is the washcloth bunny. It is knitted using the technique of elongated loops. To get started, dial 20 cm VP. Combine them in a ring and knit 2 rows of SBN.

  • Start knitting the "hairy" part. Knit 2 rows of SBN
  • Now you need to make a cone, for this, through 2 SBN, pass the previous element. That is, for every 3 elements of the previous row you must tie only 2
  • Knit until all the loops are connected at one point. Decorate the muzzle, tie long ears and tail

DIY toys toys with your own hands

Almost all of them are knitted using the technology of elongated loops. The difference is in the decor and the design of the muzzle. In the photo, several pretty washcloths made using a hook.

How to knit round and oval washcloth crochet?

These are the easiest accessories in the manufacture. They require a minimum of time and experience. Even one who has never held a hook in his hands can tie. The easiest way to knit a stocking of nylon threads and fill it with foam rubber. Conducts are pulled together with a rope.

  • For knitting, it is necessary to tie 23 cm VP and connect them in a ring
  • After that, knit 10 cm SBN
  • Take a round piece of foam and fill a washcloth
  • Pull the circumference with threads on both sides along the length of the circle

How to knit a washcloth flat crocheted?

A flat washcloth is a piece of fabric with handles. You just need to tie the canvas of the required size. It is best if it is double.

  • To do this, dial 10 cm VP
  • Knit 25 rows of VP
  • Measure the length of the product, continue to knit if necessary, until the desired length is obtained
  • When the canvas becomes the desired size, dial 15 cm VP at one corner and connect this chain in another corner
  • In the same way, make a pen on the other side

For strength, tie the SBN chain.

DIY birch bark

Birch bark is a natural material for the manufacture of a washcloth. Such accessories were used in Russia, since the thin birch bark has positively influenced the health of the skin. It is very simple to make a washcloth from birch bark, even a schoolboy will cope with this task.

  • Find the young birch and remove the canvas 10 by 10 cm from it
  • Now make several holes in the leaf and turn the canvas into a roll
  • Tighten the threads into the holes and tie
  • Dear the product for 20 minutes in hot water
  • It will become soft and will take the desired shape

DIY jute washcloth

Jute is a natural fiber, which is simultaneously quite rigid for exfoliating of dead particles of the skin, and soft for daily use. Having bought the threads of jute, you can knit a product of any shape and size. The easiest way to make a flat strip of CH.

DIY washcloth

If anyone was lying at home, an old nylon grid for vegetables, do not throw it away. Weave a washcloth. The manufacturing equipment is very simple. Just through the same gap, pick up the loops on the knitting needles, stretch a strong thread through them and pull it off. Get a round openwork washcloth.

DIY polypropylene washclips

Simply put, this is an accessory from cellophane threads. It is knitted using the technique of elongated loops. Choose a hook with a rounded head of a patient, suitable 6. Such accessories are not covered with mold and perfectly cleanse the skin.

Do -it -yourself bath washcloths

Shpagat - threads for packaging obtained by twisting of paper fibers, jute and linen. There is also an artificial twine, but for the manufacture of washcloths, mainly natural fiber is used.

The scheme can be selected any, since the fibers are strong and flexible enough. Do not use very dense knitting. The ideal option is a flat accessory using a crochet column.

DIY mochets from kapron tights

  • For the manufacture of a bath accessory, cut the nylon into strips and connect the tapes with a soldering iron
  • Take a large hook for knitting floor rugs and tie the canvas size 10 by 10 cm
  • Tie the second canvas exactly this size
  • Put a piece of foam inside and sew the details. Sew the pen

DIY washcloth with knitting needles: knitting elongated loops

If you do not know how to crochet, you can use the knitting needles. With their help, we also just make a bath accessory.

  • To do this, pick up 30 loops on the knitting needle, knit two rows with facial loops, this is a common plate knitting
  • Make an elongated loop even easier than a hook
  • Just before knitting the front loop, take the thread forward and wrap it around the finger
  • Return the thread to the place and knit the front loop
  • When you get the canvas of the desired size, close the loops and sew the canvas. Sew the pens

Do -it -yourself undergracks: Scheme with hinges

Knitting washcloths with elongated loops is very simple. It is necessary to master the technique of obtaining long loops. A little experimenting you can create real works of art.

For example, it can be a sponge bob or a hedgehog from mixes. The option with the use of long loops is a mass, you can see photos of finished products on the network. Owning the knitting technique, you will make a similar accessory without any problems.

What is the Sizal washcloth for?

Sisal is a natural fiber made of agave. Now these fibers are again in fashion, since people have become preferred to natural products. Sisal's washcloth is quite rough, so you will not succeed in using it for bathing in the bathroom. But such an accessory is an ideal option for anti -cellulite massage.

Sisal stimulates blood circulation and promotes the breakdown of the granules of fat.

How to knit a unilateral washcloth?

This is a simple option for beginners.

  • The essence of the technique is that the shaggy part of the product is only on one side
  • You just need to knit elongated loops through a row
  • That is, one row knit SBN, and the second with elongated loops
  • Thus, the inside of the accessory will be smooth. This will accelerate the drying of the fiber

How to make a bald washcloth with handles?

Such an accessory is easier not to knit, but to sew, since it is difficult to find a linden thread in the accessories store.

  • The easiest way to fold the linden fibers on each other in a checkerboard pattern and walk several times in a line
  • Cut all the excess, give the canvas an oval shape and sew a cat on the contour of the product
  • Thus, you will strengthen the edges and do not allow the washcloth to spread
  • Sew the pens

Hedgehole Crochet: Scheme Hedgehog

One of the bright and cute is a washcloth-hee.

  • It is knitted using the technique of elongated loops
  • To get started, dial 20 cm VP. Connect them into a ring and knit 2 rows of SBN
  • Start knitting the "hairy" part
  • To do this, pull the loops and remove them from the hook through one SN
  • Knit 10 cm in the technique of elongated loops
  • Now start knitting a hedgehog muzzle
  • Choose a light yarn. Knit 2 rows of SBN
  • Now you need to make a cone, for this after 2 SBN, let the previous element
  • That is, for every 3 elements of the previous row you must tie only 2
  • Knit until all the loops are connected at one point
  • Make a nose and eyes, sew a pen

A washcloth for a bath is an inexpensive accessory, so it’s easier to buy it. But the product connected by own hands has special energy.

Video: Knitting a washcloth with your own hands

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