The drug Minoxidil for Hair: dosage, action, price, use, risks

The drug Minoxidil for Hair: dosage, action, price, use, risks

In order to make up for hair loss, you should use the drug Minoxidil. Learn more about him from the article.

The cosmetic product called Minoxidil due to its vasodilating and antihypertensive characteristics very successfully stimulates hair growth - both in women and men. Moreover, it helps those who begin to lose hair due to androgenetic alopecia (according to the male type).

How and when did Minoxidil invented?

“Minoxidil” is small crystals that dissolve in water in a proportion of about 2 mg per ml.

Researchers conducted clinical studies of Minoxidil, which proved the validity of its application to combat hair loss (on a male crown and along the parting of the weaker sex) and to resume their growth. Of course, this process is far from fast-new hairs will begin to grow around six months after the start of treatment.

Scientists were able to synthesize Minoxidil in the 50s of the last century. It was assumed that with its help they would treat a stomach ulcer. As usual, at first it was tested on animals, after which it became clear: with its help not to get rid of it, but it expands the vessels excellently. Having tried two hundred all kinds of variations of the dosage formula, in the late 70s the drug began to be released as a means to normalize high blood pressure.

A drug
A drug

Studying the effects of the effects of “minoxidil” on the human body, scientists have found that one of its side effects is stimulation of hair growth-and already in the mid-80s its two percent solution was prescribed to bald patients. Over time, they began to produce its reinforced, five percent version, and at the beginning of the two thousand years they came up with a new form of production - in the form of foam and mousse, for everyday use.

How does Minoxidil work?

As already noted, Minoxidil has been actively used for several decades to restore hair growth and stop falling - provided that this problem has inherited a person.

As a rule, the hair in people suffering from alopecia is gradually and inevitably thinning. Applying the drug to the head twice a day, you can keep the remaining hair and encourage new ones for growth. About six months later, you will see the first results, but the treatment cannot be stopped in any case, since your problems will appear again in all its “beauty”.


Thoroughly scientists have not found out the exact mechanism of action of “minoxidil”. It is assumed that it somehow affects the hair follicles, makes the protein more actively synthesize and opens potassium canals in the cell membrane, extending the hairline cycle.

How much does the drug cost?

As already noted, “minoxidil” is sold in the form of a solution, the concentration of which can be either 2 or 15%. Of course, depending on the dosage of the active substance, and the price of the product will vary. As well as from what manufacturer it is produced.

If we compare the prices for Minoxidil on the most popular Internet resources, we can draw the following conclusions: you can buy 5% lotion in the amount of 60 ml will be per 3 thousand rubles.and other manufacturers offer 15% lotion with 5% azelainic acid is even cheaper - for 2800 rubles. Therefore, it is worth looking for an option with the optimal correspondence of price and quality.

How to apply "minoxidil": dosage

To combat the baldness of Minoxidil, it is recommended to apply twice a day to the scalp throughout life, it is best not to wash it off immediately, but to leave it for several hours. An important exception is pregnancy the period when a woman feeds the baby with breast milk - at this time it is strictly forbidden to use Minoxidil.

Applied to the scalp
Applied to the scalp
  • As a rule, women are prescribed a 2% solution of “minoxidil”, and men - 5 or 15% option. The main thing is not to confuse! Private cases are known when the fairer sex began to use increased doses in the hope of accelerating the effect, and instead they began to grow a mustache or beard.
  • To enhance the action of the drug, many experts advise in parallel with it to use drugs containing substances that change the protective function of the skin (such as trinoid, antrallin or ditranol).
  • If you notice any side effects, allergic manifestations, or some kind of discomfort in the use of the product, then you need to immediately consult your attending physician.
  • As already noted, patients who are prescribed “Minoxidil” are forced to use it throughout life, since the drug acts exclusively during the period of use, and a few months after the cancellation of the drug, the hair begins to fall out again.
  • Single episodic gaps in general do not affect the healing process.

Therefore, patients who are prescribed “minoxidil” advise experts to relate to its use as the necessary daily hygienic procedure - that's all.

Important: do not forget that you will begin to notice the first results a few months after the start of treatment. Therefore, in no case, you must not give up and throw treatment!

Also, do not panic about the fact that at the very beginning of the use of Minoxidil, the hair will begin to fall even more intensively. This is fine! Just the body gets rid of patients and weakened hair so that the new ones grow faster.

The risks of the use of "minoxidil"

  • Firstly, the most categorical ban on the use of Minoxidil, as already noted, is the pregnancy and period of feeding the baby with breasts.
  • Secondly, its use for children and adolescents is not recommended.
  • Thirdly, you cannot use Minoxidil if you are allergic to its components.

Is there hope for the complete restoration of hair with “minoxidil”?

According to scientific research and reviews of people who have experienced the action of Minoxidil, one should not talk about one hundred percent restoration of the dropped hair.

People with the initial stage of baldness have good chances to return the density to their hair, but those who have already been launched enough, the success will not be so complete - although quite enough to regain self -confidence.

The drug is effective
The drug is effective

Efficiency for men: According to research, more than 90% of men note a good effect when using Minoxidil a few months after the start of treatment. The drug works especially well for those patients who are just starting to lose hair.

Efficiency for women: The hair of the fair sex very often falls out not due to androgenetic alopecia, but for other reasons against which Minoxidil is powerless. In those cases when the diagnosis is made correctly, the drug helps perfectly.

Video: On the action and efficiency of "minoxidil"

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