Almond oil. Properties and use in cosmetology for the face and hair

Almond oil. Properties and use in cosmetology for the face and hair


You do not know how to replace low -quality care products for the face and hair? Then be sure to read our article. She will tell you how useful the almond oil is and how to use it to care for your hair and skin.

  • Almond oil Refers to the family of vegetable oils obtained from one product by pressing and cold push -ups. The Mediterranean is considered the birthplace of this fund. A favorable climate of this region allows you to grow almonds, as much as possible with useful vitamins and trace elements. A high-quality product has a transparent light yellow color and a rather pleasant not sharp aroma
  • More than 50% of the composition of oil is oleic and fatty acids, which are quite effectively fighting with age -related skin changes and restore the functioning of cell membranes. Therefore, it is almond oil that helps to smoothes wrinkles, heal and nourish the dermis and make the skin more velvety more efficiently. When buying this miracle tool, pay attention to what kind of almond it is made
  • Now on sale you can find bitter and sweet oil. Although they affect the skin almost the same, there are some difference between them. It is believed that sweet almond oil contains a little less palmithic acid, which fights reddening and peeling of dermatological integuments. Therefore, if you need to get rid of these problems, then buy a bitter oil base

Beneficial properties of almond oil

Almond oil can return the elasticity of any skin

• If earlier it was believed that almond oil can be used exclusively in cooking, now on the basis of this product, useful and nutritious masks for the skin and hair are prepared. The oil has become very popular thanks to its pronounced regenerative and soothing properties
• A huge amount of vitamin E, which in its composition allows you to effectively fight the aging of the dermis and protect it from the effects of ultraviolet radiation. In addition, almond oil is quite effectively treated by dermatitis, eczema, herpes and simply indispensable when leaving the skin prone to dryness and peeling
• It also fights very well with excessive saturation of the skin. With regular use, you can quickly forget what oily shine, advanced pores and black dots are

Useful qualities of almond oil:
• as quickly as possible eliminates inflammatory processes on the skin
• softens and nourishes dermatological covers well
• strengthens the hair follicles and stimulates the growth of curls
• has pronounced rejuvenating properties
• Legs the skin of the skin and makes it more even
• disinfects and heals cracks and wounds
• effectively fights cellulite

The use of almond oil to strengthen and hair growth

Almond oil for hair

• Almond oil is rightfully considered the most powerful natural tool capable of returning a healthy shine and silkiness capable of back in the minimum time. This useful product fights with almost all the known problems of the female hairstyle

• It strengthens and stimulates the growth of curls, makes them flexible and elastic, and also easily copes with the problem of brittle hair and their excessive fat content. It is proved that if you just apply an oil base on a denture and comb your hair for 10-25 minutes, then after 5-6 procedures they will look almost perfect

• And if you add it a couple of drops in shampoo, then in addition to the ideal structure of the curl, you can boast of a healthy scalp. But if you want to achieve truly good results, then do not be lazy and, at least 2-3 times a week, make masks prepared on the basis of almond oil for your hair. These simple home remedies will help you get rid of dry tips and dandruff and will poke the correct circulation of blood of the scalp

Masks with almond hair oil

Hair growth mask recipe:
• Dissolve mustard in warm boiled water and add egg yolk and sweet almond oil to it
• As a result, you should get a rather plastic mass that resembles a thick sour cream mixture
• Process it first hair roots, and then proceed to applying the product to the curls
• Cover your head with a towel and wait 15-20 minutes
• If you feel a strong burning sensation, then you can wash off the mask and after 10 minutes
• Wash your hair with warm water with shampoo and rinse it with a dump of nettle

Mask recipe for strengthening hair:
• Grind the oil base slightly (in no case do not bring it to a boil)
• Mix with high -quality cognac in a ratio of 1: 1
• Start applying the mask to the roots and gradually move on to the processing of curls
• After applying the product, comb your hair with a gear comb and
• Wait 30 minutes and remove the product with warm water

The use of almond oil for the face

Almond oil for the face

• The face of a woman - This is her business card, so no matter how many years she tries to delay the appearance of age -related changes and wrinkles for the long time. Due to the fact that the modern beauty industry has developed quite a lot of different ways to support dermatological integuments by some women, even at 50, look like 30-year-olds

• But unfortunately, this effect can be achieved only if you regularly do expensive salon procedures. But what to do to those who have no money or time for this? Such women can try to rejuvenate their face with almond oil. Organic acids and vitamins, which are in its composition, quickly restore the skin of a healthy look, make it more tender, velvety and fresh

• But remember, this result can only be achieved if you regularly use the almond oil base for leaving your dermatological cover. Therefore, if you take a habit and, at least before bedtime, apply a mask or just clean oil to the skin, then literally in a month your skin will look younger

Nourishing masks for skin from wrinkles

Face nutrient masks with almond oil

Recipe for masks against dry skin:
• Take a ripe banana and make a homogeneous puree out of it
• Separately rub the yolk and almond oil
• Connect all the components together and mix them thoroughly
• brew chamomile and steam face over it
• apply a mask to the skin and leave there for 20 minutes
• after time, remove the remains of the product with a cotton swab moistened in a chamomile decoction

Nutrient mask recipe:
• Prepare puree from cucumber and mix it with fatty cream and almond oil base
• remove makeup from the face and apply a nutrient mask to the skin
• Wait for 15-20 minutes and wash off the product with warm water without using soap
• At the end, be sure to rinse the skin with water at room temperature

Masks against wrinkles around the eyes

Masks against wrinkles around the eyes at home

• The skin under the eyes is quite delicate, therefore it is in this place that the first wrinkles most often appear. The most unpleasant thing is that such a problem can develop even at a very early age. Now on the street you can meet young women who have already strongly expressed wrinkles around the eyes

• The reason for the appearance of such a skin pathology at 25-30 is heredity, the impact of the environment and ultraviolet radiation, and, of course, the wrong care. Therefore, if you want to prevent the appearance of wrinkles, then do not be lazy and begin to take care of dermatological cover from the very wounded age. High -quality almond oil will help you to do this correctly

• The benefits of this product in complex care are quite difficult to overestimate. Almond oil helps to suspend the sagging of the skin of the eyelids, enhances blood circulation and metabolic processes, smoothes wrinkles and removes bruises under the eyes. All you need to do in this case is regularly lubricated the skin around the eyes with a slightly heated oil base

Rules for applying masks with almond oil:
• apply the product to the skin best at night and after taking a warm bath
• Before using the mask, it is necessary to remove all cosmetics from the face
• mandatory, you need to do light massage near the eye zone
• Prepare the mask immediately before using it
• Смывать такое средство лучше всего не чистой водой, а травяным отваром

Mask preventing the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes

Mask recipe against wrinkles

If you want to avoid the appearance of wrinkles under the eyes, then do everything so that the dermis in this place does not lose its elasticity and elasticity. After all, it is from this that it will be bored with whether the eye zone can remain even and smooth. You can achieve such an effect using a fairly simple home mask.

• Squeeze the lemon juice and add the vitamin E ampoule to it
• Mix everything thoroughly and in the resulting mixture we drip a couple of drops of the almond oil base
• We apply the remedy on the face with pathetic movements
• We wait 15-20 minutes and remove the remaining masks with a cotton pad

The use of almond oil for eyelashes and eyebrows: increase in growth, density and length

Use almond oil for eyelash and eyebrows

If you want to make your eyebrows and cilia with your thick and beautiful, then almond oil will help you in this case. Due to the fact that this product contains vitamins that stimulate cell renewal and the growth of hair follicles, almond oil can in a short time to do what other cosmetic agents cannot do. The most pleasant thing, it will not only strengthen the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows, but will make them thicker and prevent loss.

Beneficial properties of almond oil for eyelashes and eyebrows:
• strengthens the hair follicles of eyelashes and eyebrows
• Promotes awakening sleeping bulbs
• The maximum eyelash length increases
• Makes them darker and shiny

Rules for applying oil to eyelashes and eyebrows:
• It is strictly forbidden to use almond oil on top of the mascara
• Process eyebrows and eyelashes once a day for a month
• In no case, do not wash off the remaining agents with water
• Use dry cotton pad for these purposes
• Before applying, always warm up the oil

Almond oil from stretch marks

Almond oil from stretch marks

• Stretches - These are ugly strips of blue, which appear due to a sharp set of weight or from an overabundance in the body of hormones of the adrenal glands. And although it is believed that this problem is most often manifested during pregnancy or in adolescence there are times when people completely healthy at first glance, the skin loses elasticity and is covered not very aesthetic stripes

• Since stretch marks most often appear on the stomach, hips and chest, for some women this becomes a real blow. The most unpleasant thing is that you can quickly get rid of this problem. In order for striae to turn pale at least six months. And this is provided that all this time you will stimulate the updates of cell membranes

• If you have similar problems, then pay your attention to the almond oil. Vitamin E, which is in its composition, will help restore damaged areas of the dermis and make them more elastic. In addition, it will contribute to a more intensive process of collagen production, which is responsible for the elasticity of the skin

Application against stretch marks with almond oil:
• Mix the almond oil base with bergamot and oregano oil
• Put the mixture in a steam bath and warm up to a comfortable temperature
• Plant all problem areas with the mixture with the mixture rather abundantly
• Wrap the body with cling film and wait 50-60 minutes
• Wipe the skin with a dry cloth after time or rinse with warm water

Contraindications of almond oil

As you already, probably, understood the almond oil should be in the nightstand of every woman who seeks to remain young and beautiful as long as possible. Although it is believed that this product can be used by absolutely all people, it still has some contraindications as any cosmetic product.

Therefore, before preparing a healing mask for your skin or hair, be sure to make a test to an allergic reaction, and only if it will negatively proceed to the conduct of anti -aging procedures.

Almond oil must be used with caution:
• During pregnancy
• with individual product intolerance
• To care for infants

Video: Almond hair oil. Hair masks with almond oil

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