Milgamma: Instructions for use, price, reviews

Milgamma: Instructions for use, price, reviews

Milgamma will help from pain and inflammation. And how to use the drug - find out from the article.

Milgamma is a complex tool that includes vitamins from group B. The release takes place in a tablet form and in the form of a solution intended for injection. Designed for the treatment of neurological diseases. The therapeutic effect is achieved due to the action of substances included in the drug on inflammation, and ensuring a decrease in pain. It is used for the individual purpose of the attending physician.

The drug intended for injection acts faster, since it penetrates the blood faster, therefore it is considered more effective.

Composition of pills and injections of Milgamma

Both forms of the drug consist of pyridoxine, which is also called vitamin B6, and is an amplifier of metabolic processes. Vitamin also has a positive effect on the production of hemoglobin, in addition, when taking it, nerve impulses are better carried out. In combination with other vitamins of this group, it affects the production of histamine, adrenaline serotonin.

  • Vitamin B1 (another name is thiamine) is represented in the drug Benfotiamin (for tablets) and is able to affect the conversion of carbohydrates.
  • The ampoules contain cyancobalamin (or B12), which provides an analgesic effect and reduces the risk of progression of anemic processes.
  • Also, one of the components of injections is lidocaine, which ensures not only the relief of combat symptoms, but also a faster restoration of impaired motor functions.

The appointment of the drug Milgamma

It is part of a complex of therapeutic prescriptions in order to relieve inflammatory processes and pain. It is used in the presence of diseases associated with disorders in the nervous system, such as plexopathies, neuralgia, osteochondrosis, convulsive syndrome, paresis of the face, neuritis, myalgia, radicular syndrome, etc. It is prescribed in the presence of herpevirus, depending on indications.

Dosage and duration of Milgamma

The injection form is prescribed in the amount of one ampoule (2 ml) at a time. If there is a relief of an attack of the disease, intramuscular injection depending on the condition of the patient is introduced every day until stabilization of overall well -being is achieved. With supporting therapy, the same dose is administered every other day.


The tablets and dragees of Milgamma are designed for therapy aimed at maintaining the achieved stable state and is prescribed from the calculation of one tablet or dragee once a day. In the case of an exacerbation of the disease, if there is no possibility of intramuscular administration of the drug, the volume of the drug increases to three tablets during the day.

Contraindications to Milgamma

Some cardiological diseases (heart failure, violation in the functioning of the heart muscle), increased sensitivity to one or another component of the drug. As a rule, it is prescribed for children due to the increased content of vitamin components due to the risk of hypovitaminosis, which is fraught with disorders in the work of all systems and organs of the growing organism.

Testing the drug for pregnant and nursing mothers was not carried out, therefore, although there are no strict contraindications, the use of this drug does not have recommendations from the manufacturer. In each individual case of the appointment of Milgamma, the doctor takes into account the composition of the drugs used parallel to the comprehensive therapy in order to avoid the possible oversaturation of the patient's body with vitamin complexes.

The side effects of Milgamma

Depending on the susceptibility of the body, skin reactions in the form of itching, urticaria, rash are possible. Rare side effects can be gags, inhibition of respiratory reflexes, increased sweating, drowsiness, peeling or dry skin, heart rhythms. Therefore, treatment with the drug should be strictly controlled by the attending physician, who, when such consequences appear, determines the causes of their occurrence and regulates the course of treatment.

The price of the drug Milgamma

On average, the price of the drug is:

  • In the form of tablets - 700 rubles.
  • In the form of dragees - 1200 rubles.
  • In the form of a solution for injection of 5 ampoules (2 ml) in the package - 300 rubles.
  • In the form of a solution for injection of 25 ampoules (2 ml) in the package - 1200 rubles.

Drugs similar to Milgamma

Structural analogues containing a similar vitamin composition are the forms of binawita and combi, directly vitamins included in group B, a solution of lidocaine. Any replacement of the drugs is carried out exclusively from the appointment of a doctor who determines the presence of the desired number of existing components in substitutes and combined drugs used in complex treatment.


Reviews about the drug Milgamma

According to the reviews of patients who underwent a course of treatment, with the introduction of injections of Milgamma, a drop in the amount of sugar in the blood in those suffering from diabetes was noticed. Patients also notice that relief occurs after the second injection of the drug.

Video: Instructions for the drug Milgamma

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