Mesotherapy and biorevitalization: what is the difference, features, indications and contraindications between them. Description of mesotherapy and biorevitalization procedures

Mesotherapy and biorevitalization: what is the difference, features, indications and contraindications between them. Description of mesotherapy and biorevitalization procedures

The main way of rapid rejuvenation is beauty injections, they include mesotherapy and biorevitalization. In this article, we will tell you how these procedures are different, and which one is worth choosing with certain problems.

Mesotherapy and biorevitalization: what is the difference between them, description of the procedures, features

Indeed, these two procedures are invasive, that is, injectable, which are carried out with a puncture of the skin. This allows you to introduce an active substance not superficially, but into the deeper layers of the epidermis and dermis. The main filler and anti -aging component - hyaluronic acid, is characterized by large molecules, which are practically not absorbed when used in creams and serums. This drug, in order for it to act, must be administered directly under the skin, into the inner, deep layers.



  • Mesotherapy and biorevitalization procedures have gained considerable popularity recently, because they are emergency assistants in the struggle for beauty and youth. But still, there are some differences between the procedures, despite the fact that substances are found under the skin with injection.
  • Mesotherapy does not necessarily contain one hyaluronic acid. Usually these are cocktails that can contain vitamins, minerals, oils and other beneficial substances, and do not contain hyaluronic acid at all. It all depends on what problem the patient came. It is allowed to do even young girls aged 18-19, in order to fight scars, as well as acne.
  • In this case, there is no hyaluronic acid in the cocktail, because it is not needed. Indeed, at the age of 18, it is produced in the body in sufficient quantities. Thus, the composition will contain vitamins, minerals that will activate metabolic processes and get rid of infection as well as acne as soon as possible.
  • As for biorevitalization, the active substance in such a manipulation is hyaluronic acid. The main purpose of this procedure is to introduce filler, that is, fill in wrinkles and fix something here and now. With the help of biorevitalization, it is possible to deal with excessive dry skin and its rapid aging.
  • With the help of hyaluron, wrinkles are aligned, as well as filling and giving volume to some areas on the face in order to improve the relief and build the right oval of the face.

Indications and contraindications for mesotherapy and biorevitalization

Most often, biorevitalization is used in order to make the oval of the face correct, and more clear. Because with the age of the oval, the face floats, the cheekbones are not so distinct. They slide down with the oval of the face, and the lower part of the chin.

In this case, biorevitalization is an excellent method to restore the oval, make it clear and pronounced. Minerals and vitamins will not give the desired effect, because their effect will occur much later, when the skin is really saturated with vitamins.


The most interesting thing is that mesotherapy is usually resorted to in the event that it is necessary not to eliminate problems, but to prevent their appearance. It is noticed that the skin is dry quickly and ages. With the help of mesotherapy, it will be possible to extend her youth.

Contraindications to mesotherapy and biorevitalization are almost the same. Usually a cosmetologist is introduced to them.


  • Individual intolerance to the components of the cocktail and hyaluronic acid
  • Infectious skin diseases
  • Pregnancy
  • High blood pressure
  • Cancer tumors

Most often, the doctor independently decides what needs to be done, mesotherapy or biorevitalization. The cosmetologist sees the problem and knows how to eliminate it. Most often, mesotherapy is carried out with such skin defects:

  • Acne
  • Rashes
  • Vascular mesh
  • Dark spots

Mesotherapy is carried out not only on the face, but also on the body, and even hair. The fact is that the mesotherapy session allows you to strengthen hair growth, make it more thick. Therefore, it is often used for the treatment and prevention of baldness. As soon as you notice that you have rare hair, you can use the mesotherapy procedure that will saturate the scalp with useful components and stimulate the growth of hair follicles.


In addition, mesotherapy allows you to get rid of stretch marks, as well as to prevent cellulite and eliminate the most noticeable tuberous areas on the hips and buttocks. It is worth noting that usually mesotherapy gives a longer effect, but the difference is not visible after the first procedure. Therefore, mesotherapy is recommended to be carried out in whole courses, after which the result appears after some time.

Biorevitalization usually immediately gives the result. It must be repeated once every 1-6 months. As you can see, the procedures, despite the presence of common features, are very different. They differ not only in compounds of nutrient cocktails that are found in the skin, but also the main tasks, purpose. Therefore, a cosmetologist will help to decide between biorevitalization and mesotherapy, taking into account the features of your skin.

Biorevitalization of the lips
Biorevitalization of the lips

Biorevitalization is usually carried out as an anti -aging procedure that can rejuvenate the face.


  • Small wrinkles under the eyes
  • Opinion of the upper eyelid
  • The floating oval of the face
  • Elimination of face gray
  • Increase in the cheekbones, lips, chin

The cost of procedures is also different. The fact is that mesotherapy is somewhat cheaper, but more sessions must be carried out. Biorevitalization at a price is much more expensive, but less sessions are needed. This is due to the fact that in the composition of substances that are introduced during biorevitalization, there is hyaluronic acid, which is not cheap. The cost of mesotherapy is cheaper, because part of hyaluronic acid is replaced by vitamins, minerals, as well as useful components that are much cheaper.

When choosing a particular injection of beauty, highlight the main tasks that the injections should cope with. The doctor will help to decide on the choice and advise the most suitable option for you.

Video: mesotherapy and biorevitalization

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  1. I am terribly afraid of all sorts of injections, so I try to put them back in every possible way. Now it has become massage of the face, the interference has decreased, the bags under the eyes have already been less pronounced. I drink vitamins and to improve blood circulation vasalalamin. I didn’t think that there would be such a result, but as soon as the vessels were able to freely drive blood, my skin shone and the color is now healthy, even stopped using blush!

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