St. John's wort oil - properties. The use of St. John's wort for skin and hair, in cosmetology?

St. John's wort oil - properties. The use of St. John's wort for skin and hair, in cosmetology?

An article about the benefits of St. John's wort for skin and hair. Ways to prepare St. John's wort oil at home. Folk recipes for beauty with St. John's wort oil.

St. John's wort essential oil has long been used in medicine and cosmetology. We will tell you how to cook St. John's wort oil yourself, as well as how to use it for skin and hair.

Beneficial properties of St. John's wort essential oil

St. John's wort flowers
St. John's wort flowers
  • Oil relieves pain, cramps and inflammation
  • Effectively against edema
  • This is an antibacterial, antiseptic and resorption agent
  • The St. John's wort extinction is an effective way to eliminate a variety of skin lesions: burns, wounds, cuts, boils, animal bites, abscesses, hematomas. Oil promotes rapid healing and regeneration of the skin. Use it for any rashes on the skin and dermatitis
  • Extract is used for varicose veins
  • When consuming orally, the oil strengthens the vessels, improves the functioning of the kidneys in filtering and regulates the blood flow on the periphery
  • This is a great diuretic. And given the presence of substances in the oil that fight bacteria, you will be deprived of the risk of cystitis
  • St. John's wort reassures the nervous and mental systems, so it can be used in the treatment of depression
St. John's wort oil is made of flowers and grass
St. John's wort oil is made of flowers and grass

Important: the maximum properties of the St. John's wort extinction are revealed in combination with cypress oil.

St. John's wort oil, contraindications

The oil is contraindicated:

  • hypertension, since it causes narrowing of blood vessels
  • with very long sunbathing
  • with possible contact with radioactive radiation (for example, if your work is connected with this)
  • with a long stay in a place with high temperatures
  • with increased body temperature
  • during taking some drugs, for example, AIDS, artificial antibiotics and contraceptives
St. John's Assigning Oil has contraindications
St. John's Assigning Oil has contraindications

St. John's wort extract belongs to weak toxic substances. With a very large amount of oil taken inside, you can feel unpleasant consequences in the liver and a bitter taste in the mouth.

Important: experts recommend not to use a pure St. John's wort extract, but to combine it with other oils, and there should be at least 80% of the total an auxiliary oil.

Hair animal: Hair St. John's wort

St. John's wort is known for its positive effect on hair suffering from excessive fat content, as well as combined curls.

This is an effective tool against itching, dandruff and other problems of the skin of the head. After applying the St. John's wort, hair retains cleanliness and freshness longer, and also acquire softness, silkiness, natural shine.

And here are a few effective masks based on hair beast oil.

Associated the St. John's wort oil makes hair stronger and thicker
Associated the St. John's wort oil makes hair stronger and thicker

Mask against excessive fat content of strands. Combine the St. John's wort and almond hood by a pair of tablespoons of each. In this mixture, drip up to 6 drops of patchouli oil.

Distribute the resulting composition with a thin layer for each curl. After half an hour, use your usual shampoo for washing strands.

Important: to enhance the effect as a rinseum, use a decoction of St. John's wort flowers.

Mask against dandruff. Combine 3 tbsp. St. John's wort and 1 tbsp. sesame hood. Enter up to 6 drops of the ether of tea tree or eucalyptus here.

Since this tool is designed to eliminate dandruff, it does not need to be distributed by strands. Rub the fingers moistened in the resulting composition well, the skin of the head, simultaneously grabbing the roots of the hair.

To enhance the action of an oil mixture, it is best to cover the hairstyle with a plastic cap, and just a plastic bag is suitable. After 40 minutes, delete the composition using your usual care products.

Hair masks with St. John's wort essential oil
Hair masks with St. John's wort essential oil

Mask from itching of the skin of the head.

  • You will need 3 tbsp. St. John's wort, which should be connected to 1 tbsp. Jozhoba ether and 5-6 droplets of mint extract
  • It is not necessary to coat the hair with the mixture with the mixture, the main thing is to apply it to the scalp, gently massaging
  • The longer you massage the skin with butter, the more you warm it up and thereby facilitate the receipt of the composition deep into the composition
  • Put on a polyethylene hat for half an hour, then rinse off the oil mixture with shampoo

Mask for the strength and density of strands.

  • Combine the same amount of St. John's wort oil and wheat germ
  • Enter rosemary ether at the rate of 1 drop per 10 ml of oil composition into the mixture
  • Rub the resulting tool in the head and hair roots, carefully massage the skin
  • Cover your hair with a plastic cap for half an hour, and then remove the oil using your usual care products

Important: the St. John's wort extract leaves a light dark shade on the hair, so it is recommended primarily to brunettes and brown -haired women.

Facial St. John's wort: St. John's wort for face skin

St. John's wort ether is suitable for all skin types. In combination with other oils and other natural substances, you can get effective compositions for all occasions.

St. John's wort is able to compete with acne, oily skin, calm the sensitive skin, rejuvenate and tone the face.

St. John's wort essential moisturizes and deeply cleanses the skin of the skin
St. John's wort essential moisturizes and deeply cleanses the skin of the skin

Facial tonic based on St. John's wort.

  • This tool is especially useful for very sensitive skin, prone to redness and rashes
  • The result will be a really clean, shining face without a hint of fatty shine or redness. To prepare a liquid, you will need a pharmacy sage from which you should prepare a decoction
  • Add up to 20 drifts of the St. John's wort ether on 200 ml of decoction. The resulting tool is abundantly wipe the skin every day
  • After you applied a tonic, do not rush to use the cream. Wait for 20-30 minutes and rinse the composition, and only after that resort to other cosmetic care products

Anti-acne remedy.

Moisten a cotton swab in oil and point it pointwise to problem areas. Acne manifestations will significantly decrease after 10-14 days.

You can also use St. John's wort for preventive purposes, for this, wipe the whole face with another oil three times a week, combined with other oil, for example, almond.

Remedy for rosacea.

1 tbsp. Heat the St. John's wort extract in a water bath. Drill a couple of driparis or rosemary drops into it, mix well.

Moisten a cotton swab in the resulting composition and wipe the skin in those areas that are affected by rosacea. After the procedure, be sure to moisturize the skin with a nourishing cream.

Face mask with St. John's wort essential oil
Face mask with St. John's wort essential oil

Pore \u200b\u200bnarrowing mask. Separate the protein from the raw chicken egg, enter 1 tbsp into it. St. John's wort and up to 5 drops of tea tree extract. Leave the mask on the face for 20 minutes, then gently remove with water.

Inflamed skin. Prepare the composition of natural honey, St. John's wort and grape oils in the same amount. Lubricate your face with a finished tool, wait a quarter of an hour and remove the mixture with water.

Mask for moisturizing overdled skin. 1 tsp Change oatmeal into powder. Add them to 2 tbsp. Locks of watermelon and 0.5 tsp. St. John's wort. Carefully connect all the components into the continuous mass, which is distributed over dry skin and leave for a quarter of an hour.

St. John's wort for body skin

St. John's wort extract affects different types of skin. The epithelium, inclined to fat content, inflammation and rashes, treats grass, eliminates the excessive sebum, redness, rash. Drown skin under the influence of ether is filled with moisture and becomes more elastic.

Body of St. John's wort for body
Body of St. John's wort for body
  • External use of the hood is useful for various kinds of epithelial lesions. We are talking about injuries of the skin: infected wounds, cuts, abrasions, hematomas and other defects
  • The oil has a pronounced anti -inflammatory and bactericidal effect, its use stimulates the body's own resources for the regeneration of the skin
  • It is enough to lubricate the lesions of the skin with the air of St. John's wort mixed with other oil, for example, almond, olive, sea buckthorn and even ordinary sunflower

Important: St. John's wort oil diluted in basic oil is a solution for sensitive body skin, when an allergic reaction is observed on most ready -made cosmetics.

By varying the amount of St. John's wort in the basic oil with its help, you can both achieve even tanning in sunbathing (in this case, only a few drops of the extract will be required) and treat sunburns.

How to cook St. John's wort oil at home?

Getting St. John's wort extract at home is easy. There are several recipes for its preparation.

St. John's wort essential can be obtained at home
St. John's wort essential can be obtained at home

Recipe No. 1. You will need fresh floral collection in the amount of 20 g. It must be placed in a glass of olive oil and leave to infuse for a month. After the indicated time, pass the mixture through gauze fabric or small sieve. The resulting tool will be that valuable St. John's wort.

Recipe No. 2. Fresh flowers, as well as the grass of St. John's wort in the amount of 100 g, place in a glass of almond oil, olive or sunflower. Leave the mixture for 20 days, then carefully squeeze the grass and flowers, and pass the liquid through the filter in the form of gauze or sieve.

How to use St. John's wort oil: tips and reviews

The St. John's wort oil obtained at home does not contain preservatives and other additives. Therefore, experts recommend keeping the product only in a cool and darkened place, and store it for no more than 8 months.

A mixture of basic oils with St. John's wort essential oil is useful for the skin
A mixture of basic oils with St. John's wort essential oil is useful for the skin
  • Keep the extract only in glass containers with a tightly closed lid. It is best to use darkened glass
  • Remember that in its pure form, an air of St. John's wort is phototoxic and can cause burns. Be sure to mix it with other oils and ingredients
  • This is the only way you will achieve all the beneficial properties of the extract. Experts recommend adding St. John's wort in the amount of 10-20% of the total mass of the finished product
  • Oil is not advised to use young children. There is also a rare intolerance to substances that make up the St. John's wort extract

Video: St. John's wort oil

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  1. If you mix it with gelatin and do such masks twice a week, the effect is just super. And do not forget about the moisture of the deep layers of the skin. This is helped by Evalarovsky hyaluronic acid. Our drug, domestic. So the sanctions are not imposed on it ... It is profitable to buy a phytomarket in the online store.

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