Milk thistle oil in cosmetology. How to use milk thistle oil for hair and skin?

Milk thistle oil in cosmetology. How to use milk thistle oil for hair and skin?

Looking for the best tool for face and hair? One of the most useful and effective oils in cosmetology is presented in this article. The best recipes and tips.

How do they use milk thistle oil in cosmetology?

The beneficial properties of milk thistle oil were found in antiquity: ancient Greece and Rome. The oil was widely used to treat wounds and various diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver. It helped soldiers recover faster. With it, it was easily possible to neutralize the consequences of food poisoning.

In cosmetology, the use of milk thistle oil had its fruits. The regenerating properties of oil help for treatment:

  • Skin (dermatitis, dry skin)
  • Hair (hair loss, dandruff)
  • Acne (also redness, inflammation)
  • Wrinkles (deep and small)
  • Eyelashes (eyelash loss, poor growth)
It looks like a barrier
This is what a milk thistle looks like
  • It is useful to add milk thistle oil to home -made creams to improve the regenerating properties of the skin. It is used as part of almost any hair masks, faces, hands. Added to body scrubs
  • This oil is unique in its properties. It has become the favorite oil of many women around the world, preferring natural cosmetics
  • It is known for certain that the best way to get rid of a problem or illness is to treat it from the inside, to treat its source. Reception of milk thistle oil inward helps to cleanse and rejuvenate the body from the inside. It positively affects all systems of the body, forcing them to work in full force
Milk thistle oil
Milk thistle oil

Oil of milk thistle for eyelashes, use

  • Since milk thistle oil contains a large amount of vitamin A and fatty acids, it is useful to use it for the growth and strengthening of weak eyelashes
  • For rapid growth and increase in eyelash density, milk thistle oil is used as an independent tool
  • You can pour it into clean packaging from under the carcass and apply as mascara before bedtime for half an hour, then remove the oil that is not absorbed with a cotton pad
With the help of oil, you can achieve stunningly beautiful eyelashes
With the help of oil, you can achieve stunningly beautiful eyelashes

There is another way to use marshmallows for eyelashes - mixing with other oil.

It is precisely these cosmetic oils that are best combined with the oil of milk thistle:

  • Burdock
  • Castor
  • Linen
  • Grape seeds
  • Almond
  • Olive
  • Persian
  • Wheat germs

Essential oils for growth and strengthening of eyelashes are best not to use even in a mixture with milk thistle oil. Any essential oil, falling on the retina, can cause a burn. Even if there is no burn, unpleasant sensations and burning in the eyes are guaranteed to you.

Such a jar of milk thistle oil is enough to give the eyelashes the desired look
Such a jar of milk thistle oil is enough to give the eyelashes the desired look

Proopha oil has the same effect on the eyebrows. Want to get thick beautiful eyebrows, like a Hollywood movie star - natural oils of milk thistle to help you!

Hair milk thistle oil

Is it possible to use hair with hair -throat hair? Not only possible, but also necessary!

The action of the milk thistle oil that he has on the hair:

  • Enhances growth
  • Smoothes flakes of damaged hair
  • It nourishes hair from the inside
  • Prevents further relaxation of the ends
  • Eliminates even strong brittle hair
  • Protects hair from harmful external exposure
  • Completely eliminates dandruff, as well as itching of the scalp
  • Fights with baldness and a strong "hairy"
Hair milk thistle oil
Hair milk thistle oil

Proophasi oil can be used both the main hair remedy, and as an additional ingredient in the mask.

As the main product, milk thistle oil is used for tips or for roots.

  • The oil is heated in a water bath to 40 degrees. You can’t warm above - the structure of the oil will change for the worse and the super effect can not be obtained
  • Combing the hair so that it is easier to calculate with oil
  • If the oil is applied only to the roots, then it is distributed exactly according to the partings, then combed again. Thus, the oil will be distributed along the entire length
  • If the oil is used for the ends, then warm oil is dripped onto the comb, then this comb is combed from the middle of the length
  • In any case, the oil is left on the hair from 30 to 90 minutes, then washed off with warm water with shampoo
Hair healing with milk thistle oil
Hair healing with milk thistle oil

What hair masks can be done with milk thistle oil?

  1. Oil mask (containing several oils, in addition to milk thistle oil). A list of oils that combines milk thistle oil and the methods of applying oil to the hair are described above in the article
  2. Clay mask (blue, black, pink).
    1. To do this, add fluid (water or milk) to the clay and bring to sour creamy consistency
    2. Add a spoonful of oil
    3. Apply to the hair of medium humidity (not too raw, but not dry)
    4. Withstand half an hour
    5. Rinse with shampoo
  3. Mask with sour cream(Sour cream take the most fat).
    1. Sour cream is a little heated (30 degrees)
    2. Add oil, approximately 1-2 tablespoons (depending on the amount of sour cream)
    3. Apply a mixture to the hair, including roots
    4. Withstand from 30 minutes
    5. Wash off warm water with shampoo
  4. Mask with honey
    1. Honey in a water bath is heated to 40 degrees
    2. Add a tablespoon of milk thistle oil to it, stir well
    3. Apply the mixture along the entire length of the hair
    4. Leave for an hour
    5. Wash off warm water with shampoo
  5. Mask with eggs
    1. The egg is broken from a bowl, slightly beat (at this stage the egg can be strained through a sieve so that it becomes homogeneous)
    2. 1 tablespoon of milk thistle oil and 1 teaspoon of castor oil are added to the egg. Mix thoroughly
    3. Apply a mixture to dry hair
    4. Leave under a hat for an hour and a half
    5. Wash off with warm (not hot!) Water. If not necessary, shampoo can not be added
Gorgeous hair with milk thistle oil

How to use acne cane butter?

Proopschi oil, as mentioned earlier, has a good anti -inflammatory effect. Therefore, it is logical to use it with the fight against acne both externally and inside.

External use is reduced to simple wiping the face twice a day with milk thistle oil. The procedure is best carried out in the morning (an hour before going out) and in the evening (an hour before bedtime). How to do it:

  • The face is prepared: cleaned of cosmetics and skin fat that has been released during the day
  • Apply with a cotton pad with a small layer of milk thistle oil
  • Massage movements are slightly rubbed into the skin of the face oil
  • Leave the mask for 15 minutes
  • The remaining oil is removed with a clean cotton pad

Result:after 2 weeks, your skin will noticeably cleanse. New pimples will appear much less and heal at times faster

Getting rid of pimples acne
Getting rid of pimples acne

The use of oil as an additive for food or on an empty stomach also gives excellent results.

To achieve the best result, the oil is drunk in the morning on an empty stomach, washed down with a glass of slightly warm water.


On the skin of the face, a milk thistle oil has a positive effect. In addition, this is one of the best oils for skin care, but not very popular.

The action of a milk thistle on the skin of the face:

  • Nourishes dry skin
  • In oily skin reduces the speed of skin fat
  • Makes the skin elastic
  • Small wounds on the skin of the face heal faster
  • The skin becomes less susceptible to ultraviolet rays

It is very efficient to use the oil -playing oil for the face as part of other masks.

Sourceful mask with milk thistle oil:

  • 2 full tablespoons of the most oily sour cream (or cream) are mixed with 1 teaspoon of milk thistle oil
  • Gently apply the mixture on the face, avoiding the area around the eyes
  • The mask is left on the face for 15 minutes
  • Rinse with warm water

Result: The skin becomes much elastic. The face looks fresher and rested.

Fisane mask is an ideal remedy for dry skin.

Sour cream mask with milk thistle oil
Sour cream mask with milk thistle oil

Oatmeal face mask with milk thistle oil

  • Drink 1 tablespoon of oatmeal into flour in a coffee grinder (or taken ready -made flour, no more than 1 tablespoon)
  • Pour oatmeal with water or milk to get a viscous gruel. Leave oatmeal for 5 minutes for swelling
  • Add 1 teaspoon of milk thistle oil to oatmeal, mix
  • Add 1-2 drops of lemon essential oil to the resulting mixture, mix once again
  • Apply the resulting mask to the face, slightly massage for a couple of minutes
  • Leave the mask on the face for another 10 minutes
  • Rinse with warm water

Result: Pores narrow, the skin looks fit, bright. Black dots and bold shine disappear.

An ideal product for oily skin. Oatmeal mask with milk thistle oil not only eliminates oily shine, but also slightly brightens the skin.

Facial mask with oatmeal and butterfly oil
Facial mask with oatmeal and butterfly oil


Do not forget about milk thistle oil when it comes to the fight against wrinkles. This is a really very effective tool for rejuvenation of the skin, to give it tone.

Of course, very strong wrinkles of a milk thistle will win, but he can “drop” for several years from your face. But all this with regular use.

Aloe mask from wrinkles

  • From one sheet of aloe (it is better to take the lower sheet) squeeze the juice
  • Combine juice with a warmed butter of milk thistle (0.5 teaspoon), mix
  • Add a teaspoon of lemon juice, mix again
  • Apply a mask to the face for 15 minutes
  • Rinse with cool water

Result: The skin is noticeably transformed after the first such mask. For a greater result, it is recommended to make this mask once a week.

The benefits of oil -thistle oil from wrinkles
The benefits of oil -thistle oil from wrinkles

Apple mask from wrinkles with milk thistle oil:

  • The apple is cleaned of the peel and rubbed on a fine grater
  • If there is a lot of juice from the apple, then about half is drained so that later the mask does not spread
  • Connect half a teaspoon of oil with a grated apple
  • Add a teaspoon of lemon juice, mix
  • If there are grape seed oil or wheat germ, you can also add (0.5 teaspoon). Everything is mixed
  • Applied to a previously cleansed face
  • Withstand 15-20 minutes
  • Wash off the mask with cool water

Result: Together, apple and milk thistle oil give a wonderful effect. The skin simply shines after the first application.

Face mask with apple and oil -thistle oil from wrinkles

Is it possible to allergies to milk thistle oil?

Proopha oil can cause allergies in only one case: if a person has individual intolerance to milk thistle grass. The oil itself is just used to treat allergies, dermatitis.

It cannot cause allergies in principle. Therefore, if it seemed to you that you suddenly had an allergy to a milk thistle oil - check out the allergist, take tests. Most likely, the matter is not in oil, but in something else.

How to use milk thistle oil in cosmetology: tips and reviews

  • To achieve the best result, it is preferable to use the non -refined oil of cold -pressed spin. It is with this method of receipt that the oil of the milk thistle retains all its beneficial properties
  • If you use a refined paszopshi for masks, the effect of such procedures will be reduced to zero
  • It is best to purchase milk thistle oil in a pharmacy. There is a risk that the oil is milk thistle. bought in a dubious store, will not have the properties that the natural oil of the milk thistle possesses

Marina, 34 years old, Odessa

After 30 began to think about wrinkles. Little by little they began to appear, especially where the nasolabial fold. At first I used purchased creams, but then I decided to switch to natural products. My first and last weaved was the remedy for a milk thistle oil. I stopped on it, because after 10 applications I saw the result of the result - I began not to look at my own 34, but at 30. I decided in this oil and finish my searches. If it stops doing - a shift, but so far it completely suits me.

Angela, 39 years old, Stavropol

All my life I have been working as a teacher, nervous work, often frowning. Strong wrinkles began to appear on the forehead already at 26. By 39 they became very obvious, very old. I have an allergy for many purchased creams and masks, the situation is only aggravated. I read on the Internet that oil masks are the most useful. She began to use milk thistle oil in half with olive oil. Apply before bedtime. 5 masks were enough for me to see the first results. Then, additionally, a mask of apple and milk thistle oil also began to make. Even wrinkles around the eyes were smoothed. I am satisfied with this oil.

Olga, 45 years old, Moscow

The frantic rhythm of life in the capital made itself felt very early - at 23 years old. The skin "breathed" with exhausts, lost precious moisture, began to deteriorate. I did not care about her then. And after 20 years I had to correct terrible consequences. They advised the coconut oil - it did not help, the Jozhoba oil also did not help. I didn’t hope for a milk thistle, but I tried it. To my surprise, the effect was, and noticeable. While I stopped on it, you need to do 5 more procedures with it (only 20). Then it will be seen. But to date, the milk thistle oil is my favorite.

Video: How to make a simple mask with milk thistle oil?

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