Masks from wrinkles, around the eyes after 30 at home. Recipes of the best anti -aging masks for facial skin

Masks from wrinkles, around the eyes after 30 at home. Recipes of the best anti -aging masks for facial skin

Facial care after 30. Preparation of face masks after 30: the best recipes for masks made of clay, eggs, honey, aloe and oils.

Age after thirty years is considered a peak in the heyday of a woman. However, in order to look worthy and have a flowering look, cute ladies at this age need to regularly take care of their skin and constantly feed it with the necessary substances and trace elements.

Useful effect of face masks after 30

Useful effect of face masks after 30
Useful effect of face masks after 30
  • In the struggle for young skin, the fair sex will help the face masks. Such masks can be purchased in ordinary household chemicals and cosmetics stores, or in specialized cosmetic salons
  • You can create your own individual face mask right at home based on elementary products from the refrigerator
  • Women after thirty need to select face masks with appropriate characteristics. At this age, the skin is already beginning to age a little, and if you do not take any action, then soon quite noticeable deep wrinkles can be found on the face
  • In order to avoid the appearance of the so -called goose legs under the eyes, it is necessary to carefully moisten the skin around the eyes. In addition to moisturizing, the skin requires suitable nutrition
  • The selection of the necessary components of the mask will directly depend on the type of skin of the face. In no case can you use moisturizing masks for oily skin or whitening - for dry. The mask must necessarily respond to the type of skin

How to cook anti -aging face masks after 30?

How to cook face masks after 30?
How to cook face masks after 30?

In order to rejuvenate the skin after thirty years, it is necessary to regularly use masks that allow you to restore the natural beauty of the skin. The main tasks of such cosmetic
Means are:

  1. Cleaning the face from keratinized skin particles
  2. Accelerated blood circulation inside the epidermis
  3. Restoring the water balance of the skin
  4. Nutrition of the upper and inner layer of the skin with the necessary trace elements
  5. The capture of the contour of the face
Contacting face masks after 30
Contacting face masks after 30
  • Scrubs based on slightly sugared honey, coffee grounds, cane sugar, wheat bran, oatmeal and even table salt can help with cleaning the skin of dead cells.
  • Significantly increase the rate of metabolic processes and skin circulation will help face massage. It can be carried out using creams or vegetable oils. All movements on the surface of the skin should be made strictly along the massage lines of the face
  • For tinting the skin, contrasting washing of the face with alternate alternating warm and cold water may be suitable. Cosmetologists are not recommended to wash the face with hot water (especially the owners of dry skin)
  • After massage, you can stimulate the skin of the face with an ice cube. Cubes may include various kinds of herbs and fruit juices (parsley, chamomile, sage, calendula, cucumber, watermelon, lime, etc.)
Facial skin care after 30
Facial skin care after 30
  • A rejuvenating facial mask can be made using aloe juice. Before squeezing juice from aloe, it is necessary to hold its lower, most fleshy, branches in the refrigerator for some time. Then you need to remove the plant and remove the peel from it. From the resulting pulp of aloe, it is necessary to squeeze out all the possible juice and add it to any cosmetic material (burdock, pink, olive, peach) in a ratio of one to one. To achieve the desired consistency, it is recommended to add a little face cream to the resulting mixture. It is advisable to leave the resulting mask on the face for half an hour
  • The nourishing mask for the face after thirty can be prepared on the basis of a banana (preferably ripe or roller). The citrus fruit must be chopped in a blender or carefully handed over to the consistency of mashed potatoes. In parallel, it is necessary to kill oatmeal to the state of flour. Now you need to take a large spoon of banana mashed potatoes and oatmeal, add yolk eggs and a small spoonful of honey to them. The resulting mixture must be brought to convenient for applying consistency by adding any cosmetic oil. Such a mask is recommended to be applied to the steamed face and leave on it for half an hour
  • A mask based on glycerol will help to tighten the contour of the face. The recipe for its preparation is simple - you only need to mix along the coffee spoon of glycerol, honey and chopped oatmeal. To obtain the desired consistency to the resulting mixture, you need to add a little water. Such a mask must be applied to the face in the evening before bedtime after taking the shower. The recommended mask exposure time is twenty -five minutes

Spring face masks

Spring face masks
Spring face masks
  • Spring is a rather difficult period of the transition from strong cold to the exhausting heat. The skin of women after thirty especially needs to prepare for such a transition
  • As a rule, after a cold winter, the skin is overdried, dehydrated and very sensitive. Therefore, the first task in the spring season is moisturizing, cleansing and nutrition by vitamins and useful trace elements. It is very important to prepare the skin for high temperatures
  • Pretty neat with the use of cosmetics it is necessary to be excellent owners of freckles. Such facial decorations make the skin even more susceptible and vulnerable
Girls with freckles need to be neat with the choice of masks
Girls with freckles need to be neat with the choice of masks

Mask to give color to the face after winter


  • Chamomile - 2 tbsp.
  • Linden color - 2 tbsp.
  • Lavender - 2 tbsp.
  • Sage - 1 tbsp.

All these ingredients are mixed and interrupted in a blender. In the resulting gruel, we add boiling water until the consistency of the cream is formed. We leave the infusion for half an hour under the lid. We apply the mask to the cleansed, slightly wet skin. On top of the mask, we cover the face with a special mask or a napkin with slots for the eyes, nose and mouth. The exposure time of the mask is twenty minutes.

Spring mask based on yeast


  • Dry yeast - 2 tsp.
  • Cream or oily sour cream - 2 tsp.
  • Vitamin A - floor of a coffee spoon
  • Vitamin E - floor of a coffee spoon
  • Honey - floor of a coffee spoon

Any cosmetic oil is the floor of a coffee spoon

Dissolve the yeast in the dairy product and add all other components to them. We put the mixed mixture in a water bath for a while, until the yeast is wandered. Apply a yeast mask on the face. The exposure time of the mask is twenty -five minutes. If after applying the mask there is any discomfort, then we hold it for no more than seven minutes. Remove the mask with a cotton pad. It is advisable to moisten the disk in brewing green tea or just milk.

Cabbage face mask after 30
Cabbage face mask after 30

Cabbage mask for vitaminization


  • Dry yeast
  • Cabbage
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin E
  • Camphor oil

From the cabbage chopped in a meat grinder or blender, squeeze the juice. In freshly squeezed juice, dissolve yeast. Put the workpiece in the water bath and heat it slightly. We leave yeast and cabbage juice in a warm place until the fermentation process begins (approximately for twenty -five minutes). Add the rest of the components to the fermented mass, mix it and apply it to the face. After the first layer dries a little, we apply the second layer. After drying the second layer, we thus apply two more layers. The last layer should dry completely. Remove the mask with a cosmetic spatula or by rolling with wet fingers. Rinse the remaining particles with warm water.

Parisian mask for skin nutrition

Sauerkraut - 100 g

Grind the cabbage in a blender and cover it with the whole face. On top of the cabbage we apply a cosmetic mask or a napkin with slots. Rinse the mask after half an hour using warm water. After washing off, apply the cream.

Summer face masks

Summer face masks after 30
Summer face masks after 30

The main task of facial masks in the summer is protection against dehydration and ultraviolet radiation, which dry and age the skin of the face.

Toning face mask based on herbs and greens


  • Dill
  • Mint
  • Sage
  • Chamomile
  • Plantain
  • Rose petals
  • Linden color

We take a handful of all of the listed components and pour them one and a half liters of boiling water. In a slightly cooled infusion of herbs, moisten gauze or a special cosmetic mask and apply it on the face for twenty minutes.

Sorrel mask


  • Sorrel
  • Protein eggs

We rub the sorrel leaves in a mortar and mix with a thoroughly beaten protein. We apply the mask on the face in one layer. When the first layer dries, apply the second layer. After drying the second layer, we apply the third. We give the third layer to dry well and wash off the mask with warm water.

Masks from sorrel and medicinal herbs contribute to the tones of the skin of the face.

Face masks made of greenery and herbs
Face masks made of greenery and herbs

Dandelion mask


  • Dandelion leaves
  • Low -fat cottage cheese

Grind the dandelion in a mortar, add cottage cheese to it. Mix everything thoroughly and apply on the face. Leave the mask for twenty minutes. Remove the mask with paper napkins and wipe the face with serum or sour milk.

Tomato mask

The pulp of one tomato (without a peel) is kneaded to the state of mashed potatoes. We apply the tomato mixture on the face and leave for half an hour. Remove the mask with warm water.

Tropical mask


  • Banana - 0.5 pcs.
  • Kiwi - 0.5 pcs.
  • Yogurt or sour cream

We transfer citrus fruits to the state of gruel and mix them with a dairy product. We apply a mask for thirty minutes.

Spinach -based mask


  • Spinach
  • Milk or water

Cook the cut leaves of the spinach in one of the indicated fluids. Gauze or a piece of fabric is wetted in a decoction of spinach and apply on the face for fifteen minutes.

Masks from dandelion, tomatoes, citrus fruits and spinach are designed for problem skin.

Tomato masks, citrus fruits and spinach
Tomato masks, citrus fruits and spinach

Cucumber mask

Grind the cucumber in a blender (without a peel). We cover the face with the workpiece for twenty minutes. We remove the cucumber mask without water. It is better to add a couple of drops of citrus fruits (lime, orange) to the owners of the skin too oily skin type.

Currant mask


  • Potato - 1 pc.
  • Red or white currants - a handful

The potato boiled in the uniform was stiff in mashed potatoes. We rub the berries and add a small amount of mashed potatoes to them. We cover the face with a mask for fifteen minutes.

Cucumber masks and currants are suitable for oily skin.

Cucumbers masks
Cucumbers masks

Mask from cherries

We extract bones from a handful of cherries, and grind them in a blender. We cover the face with berry mashed potatoes for twenty minutes. For too dry skin, cream or any cosmetic oil can be added to the cherry mask.

Gooseberry -based mask


  • Oat flakes - a handful
  • Milk - 50 ml
  • Kryzhnik - 1 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 1 tsp

Pour the flakes with warm milk. At this time, gooseberries are grinded and mixed with sugar. When the flakes swell, add them to the berry puree. We apply a gooseberry mask to the face for fifteen minutes.

Carrot mask


  • Young carrots - 1 pc.
  • Fat cottage cheese, cream or sour cream

Grind the carrots in a blender and add a dairy product to it. We cover the surface of the skin with a mask for twenty minutes and wash off. Carrots can slightly paint the skin of the face, because after its removal you can walk along the face with a cotton pad moistened in lemon juice.

Masks based on cherries, gooseberries and carrots are designed for dry skin.

Face masks recipes after 30 with honey

Facial masks recipes with honey
Facial masks recipes with honey

Honey mask for dry skin


  • Liquid honey - 10 ml
  • Egg yolk - 1 pc.

All components are mixed and covered with the surface of the face. The resulting mask can have a fairly liquid consistency, so we apply it to the face in a lying position. After thirty minutes, we remove the mask with warm water.

Honey mask for problem skin


  • Honey - 5 ml
  • Water - 5 ml
  • Aspirin - 5 tablets

We rub the aspirin tablets to the state of the crumb. Pour them with water and wait until they completely dissolve. Add honey to the mixture and apply to the affected areas of the skin (acne, acne, rashes or black dots). We hold the mask until unpleasant sensations (burning or tightness of the skin) appear. After washing the mask, apply a moisturizer on the face.

Whitening and tonic honey mask


  • Lemon - half
  • Honey - 30 ml
  • Linseed oil - 5 ml

Grind the pulp of lemon (without a zest) in a blender. Add honey and butter to lemon. We cover the surface of the face with a mask and leave up to 15 minutes. After the specified time, we wash off the mask and moisturize it with fat cream. It is not recommended to use a honey-lemon mask to particularly sensitive areas of the skin of the face (lips, area around the eyes).

Honey masks
Honey masks

Honey-mixed mask for nutrition and moisture


  • Sour cream with fat content of at least 20% - 50 ml
  • Honey - 20 ml
  • Oatmeal flakes - 20 g
  • Cream - 10 g

Grind oatmeal to the state of flour. Add the remaining components to the flakes and mix thoroughly. We apply the mask to the face for fifteen minutes. Rinse the mask with warm water, but do not wipe the face with a towel - let it dry himself.

Stimulating honey mask with cinnamon


  • Honey - 10 ml
  • Cinnamon - 5 g
  • Sour cream - 20 ml

Mix all the ingredients and heat them a little. We apply the mask on the face in a position for fifteen minutes. Such a mask is contraindicated for women with allergies to cinnamon. It is best performed only once a week (no more).

Lemon -based masks
Lemon -based masks

Honey-banana mask from wrinkles


  • Honey - 15 ml
  • Banana - half
  • Olive oil - 10 ml

Interrupt the banana in a blender to the state of mashed potatoes. We heat a slightly mixture of honey and oil. Mix the banana and honey-oliveic mixture. We steam the face with a warm towel and apply a mask on it. The exposure time of the mask is ten minutes. It is advisable to carry out a similar procedure before bedtime.

Honey mask with pepper from black dots


  • Honey - 20 ml
  • Cottage cheese 50 g
  • Black pepper - 2 g

We mix all the components and apply the resulting mixture on the face for ten minutes (in places of large accumulation of black points of the mask you can apply more). At the end of the specified period, remove the mask and wipe the face with a cube of ice to narrow the opened pores.

A rejuvenating honey mask


  • Gelatin - 10 g
  • Honey - 30 ml
  • Glycerin - 20 ml

We dissolve gelatin in water and let it swell. Add the rest of the masks to the finished gelatin. We apply the mixture to the skin with a brush. When the first layer of the mask dries, we apply the second layer. The exposure time of the mask is half an hour. After washing off the mask from the face, it should be greased with oily cream.

Face masks recipes after 30 with egg

Egg masks recipes
Facial masks recipes from eggs after 30

When choosing a face -based mask, it is necessary to take into account the type of skin. The suitable part of the egg for oily skin will become protein, and the dry and sensitive skin type will react well to the yolk.

A rejuvenating mask


  • Yolk - 1 pc
  • Olive oil - 1 tbsp.

Beat the yolk with butter. Distribute the mixture on the surface of the skin. Its exposure time is twenty minutes.

Tonic mask


  • Yolk - 1 pc.
  • Fresh from citrus fruits - 1 tbsp.

Beat the yolk and add a citrus frish to it. Dip the gauze or a piece of fabric with slots in such a blank. Distribute gauze on the surface of the face. The retention time is up to seventeen minutes. After, the whole mixture is removed. The face is best moistened with cream.

Nourishing mask for dry and sensitive skin


  • Yolk - 1 pc.
  • Honey - 1 tbsp.
  • Natural yogurt - 1 tsp
  • Butter - 1 tsp.

We melt honey in the microwave or steam. Add the remaining ingredients to honey. Distribute the mixture over the face. The exposure time is thirty minutes. After the specified time, wash off the mixture from the skin.

Egg masks
Egg masks

Eggy tonic mask


  • Protein - 1 pc.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp.

Beat the protein quite strongly with a whisk. Pour lemon juice into the protein. Distribute the mixture on the surface of the face. The exposure time is ten minutes.

Black dots mask


  • Protein - 1 pc.
  • Warm water
  • Clay (green, blue or black) - 1 tbsp.

Beat the protein quite strongly with a whisk. Dissolve the clay in the liquid. Mix clay and protein. Distributed the mixture over the face. The exposure time is fifteen minutes. Washing the mask, moisturize the face with cream.

Mask from wrinkles


  • Protein - 1 pc.
  • Gelatin -1 tbsp.
  • Water - 2 tbsp.
  • Pink oil - 2 drops

Pour gelatin with water. We leave him alone for fifteen to twenty minutes. After swelling of the gelatin, we melt it steamed. Add whipped protein along with butter to gelatin. We cover the face with a mixture for half an hour.

Nourishing mask


  • Protein - 1 pc.
  • Potato starch - 1 tbsp.
  • Glycerin - 1 tsp
  • Aloe juice

Beat the protein quite strongly with a whisk. Add all the remaining ingredients to it. Distribute the mixture over the face for thirty minutes.

Masks around the eyes

Masks around the eyes
Masks around the eyes

When choosing a mask for the area around the eyes, women should be more careful - you can’t use masks intended for ladies after forty years after thirty years. More age -related masks have an intensive focus on the fight against already quite obvious wrinkles. Such masks can significantly worsen the condition of the skin of women after thirty and provoke rapid aging.

Lifting mask

Grind raw potatoes. Distribute mashed potatoes on the surface of the eyes. The exposure time is thirty minutes. Remove the gruel with cool water.

Creamy-banana mask from wrinkles


  • Butter - 1 tbsp.
  • Banana puree- 1 tsp
  • Wheat flour

We melt the oil and mix with all the remaining ingredients. Distribute the mixture over the surface of the skin around the eyes. The exposure time is half an hour. Remove the mixture with cool water.

Mask recipes around the eyes
Mask recipes around the eyes

Goose mask


  • Oatmeal flakes - 1 tsp
  • Hot milk - 2 tbsp.

Pour the flakes with milk. Let them brew for twenty minutes. When the oatmeal has cooled, distribute it over the skin around the eyes. The exposure time is half an hour.

Mask from dark flax seeds


  • Flax seeds - 1 tbsp.
  • Water

We pour the flax seeds two hundred grams of water. Let them boil a little. The cooled seeds were stiff in mashed potatoes. We drip a few drops of burdock or castor oil to them. Distribute the mixture on the surface of the eyes. The exposure time is half an hour.

Face masks after 30 with clay

Facial masks with clay after 30
Facial masks with clay after 30

Cleaning mask

Mix dry clay, honey and teaspoon in the bowl to the consistency of sour cream. We cover the surface of the steamed face with a mask for thirty minutes. After this time, we wash off it with warm water.

Classic mask


  • Clay-2-3 tbsp.
  • Mineral water is not carbonated-3-4 tbsp.

Pour the clay with water without mixing. When the water is completely absorbed into the clay, we begin to knead it. Distribute the mixture on the surface of the face. The exposure time is fifteen minutes. Then remove it with water.

Oily skin masks

Components of masks No. 1:

  • White clay - 100 g
  • Glycerin - 5 g
  • Alcohol - 5 g
  • Water - 30 g

All components are mixed. Distribute the mixture on the surface of the face. The exposure time is twenty minutes.

Components of masks No. 2:

  • Talk - 1 tsp
  • White clay - 1 tsp
  • Milk - 1 tbsp.

We mix all the ingredients. Distribute them on the surface of the face. The exposure time is twenty minutes. After, remove the mixture.

Masks with clay
Masks with clay

Mask for problem skin


  • White clay - 3 tbsp.
  • Lemon juice-10-15 drops
  • Alcohol - 30 g

Mix all the components. Distribute them on the surface of the skin of the face. The exposure time is fifteen minutes.

Normal skin mask


  • White clay - 3 tsp.
  • Starch - 0.5 tsp.
  • Talc or toleck - 0.5 tsp.
  • A kvass - a pinch

All components are mixed. Distribute them in the face. The exposure time is twenty minutes. Rinse the mask with cool water.

Dry leather mask


  • Liquid honey - 1 tsp
  • Lemon juice - 40 drops
  • White clay - 1 tbsp.
  • Cold water (if necessary)

Mix all the components. Distribute them on the surface of the face. The exposure time is half an hour. Remove the mixture with cool water. We wipe the face with a lemon.

Face masks recipes after 30 with oils

Recipes of face masks with oils after 30
Recipes of face masks with oils after 30

Dry skin -based mask


  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Orange Fresh - 2 tsp.
  • Olive oil - 1 tsp
  • Carrot seed oil - drop
  • Neroli oil - 2 drops
  • Powdered milk

Beat the egg into a thick foam. Add the remaining ingredients to the egg. Distribute the mixture over the surface of the faces. The exposure time is fifteen minutes. Rinse the mixture with warm water. It is advisable then to rinse your face with additionally cold water.



  • Malina puree - 3 tbsp.
  • Sandal oil - 1 drop
  • Neroli oil - 1 drop
  • Chamomile oil - 2 drops

Mix all the components. We distribute them over the entire surface of the face. The exposure time is fifteen minutes. Remove the mixture with warm water.

Oily skin mask

Components of masks No. 1:

  • Carrot seed oil - 5 drops
  • Forest nut oil - 15 drops

Components of masks No. 2:

  • Patchouli oil - 5 drops
  • Forest nut oil or rosehip oil - 15 drops

In both cases, mix all the components. We cover the surface of the face for fifteen minutes. We remove the oil with lotion.

Masks with oils
Masks with oils

Mask against acne


  • Wheat germ oil - 1 tbsp.
  • Clove oil - 2 drops
  • Lavender oil - 2 drops

All components are mixed. We cover them with the affected areas on the face. The exposure time is ten minutes. We remove the oils with warm water.

Moisturizing mask


  • Yogurt (clean) - half a glass
  • Juice of one lemon
  • Avocado oil - 10 ml
  • Favorite essential oil - 4 drops

Mix all the components. We distribute them on the surface of the face and neck. The exposure time is up to twelve minutes. Remove the mixture with warm water.

Nourishing mask


  • Avocado - a small piece
  • Geranium oil - 3 drops
  • Ilang-ylang oil-1 drop

We knead the tropical fruit. Add oil to it. Distribute the mixture on the surface of the face. The exposure time is seventeen minutes. Wash it off with warm water.

Face masks recipes with aloe

Recipes of face masks with aloe after 30
Recipes of face masks with aloe after 30

Rejuvenating and pulling mask


  • Aloe juice - 2 tbsp.
  • Cottage cheese, cream or oily sour cream - 1 tbsp.
  • Liquid honey - 2 tsp.

All components are mixed. Distributed the mixture on the surface of the face and neck. The exposure time is twenty minutes. Remove the mixture with warm water. It is advisable to moisturize the skin with cream after the procedure.

Vitaminized face mask


  • Aloe juice or its dull pulp - 1 tbsp.
  • Fleet of fruits - 1 tbsp.
  • Cosmetic oil - 2 tsp.

When creating such a cosmetic product, it is necessary to take into account the type of skin. If the skin is dry or normal, it is better to use avocado, melon or persimmon. If the skin type is closer to oily, then the best option will be more acidic fruits and berries (peach, apple or kiwi).

Mix all the components of the masks. Distribute the mixture on the surface of the face. The exposure time is seventeen minutes. Remove the mixture with warm water.

Aloe -based masks
Aloe -based masks

Moisturizing face mask


  • Yolk - 1 pc.
  • Pulp or aloe juice - 2 tbsp.
  • Milk - 2 tbsp.

All components are mixed. Distribute them on the surface of the face. The exposure time is seventeen minutes. Remove the mixture with warm water.

Cleaning and softening face mask


  • Glycerin - 1 tsp
  • Water - 6 tbsp.
  • Aloe juice - 2 tbsp.
  • Liquid honey - 1 tsp
  • Rice or oatmeal


  • First we dissolve glycerin in a pair of large spoons of water
  • Then add aloe juice to it and honey
  • After, pour the remaining water into the resulting mixture and fill the flour
  • We cover the surface of the face with a mask and leave it for seventeen minutes
  • Remove the mixture with warm water

Video: Facial masks after 30

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Comments K. article

  1. Masks are a good thing, it is important to do them correctly, but it will not be enough for masks, I still need to nourish the skin, in addition to white clay masks, I use the Lao serum mesical effect, thanks to this complex, most of the wrinkles have been smoothed out and restore the youth of the skin)

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