Maria and Masha, Marya, Maryana, Marina, Maroussia: different names or not? What is the difference between the name Maria, Masha, Mary from Maryana, Marina, Maroussia? Maria or Marya: What is the right name?

Maria and Masha, Marya, Maryana, Marina, Maroussia: different names or not? What is the difference between the name Maria, Masha, Mary from Maryana, Marina, Maroussia? Maria or Marya: What is the right name?

Determination of the difference in names.

Throughout the world, there are about 40 thousand names that each nation has a huge number of variations. In ancient times, the name was a certain key to human identification. The name was awarded depending on the origin, character and external data.

Many names are very similar to each other and are mistakenly considered the same, but in fact they are not such. Today we will consider the most controversial variants of the names and figure out whether they are different.

Maria and Masha, Marya, Maryana, Marina, Maroussia: different names or not?

Well, we’ll look into history for a start:

  • During the Middle Ages, they believed that the name affects fate and development. Based on this, a list of permissible names was adopted for both Catholics and Orthodox believers. The names and their variations that the saints wore special popularity were especially popular
  • Today, at the birth of a baby, many families are set by the goal of choosing the rarest. But not everyone knows that modern variations have the same origin and meaning with those that our ancestors wore 200-300 years ago
  • There are also situations when parents, choosing a name, call the child to others, thinking that this is one and the same
  • In our country, names such as Maria, Mary, Masha, Marina and Martha are especially popular in our country.
  • In Western European culture, Michelle, Marianne, Mary, Marie, Merjam, Marilyn, Marike, Martin are common

In order to figure out what names are the same and which are completely different, it is necessary to study their meaning, as well as the origin:

  • On the territory of the former Kievan Rus and the post -Soviet space, the names Masha, Mary and Marusya were one of the most common among all segments of the population. They are not inferior in popularity now. More and more parents abandon the "fashionable" names, preferring traditional for our regions.

It is also worth saying that many owners of the above -mentioned names made a significant contribution to the development of culture, sports and science, including:

  • Marina Vladi
  • Maria Sharapova
  • Maria Ulyanova
  • Maria Bezobrazova
  • Marina Mnishek
  • Marina Ladynina
  • Marina Kondratyeva
  • Maria Kuri-Sklodovskaya
  • Maria Andreeva
  • Marina Tsvetaeva
  • Marina Lobach
Differences in the names
Differences in the names

Despite the greater similarity and consonance of the names Masha and Marina, completely different and have radically opposite meaning and origin. Maria - comes from the Hebrew name Maryam and translates as "sad." Variations of this name may be as follows:

  • Mashuta
  • Maroussia
  • Mariya
  • Mara
  • Shura
  • Masha
  • Mashany
  • Musya

This name has gained widespread due to religion. After all, Maria was the mother of Jesus Christ. According to Muslim beliefs, Maryam (one of the variations of the name) was the mother of the Prophet Isa. Also, this name is widespread not only among the Orthodox and Muslims, but also among Catholics. However, Western European countries, due to the specifics of different language groups, have other variations. In Germany, the name Maria (Maria) has other options, depending on the region of residence:

  • In Bavaria: Mare, Mitsedi, Meeral
  • In the Rhine area: Mariha
  • In Elsasca: Miki, Mariki, Marili
  • In the Palatz dialect: Marl, Mariheli

For several centuries, this name remains a leader in the territory of modern Italy. Also, depending on the place of residence, there are such options:

  • Naples: Marutzella, Maritella
  • Goat: Mariutz
  • Sicily: Mariddra, Marutza, Marikcucedda
  • Sardinia: Mariuckedda
  • Veneto: Marieta
  • Piedmont: Mariota, Mariucha, Marieta, Rina
  • Liguria: Marry, Maya

It is also noteworthy that the name Mary in many Scandinavian countries is borrowed from other languages. For example, in Finland there are options taken from Spanish (Marita) and Swedish (Mia). In Norway from French (Mariel, Marion) and Dutch (Michens). In Sweden, they are also borrowed from English (Molly) and German (Marika) languages. But in Ireland, this name was not given to newborns until the 17th century, since they considered it too sacred and clean for ordinary people. Therefore, the parents called the kids Mael, Mura, which meant the "follower of Mary." Such variations are used now:

  • Mora
  • Poly
  • Molly
  • Maura

The name Marina, unlike Mary, has a different geographical distribution and origin. After all, his translation literally means "from sea foam." Therefore, this name has gained particular popularity in countries with close location to the sea. For example, such a name was the patroness of a small state, such as San Marino.

Masha, Maria, Maryana
Masha, Maria, Maryana

Also, unlike Mary and various variations, forms of Marina can use both women, and men and Catholic and Orthodox religions. Among the diminutive forms in the Russian language are found:

  • Marisha
  • Mara
  • Marinka
  • Mary
  • Musya

For the Orthodox male version of the name - Marin, and for Catholics - Marinus.

  • In Spain, such forms as Marino for men and Marina for women are popular in Spain
  • In France, Marino, Maren, Marina preferred to give boys from the prefix regions, because the name translates as a "sailor". For girls used - Marina, Marin, Marinette
  • In Bulgaria, male forms of Marin, Marcho, Miko, Marincho are popular today. But the female form is not modified

It is noteworthy that in many countries there are diminutive forms of this name, which we can use as a separate one. Among them:

  • Inna
  • Rita
  • Marie
  • Rina
  • Mother
  • Masha

If we talk about such a name as Maryan, then it has nothing to do with the above names today.

Differences in names
Differences in names

Now a little about the names of Maryan. Many mistakenly think that Marianne (Maryana) is also one of the variations of the name Maria. However, as previously mentioned, this is a completely different name, which, although it has a Hebrew origin, has other features that characterize the carrier.

In order to avoid confusion, you need to adhere to those diminutive forms that relate to a specific official form. If parents seem to be a complete name too commonplace and traditional, it is permissible to use versions characteristic of other countries. For example, calling a child:

  • Mickey
  • Poly
  • Molly
  • Marietta
  • Yana
  • Riana

As you can see, even such names that are in tune at first glance can have a completely different origin and meaning. In our case, Maria, Maroussia, Marya and Masha are really just different forms of the same name, but Marina and Maryana have nothing to do with these names and among themselves.

Maria or Marya: What is the right name?

In the modern world, it is believed that Mary is a complete version of the female name, and Mary is only one of its variations.

However, our ancestors used the second form much more often. After all, it is this name that is the most popular in our fairy tales and folklore. For example, each of us knows about Marya’s artist, but no one heard about Mary. For this reason, each of us wonders: “Which of these 2 forms is correct when using a complete name?”

  • Today, these 2 forms are used in the framework of one name, supporting religious canons and the adopted list of permissible names for baptism. “Maria” became an official appeal and a full version, and many parents affectionately call the child “Marya”. Thus, the child has two forms of one name. In order to avoid confusion, it is necessary to adhere to the official name using options for diminutive forms.
  • Answer the question: "What is the full name - Maria or Marya?" Very difficult. Why? Maria and Mary are the same name. If you say it is easier than 2 forms of one name. In this case, there can be no correct and incorrectly complete name.

Maria or Marya

Maria or Marya

  • It is also worth saying that a large role is played by the way the child’s name in the birth certificate will be written. If you look at the situation from this side, then the name that will be indicated in the document will be correct.
  • In the evidence of baptism, for example, most likely, of 2 forms, Mary will be selected. Although again, this nuance should be discussed in advance with the priest.

What is the difference between the name Maria and Marya?

In Kievan Rus, the name Mary was especially popular. Turning to linguistic analysis, it can be determined that it was the ancient Slavic origin from the word "Mary".

Mary was called a certain species of plants with characteristic colors, and the particle of the "I" denoted directly the carrier of the name. Therefore, the name Mary can be decrypted as "I am flowering." And Maria translated from Hebrew means “bitterness”, “sadness”. Based on the origins of origin, you can determine the character traits that will be endowed with the owners of these names. For example, Marya is characteristic:

  • Softness
  • Generosity
  • Strength
  • Compassion
  • Tenderness

And Mary will become the bearers of the following qualities:

  • Resulting
  • Vulnerability
  • Decency
  • Humanity
  • Activity
  • Humility
The difference in names
The difference in names

However, such a division of names did not exist long.

  • With the advent of Christianity to the territory of Russia, more and more people began to use the form “Maria”. Indeed, in sound, two names are very similar, but there were no advanced technologies in the form of the Internet. Even books were available only for especially wealthy segments of the population, and linguistic tests were not carried out in principle
  • Therefore, based on the similar content of sounds and letters, the form “Mary” gradually lost its relevance, and acquired the status of one of the variations of “Maria”
  • And with the development of the Church and the main canons, a list of names permissible for the baptism of the child was adopted, which are somehow found in the Bible and who wore prophets, archangels and other ministers of religious teachings
  • “Marya” did not fall into this list, so it was replaced by “Maria”, based on the Holy Scriptures. Today, these two forms, as mentioned earlier, are used in the framework of one name, supporting religious canons.
  • That is, these names were distinguished only in ancient times, and today, these are just 2 forms of one name.

Can Maria be called Marya?

First, let's talk a little about different forms of the same name:

  • When choosing a name for the baby, it is necessary to take into account not only the general sound together with the surname and patronymic, but also choose not the most intricate form. After all, originality sometimes plays a cruel joke, and the child can become a victim of ridicule at school.
  • Among other things, non -standard versions entail a large list of problems when drawing up many documents. For example, to submit an application for a foreign passport, you need to go through the transliteration procedure, and this is not such a simple task for carriers of a long name with a complex sound.
  • Also, everyone knows that you can influence fate before the birth of a child. To do this, you need to choose the name in advance. Indeed, depending on its sound, energy vibrations and meanings, life can be significantly changed.
  • Choosing a name for the baby, many cultures of the world are guided by the traditions of ancestors. Therefore, they prefer to call the name of the elders, family members or relatives. But it is also important not to choose, the name of which was a person with a complex fate, because according to Buddhist beliefs, his karma can cross the child.
Mary or Maria
Mary or Maria

If we talk about Maria and Marya, then it is worth recalling that these two forms today are still considered one name:

  • Based on the above, we can conclude. At the household level, Mary can be called Marya, it will not be any mistake.
  • Another thing is if you, as parents, at birth gave the child the name Maria and initially decided that she was not Marya. For example, you can draw an analogy with the names Daniel and Danil. By and large, this is 2 forms of one name, but sometimes parents insist that the baby is called only Daniel or vice versa.
  • I would also like to note the fact that regarding this issue, and indeed issues that relate to origin, and the meaning of names always exists many disputes and disagreements. That is why initially the parents themselves should decide what form of a particular name they want to call their child.

Of course, most often such questions are asked by people who choose a name for their child, which is why I want to draw the attention of all parents to the fact that they are interested in information regarding the meaning, origin of the name, as well as its possible forms, it is necessary even before you accept The final decision.

It is not worth ignoring this recommendation, because because of your own ignorance, you can make a mistake and give the baby not the name that you wanted. If your choice is between Maria, Maryana and Marina, we recommend that you once again read all the necessary information and only based on the knowledge gained, draw final conclusions.

Video: The meaning of the name Masha, Maria, Maroussia

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Comments K. article

  1. Orthodoxy is poked right everywhere ... And to the Jews and Muslims to go with that name and hang themselves?

  2. Yes. For Muslims do not call their girls so

  3. You are deeply mistaken with the name "Shura".
    Shura is the name of origin on behalf of Alexander - Sasha. Maria doesn’t even smell like Maria. Do not confuse.

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