Marginal: definition, meaning of the word in simple words, examples of use. Who are marginals?

Marginal: definition, meaning of the word in simple words, examples of use. Who are marginals?

Who are marginals, in what meaning it is permissible to use this term - more on this in our article.

The concept of marginality is quite common, but can be interpreted in different ways, often carrying a negative color.

Marginal: Definition

  • A marginal is a person whose worldview, the principles and lifestyle of which do not comply with the order and norms adopted in society.
  • Marginals are also called people who, for one reason or another, have lost social functions - deny the laws of culture, religion, morality of their nation, country or community, but do not adjoin other social groups, being outside the classes and associations of people.
  • Along with this definition, today the “marginal personality” is a fashionable concept that affects the idea of \u200b\u200bfreedom and independence, finding a person outside the system, outside the laws imposed on the prevailing social structure.

The term "marginal" comes from the Latin "margo", which means the region. Initially, the word "marginalia" meant handwritten notes on the fields of books related to content. In 1928, the American sociologist R. Park introduced this term to describe the behavior of an individual, located outside the existing social groups.

Marginals - people who avoid social contacts
Marginals are people who avoid social contacts

The meaning of the word marginal in the explanatory dictionary

In sociology: one who has lost its previous social norms of behavior and has not adapted to new living conditions (usually about representatives of national minorities, migrants, immigrants from the village). In a general sense: one who does not recognize the generally accepted moral norms and rules of behavior.

Marginal: The meaning of the word in simple words

  • In the 30s, marginals called residents of rural areas who came to large cities for earnings, but never received a job, emigrants who could not take root in the new homeland, as well as people who were left without work or roof over their heads. Later, the term got a wider value.
  • Marginals are people who have lost contact with the society in which they live. The marginals should not be perceived as second -class people. It is simply that their behavior is noticeably different from the stable majority, accepted traditions and foundations.

In the dictionary you can find the general definition of the term marginal
In the dictionary you can find the general definition of the term "marginal"

Word marginal: examples of use

In modern Russian, the word marginal has the following synonyms: informal, outcast, individual. Here are a few quotes of using the word marginal in the literature:

Any of our society is arranged in such a way that in it the mass and marginals distribute responsibilities with each other and complement each other. Faith in the miracle is justified and everyday life more promising than disbelief that drives a person into marginals, in a booze, in drugs.

Who are marginals?

Some modern psychologists and sociologists believe that the marginal type of personality is more intellectual and developed, open to changes, independent of limiting factors and dual standards of society. The marginals can be attributed to completely different people with unlike life situations, which, due to established circumstances, become outcasts of society:

  • People with any physical disabilities.
  • People suffering from psyche diseases.
  • Representatives of non -traditional religious movements and sects.
  • Herms who deliberately contrast their beliefs with the norms of public opinion.
  • People who are behind the poverty line, who at the same time do not strive to improve their position.
  • People engaged in criminal activity.

Distinctive features of the character of marginal are:

  • A negative attitude towards others
  • Rejection of social contacts and the desire for solitude
  • Egocentrism
  • Unsatisfied ambitions
  • Alarming states and phobias

The appearance of marginalists is often different from the adopted norms
The appearance of marginalists is often different from the adopted norms

Types of marginals

Among all types of outcasts of society, 4 main groups of marginals can be distinguished:


This type of marginality depends on changes in the material sphere - loss of work, familiar sources of income, monetary savings or property. All these factors lead to a reassessment of values, the search for new ways of earnings, and often - to bitterness and rejection of the usual circle of communication. The most severe type of economic marginality is to fall in self -esteem due to the impossibility of increasing welfare, alcoholism, drug addiction, and destruction of personality.


Social marginality is associated with the desire to achieve a higher social status, to get to another social group - the transition to a more prestigious work or a highly paid position, a profitable marriage. If such an improvement in social status does not last long or ends with failure, a person loses connection with the previous environment, and is in the position of the outcast.


Political marginality is manifested against the background of political crises, distrust of power and a decrease in civil consciousness. Such people deliberately contrast themselves with a society with an existing political system, oppose public opinion, norms and laws.


This type includes people who, for some reason, replaced the place of residence and who found themselves among representatives of another nationality or ethnic group. In such cases, in addition to the language barrier, migrants have difficulties in perception of alien culture and traditions. This is especially expressed in cases where the new environment is significantly different from the usual one - religion, way of life, and the characteristics of the mentality. Ethnic marginality is the most difficult thing, since it is based on factors that a person is not able to change - appearance, religious affiliation, customs and traditions.

Forced marginality is associated with the exclusion of itself from the existing society
Forced marginality is associated with the exclusion of itself from the existing society

Video: Who are marginals?

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Comments K. article

  1. Only for some reason, the author does not give examples of marginals that came off society due to the fact that they began to dispose of the country as its estate, that is, the highest power officials, and this is the government with its apparatus of the president, the Duma, and SF, And the oligarchs. Those who are unattainable for the people, for whom there are no laws. These are the current patricians. Only now the plebeians (people) is not apparently.

  2. It seems that our whole country is “marginal”, thanks to the marginal government

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