Tainted lilac variety - beauty of Moscow: description, landing and care, photo. When to plant, how to feed, treat from diseases and pests, how to propagate a terry lilac of a beauty Moscow?

Tainted lilac variety - beauty of Moscow: description, landing and care, photo. When to plant, how to feed, treat from diseases and pests, how to propagate a terry lilac of a beauty Moscow?

Review of terry lilac diseases and removal methods. Methods of propagation and fertilizer of lilacs.

With the approximation of spring, many summer residents have the question of planting and acquiring new colors. If you want to enjoy flowers and aroma for many years, purchase lilacs. There are many species that differ in colors and shape. The easiest to care and beautiful is the beauty of Moscow.

White terry lilac - beauty Moscow: description, photo

Shrub, 3-4 meters high. The branches are very thick and directed top, a lot of branches. The shrub blooms very beautifully, large sockets with terry flowers. The color of the sockets is white-pink. The plant blooms very abundantly and densely.

Gardeners simply adore this plant for its resistance to cold and disease. The only thing that does not tolerate the bush - excessive watering and clay soil where water stagnates.

White terry lilac - beauty Moscow: description, photo
White terry lilac - beauty Moscow: description, photo

Когда цветет белая махровая сирень Красавица Москвы: месяц

He begins to bloom at the end of May or at the beginning of June. Flowering terms depend on climatic conditions. The period in which you can enjoy the aroma of flowers, 2-3 weeks.

Когда цветет белая махровая сирень красавица москвы: месяц
Когда цветет белая махровая сирень Красавица Москвы: месяц

When is it better to plant a Moscow beauty lilac: spring or autumn?

Here the opinions of gardeners are different. There are several opinions, regarding when to plant bushes.

Lilac planting time:

  • Spring. This must be done after frosts subside, but to the flowering period. The most favorable can be considered the beginning of May.
  • Summer. In mid -July - the most successful time for landing lilacs. At this time, the bush will already bloom and there is no threat to harm.
  • In the fall. The mid -September is considered preferable for landing lilacs. At this time, there are no frosts yet and the bush will be enough to take root.
When is it better to plant a Moscow beauty lilac: spring or autumn?
When is it better to plant a Moscow beauty lilac: spring or autumn?

How to feed the lilac in the spring?

If during planting the pit was perfectly fertilized, then there is no need to make fertilizers for 2-3 years. But of course, if you completely relax and forget about the bush, you can lose beautiful flowers.

The procedure for fertilizer lilacs in the spring:

  • Nitrogen. Nitrogen fertilizers are introduced in the spring in the form of ammonium nitrate or urea. For one bush you need 80 g of nitrate or 60 g of urea. Feeding is carried out before the budding period, that is, in early spring. Tentatively is April or the end of March.
  • Organic fertilizers. Introduced from 4 years of life of the bush. It is necessary to dilute the mullein in a bucket of water in a ratio of 1:10. 3 buckets of such a solution are needed per bush. Such top dressing is carried out annually in three stages. During the formation of buds, at the time of active flowering and after it.
  • Phosphorus and potassium fertilizers. Lilac is fertilized once every 2-3 years with such substances. 35 g of potassium nitrate is enough for one bush.
  • Ash. The lilac speaks perfectly to ash. It is necessary to water the ash with a solution of ash annually in the spring. For 10 liters of water you need 250 g of ash.
How to feed the lilac in the spring?
How to feed the lilac in the spring?

How to treat the lilac of the beauty of Moscow from diseases and pests?

Like any plant, lilac is subject to various pests and diseases. These are usually insects.

Pests and lilac diseases and ways to deal with them:

  • Snails, slugs and spider mites. They eat the roots and leaves of the plant, worsening its growth. To combat them, fungicides are used, sweatshirt, Maxim, Ordan, Horus, Quadris, Radomil Gold.
  • Chafer. This insect erects fox and is able to significantly harm the bush. As soon as you saw one beetle, you should not hesitate. It is necessary to process the actor, prestige. Processing is carried out once every 60 days during the period of active growth.
How to treat the lilac of the beauty of Moscow from diseases and pests
How to treat the lilac of the beauty of Moscow from diseases and pests

Pruning lilacs Beauty Moscow in the fall and after flowering

There is a different opinion regarding the pruning of lilacs. In general, a lilac is such a bush, when pruning one shoot of which 4-6 branches are formed at once. Accordingly, the bush becomes very thick. One spring is not enough for the root system of the plant to strengthen. Therefore, do not completely cut all the branches.

Correct the bush and cut off the excess. 20% trimming of all branches is considered optimal. Cut the branches in those places where you want to achieve branching. Many gardeners do not pruning at all, and the lilac grows pretty well.

Pruning lilacs Beauty Moscow in the fall and after flowering
Pruning lilacs Beauty Moscow in the fall and after flowering

How does a terry lilac of the beauty of Moscow propagate?

All types of lilac are propagated by layers, cuttings or vaccination. The easiest way to propagate the lilac by cuttings.

Instructions for the propagation of lilacs with cuttings:

  • In early spring (in March), cut the suitable stalk. It is best to choose twigs from the middle of the bush. This is a thin and green branch with several buds. All actions and rooting are carried out in a greenhouse.
  • Cut the branch from below and from above, leaving a oblique cut, soak a piece of branch for 20 hours in an epinra solution.
  • After that, remove the cuttings from the solution and treat one tip with the rhizome. This will accelerate the growth of roots. Take a mixture of peat and sand and plant the stalk, buried the first kidney into the soil.
  • Do not forget to treat the soil with antifungal drugs before planting. After 60 days, a rooted stalk can be planted in open ground.
How does a terry lilac of the beauty of Moscow propagate?
How does a terry lilac of the beauty of Moscow propagate?

Lilacs and pests and pests

Lilac is a sufficiently persistent plant, but sometimes subject to some diseases.

List of lilac diseases:

  • Micoplasmic ailments. A sign of a mycoplasmic disease can be panicity, abnormal branching and white spots on the leaves. Agate and athlete preparations are used for treatment
  • Viruses. Кусты поражают вирусы, такие как кольцевая крапчатость (Lilac ring mottle), кольцевая пятнистость (Lilac ringspot), крапчатость (Lilac mottle), хлоротическая листовая пятнистость (Lilac chlorotic leafspot), а также вирусы, вызывающие заболевания на других культурах (плодовые, ягодные, Vegetable, grain -bond and many floral). Among them, for example, carbon monoxide viruses (Carnation Mottle), alfalfa mosaic mosaics, Rhgushi mosaics (Arabis Mosaic), Tobacco Ringspot, Tobacco Mosaic (Potato) mosaic (Potato) and other viral ailments are poorly treated.
  • Fungal diseases. Brown spotting is often found. It helps to rot leaves and then shoots. A sign of a fungal ailment is a hole of spotting, when holes with a brown rim are formed on the leaves. For treatment, do not fill the plant with water and water the ash from time to time.
  • Pests. Among the pests, May beetles, snails, centipedes and bearers are most often found. Carry into fungicides. These include phytoverm and fufanon.
Lilacs and pests and pests
Lilacs and pests and pests

Why doesn’t bloom the lilac of the beauty of Moscow and the leaves are twisted: what to do?

Reasons for the lack of flowering lilacs:

  • Excessive fertilizer. Due to excessive watering by manure, nitrate and urea, many young shoots and green leaves appear on the plant. At the same time, there is not enough strength of the root system for full flowering. Feeding is carried out every three years by each type of fertilizer.
  • Diseases. In this case, the leaves of the plant can be twisted, holes, a white web appear. Small ticks may also appear. To combat these ailments, use fungicides processing.
  • Lack of light. When planting the cuttings, choose a place with good lighting. Lilac in the shadow does not grow very well. There are almost no flowers.
  • Insects. After the invasion of May beetles and snails, there may be no buds. In this case, treat the plant with poison and cut the spoiled leaves. Next year the bush will bloom.
Why doesn’t bloom the lilac of the beauty of Moscow and the leaves are twisted: what to do?
Why doesn’t bloom the lilac of the beauty of Moscow and the leaves are twisted: what to do?

With proper care, fertilizer and pruning, lilac will delight you with a beautiful color annually.

Video: Lilac Care

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