The best products from wrinkles under the eyes. How to get rid of wrinkles under the eyes?

The best products from wrinkles under the eyes. How to get rid of wrinkles under the eyes?

Wrinkles under the eyes: causes of appearance, types and methods of combating them.

A terrible and inevitable problem for every woman is the appearance of wrinkles under the eyes. What methods are loved ladies do not resort to, in order to get rid of such hated goose legs. However, before doing anything, it is necessary to find out where they still come from.

The causes of wrinkles under the eyes

The following factors are more affected by the following factors:

  1. The aging process of the female body is due to biologically
  2. Since the skin under the eyes is very delicate and thin, it does not contain sebaceous glands. This leads to the rapid dehydration of the skin. If you do not monitor the state of the epidermis on the face and do not constantly moisturize it, you can notice the early appearance of wrinkles
  3. In women with pronounced facial expressions, goose legs can appear at a younger age. This is due to the fact that their muscles are constantly tensing, thus expressing emotions experienced. Such regular stretching and compression of the skin around the eyes and provoke the formation of early wrinkles
  4. Throughout life in the body, women are constantly developed by substances such as collagen and elastan, which are responsible for the elasticity of the skin. Over the years, the process of their development is inhibited, which also leads to aging
  5. External factors such as the sun, wind, cold, dirt and heat have a negative effect on the condition of the woman's skin
  6. Incorrect nutrition, lack of sleep and bad habits always find their display on the human face

The causes of wrinkles under the eyes of men have the same nature as in women. The strong half of humanity is also susceptible to dehydration, age aging, environmental influence and unhealthy lifestyle. Therefore, not only girls, but also men, should follow the condition of the skin around the eyes.

What are wrinkles at the eye

It is customary to classify wrinkles all over the world according to their depths and causes. Based on the nature of the appearance of wrinkles, they are divided into such types:

  • dynamic
  • static
  • combined

The first type of wrinkle appears thanks to the active activity of the muscles of the face, that is, facial expressions. Such wrinkles are also called mimic, and they can be observed in girls at a fairly young age. Mimic wrinkles under the eyes of 25 and 40 with good care can look the same.

Static or gravitational wrinkles arise on the face of a woman under the influence of age -related changes in her body. As a rule, their appearance falls on the age of forty years. However, negative factors (smoking, alcohol, weather conditions) can provoke an earlier formation of goose legs under the eyes.

As the name implies, the third type of wrinkles has signs of both dynamic and static skin folds.

If we consider the depth of irregularities on the face, then the following types of wrinkles under the eyes can be called:

  1. Superficial wrinkles are formed only in the upper ball of the skin - epidermis
  2. Medium-deep wrinkles affect the middle layer of the skin under the eyes-dermis
  3. Deep wrinkles are already extended to deeper layers of the skin

The best products from wrinkles under the eyes: tips and reviews

  • Today, the fight against wrinkles is carried out in several ways: in beauty salons or at home. It is worth noting that the salon procedures are quite expensive, but their action can be observed immediately at the end of the session
  • Home beauty recipes will require patience from the fair sex. The methods of our grandmothers do not begin to act immediately, and their result is preserved for a fairly short period of time
  • However, with regular prolonged use of traditional medicine, good indicators can be achieved. Well, now about all these methods in more detail

Cosmetology and wrinkles under the eyes: Botox injections for youth skin under the eyes

Almost every cosmetological salon can offer a whole list of services to combat unwanted wrinkles. Such procedures can be surgical and non -surgical in nature.

To date, less and less women are at risk of lying under the scalpel of a plastic surgeon. All this is due to the presence of numerous, less complex and safer ways to eliminate wrinkles. Here are the most popular procedures for today: Serum-for-lyceum-bio-lifting-35-none-Lyon-11

  1. Contour plastic. Such manipulation is the introduction of special gels in the subcutaneous layers that can smooth out wrinkles
  2. RF lifting is an effect on the skin of the face using radio frequencies
  3. Pilling superficial or deep allows you to cleanse the surface of the face from keratinized dead particles, thereby opening the path of moisture and beneficial substances
  4. LPG massage is a vacuum-roller face massage that activates all the processes of rejuvenation in the female body
  5. Biorevitalization is a direction of mesotherapy, that is, these are the same injections of hyaluronic acid
  6. Biokibernetic therapy is a hardware complex that includes several ways of combating wrinkles: massage, biorevitalization and lifting
  7. 3D mesonets threading is the introduction of special self -condescending threads under the skin, creating a supporting skin frame
  8. Botox injections

The last point, perhaps, should be considered more closely. Botox is by nature a neurotoxin of botulism. In large concentrations, this toxin is dangerous for humans, and in a divorced form it is used to combat undesirable wrinkles under the eyes.

The principle of operation of Botox: penetrating the skin by injection, it paralyzes the nerves responsible for facial movements, and the muscles relax, thereby pulling the skin and smoothing wrinkles.

The effect after the injection of Botox is noticeable on the second day, and within a couple of weeks it reaches its climax. In general, such a result lasts about six months. After this period, the procedure must be repeated.

Home remedies from wrinkles under the eyes

To combat wrinkles at home, you need, first of all, to reconsider your lifestyle. A woman must get enough sleep, eat right and abandon bad habits. Do not forget about the saturation of the whole body with useful trace elements and vitamins. By the way, vitamins from wrinkles under the eyes are E, A, C, K. It is they who are responsible for the youth of the skin of the face.

The next stage of the battle with goose legs is moisturizing and tonic skin under the eyes with the help of creams and masks from a home first -aid kit.

How to make a cream at home to get rid of wrinkles under the eyes?

Of course, many will ask the question of why make the cream yourself, if you can buy it in a store. The answer is simple.

Buying a cosmetic product of industrial production, a woman cannot be sure that all its components are natural and safe for her skin. In addition, the price of a good cream will be quite high. And taking advantage of cheap fakes, ladies run the risk and completely harm themselves. Therefore, the best option is still your own preparation of cosmetics at home.

To begin with, it is worth saying that the basis of all home creams are various types of vegetable oils. The use of oil from wrinkles under the eyes is due to its property to excellently soften, moisturize and smooth the skin of the face. Here are the most popular recipes for making creams at home:

  1. Mix the oil solution of vitamin E with olive, sea buckthorn or cocoa oil in a ratio of one to one. We apply the cream on a cotton pad and apply to the eyelid. Keep a disc for about half an hour. Then we remove the excess cream
  2. In a water bath we melt two tablespoons of cocoa oil. After cooling, add half a teaspoon of vitamin E to it, five drops of lavender and rosehip oils, as well as two tablespoons of St. John's wort or thyme. Such a cream has the ability to penetrate deeply and nourish the skin under the eyes. It can be applied both in the morning and before bedtime
  3. To ten drops of chamomile oil, add two tablespoons of grape oil and primrose oil. The resulting mixture must be moistened with the skin around the eyes before bedtime
  4. Add to any cosmetic oil aloe juice in the same proportion and with light pathetic movements we distribute the cream under the eyes at night or in the morning

In addition to these recipes, you can rub olive oil into the skin around the eyes with barely noticeable massaging movements.

Here, in principle, and all the most popular methods of combating undesirable wrinkles on the face.

Video: How to remove wrinkles under the eyes?

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Comments K. article

  1. Thanks for the useful recommendations)) I fight with wrinkles with the help of a lore-serum and gelatin masks. Wrinkles are now almost not noticeable ... And not only small ones have gone, but large on the forehead are also gradually smoothed ... I can’t get enough)

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