The best series about witches: list, description

The best series about witches: list, description

Series about witches: all the best series in one place.

Series is a great way to relax and plunge into another, albeit a fantastic universe. Even the most interesting film has been going on for several hours, but with the series, “complete immersion” is possible in the theme and detailed analysis of the heroes. Today we present an extended list of the best series about witches that should take time.


There are many legends and stories about the city of Salem, which have historical confirmations and carry people today. From the first moment, the viewer of the series about witches plunges into Puritan America of the 17th century, where lawlessness of power and church triumphs. In the center of the plot, a young couple in love, which cannot legitimize relations, but lends itself to passion. The lover is forcibly taken to the soldiers, and the charming young lady remains in an interesting position.

Strict Puritan laws do not give her hope for the future, and indignation and hatred boils inside. And she decides to turn to one of her friends, who has long sold the soul to the devil.

The series takes place in one breath, and after it there remains a special aftertaste and a thirst to learn about the real story of Salem. And although the heroes are invented, I really want to find their prototypes from the XVII century.

The series is Salem
The series is Salem


When making a selection of series about witches, the luxurious film of the 80s “Istusty Witches” with Jack Nicholson in the title role and delightful witches Cher, Susan Sarandon and Michelle Pfifer is remembered. The directors of Hollywood know the mood of their viewer, and gave the world the series Istuik, based on the plot of Istuyk witches.

This is a series about witches, magic, female friendship and adventure. An ideal series for a weekend with a huge portion of ice cream in the company of friends.

The series Istuik
The series Istuik

Sleepy hollow

Washington Irving wrote a legend about the sleepy hollow at the end of the century before last and, probably, he dreamed that his creation after even the centuries would give food for the mind and fantasies of mankind. But he did not even know that the sleepy hollow would be continued in the series of the same name, collecting puzzles and legends of American history, Witches rituals and canons of Catholicism.

The plot is tied to Constible Ikabod Crane and his fate, wife-Vedme and her carpet, friends and his role as a witness. History makes us think, be interested in the history of the formation of the United States, and also makes many references to magic, occultism, Christianity and paranormal situations throughout the American continent, and sometimes on other continents. The series about witches, higher powers and the theory of Masons in the formation of the United States.

The series about witches will be interesting to those who love the theme of magic, riddles of history, investigation, and the origin of terrible creatures.

The series is sleepy hollow
The series is sleepy hollow

Witches East End

The series about witches from the East End is based on the novel by Melissa dela Cruz, about the family consisting of mother and daughters who have magic. The first series of the series opens a picture with a small cozy town with an atmospheric house, and a charming Joan, who teaches at school and raising three daughters of beauties in proud loneliness. They experienced many troubles, but life settled down and became everyday.

And when everyone feels comfortable and relaxed, they begin to overtake the past. It is in the past of this four witches that the plot of the series is tied, which is characterized by lightness, humor and oriented to the girl’s audience.

The series of the witch is the end
The series of the witch is the end

13 witches

The series for witches from the director of Sabina Mondestin connects the past and the present with durable knots. 13 sisters of witches lived in the Middle Ages who were convicted of their activities and sent to the bonfires of the Holy Inquisition. The martyrdom gave rise to hatred and the desire to destroy all of humanity in them, without exception.

And now the sisters miraculously return these days and fill the world with horror. What everything will lead to, you will find out in the denouement. The series is focused on a mature audience and filled with elements of horror.

TV series 13 witches
TV series 13 witches

The Secret Circle

The series of witches Secret Circle is an ideal intriguing series for teenagers and lovers of light, resting, but with elements of the mysticism of the series. The viewer opens a picture of a small town, and there is a feeling of tension from the first minute.

A group of adolescents meets with interest and distrust the girl who arrived, who was born in this city, but lived far from him. The girl does not even know that the next year for her will become the most interesting and most difficult in life, she will meet friends who are destined for fate itself, as well as first love. And all this is in close interweaving with witchcraft, occultism and secrets of the family.

The series is a secret circle
The series is a secret circle

Witches of the country of Lake

The mini series about witches from the legendary work “Wizard from the Lake Country”, but here Dorothy lives in another world, she is a writer and continues to work her great -grandfather, regularly delighting people with amazing fairy tales about Lake.

And at the moment when Dorothy is least awaiting, her world of fantasies opens the curtain and seeps into reality. It turns out wizards, witches, magic and magic is a reality. And not just reality - all these unusual creatures have seriously decided to change the life of Dorothy. But the most intriguing - who is Dorotti herself, can be in contact with this world?

The series of the witch of the country
The series of the witch of the country


At the beginning of the series about witches, the life of the policeman Nick Burkhard, who grew up and works in Portland, opens. He has a favorite job, a bride and a favorite aunt who replaced the dead parents. But with the death of the aunt, a new world, full of otherworldly creatures, and it finds himself in the very center of events.

As it turned out, his family leads the roots to the ancient genealogy Grimm, the purpose of which is the struggle against supernatural creatures. Berkhard refuses the usual strategy and unites with a person and several creatures. The incredible adventures of the superman, the Witches and creatures keep the attention of the viewer from the first to the last series. And despite the fact that the series has already been closed for several years, fans will come across its resumption.

The series Grimm
The series Grimm

American Horror Story

In this series about witches, werewolves, turnover and other wicked, completely separate stories are revealed, united exclusively by theme. This series is more like a collection of cycles than on a single storyline. At the same time, it looks “binge” and earned many positive responses.

Teenagers with a fragile psyche watch the American horror history is not recommended. But for adults - an ideal video to tickle the nerves.

Series American Horror History
Series American Horror History

Scary fairy tales. Horrors cheap

Another breathtaking series about witches and supernatural. In the title role, the inimitable Eva Green, who Odea gives a feeling of tension and hopelessness with a thin thread of hope. Exciting scenario, unique decorations, luxurious playing of actors.

The series will be interesting to both the young viewer and to the simple one. The heroes of the darkest fairy tales, an incomprehensible to the audience, are drawn into a common story during the Victorian era, and not even somewhere, but in London itself! The tension in each series, and as soon as it seems that everything falls into place, how a new hero appears with a twisted storyline. How to end with such a difficult turn of the life of Vanessa Ives, witches, medium and the soothsayer?

The series is terrible fairy tales / horrors cheap
The series is terrible fairy tales / horrors cheap

Sabrina is a teenage witch

This series about witches is ambiguous. There are fans of the series, and there are ardent critics. Sabrina is a girl who grew up without parents, in a house with three aunts and a lack of knowledge about her family. As it turned out, she is a half-brood witch, and her parents created an alliance between witches and people, for which they paid their lives.

In order not to injure the child, the aunts decided on an unprecedented turn in life for witches - they bought a house among people and raised Sabrina in complete ignorance of her witching essence.

Now the girl will have to not only cope with her teenage difficulties and first love, but also with the development of her strength. Throughout the series, she makes thousands of mistakes, but her aunt is always “on the check”, and are ready to help the younger witch.

Sabrina series - teenage witch
Sabrina series-teenage witch

The opening of witches

In the series about the witches “Opening of Witches”, there is a world in which there are people living with complete confidence that there are no magicians, no vampires, nor demons. But they are, and they are a meter from ordinary life. But they all hide, and are afraid to be discovered. Until the moment that one of them did not wish the other.

Diana is a historian who knows nothing about her past. When visiting the library, she suddenly opens a strong gift of the witch who scares her. At the same time, hunting is immediately announced for it, or rather, the book and knowledge that she possesses, as the majority think. A vampire comes to her aid, beautiful, sophisticated and charismatic meta. Where will the road lead two young people who originally came from warring clans?

The series is the opening of witches
The series is the opening of witches


The story of three sisters, native witches with a difficult fate. This is not only a series about witches, but also about a close girlish friendship, about relationships and love, about overcoming difficulties thanks to the support of the family. And at the same time enchanted - a light entertaining series that will give many positive emotions.

The series is enchanted
The series is enchanted

Despite the fact that the series about witches was to shoot in the 90s, it is so popular so far that he would be re-transmitted. Yes, it is modified, with a different cast, but the new version looks no less interesting.

The series enchanted (2019)
The series enchanted (2019)

Gloomy shadows

The classic American horror story, the beginning of which leads to the middle of the last century. In this series about witches and vampires, a real Gothic atmosphere is reflected and the viewer plunges into the other world, which captures and terrifies at the same time.

Today, gloomy shadows are called the classic of Witches and vampiric serial genre, and recommend that at least once those who consider themselves a connoisseur of this direction are recommended. In the center of the plot, the richest of this world, the nobleman Collins, part -time female saint and master of breaking hearts. In one of his many adventures, he conquers his heart, and has the body of his maid, who dreams of a wedding, children and happiness.

But, as happens with witches, fate gives her another slap in the face, and Collins will marry, but not on her, but on a rich man, equal to itself in status. And for the complete indignation of the maid, the maid is also madly falling in love. The witch Angelica is beside herself from grief and decides on the most insidious revenge. Do you think it will be possible to implement her plan and what will this lead to?

The series is gloomy shadows
The series is gloomy shadows

Witch blade

Witches are not evil old women at all. Witches are among us, and they can be, like people, good and bad. For example, police Sarah is very sensitive to justice and will not tolerate her violations. In the series about the witch “Witch Blade”, Sarah discovers an ancient weapon, which becomes its weapon of retaliation. What awaits Sarah in her stormy activity and who is she after that the policeman arresting villains, or a witch punishing villains?

The series witch blade
The series witch blade


The series of the same name about witches illuminates the story of the life of Rachel, who has crossed the line and turned into an obsessed witch. Years later in the house where the witch Rachel lived college.

And despite the fact that the descendants abandoned the claims to the property and forever left the territory of the estate in which Rachel lived, in fear for her fate and souls, the little heiress of Casey is in the territory of the college and in the thick of events.

Gothic, Khoror, witchcraft and adolescence make this series intriguing and fascinating.

The series is a witch
The series is a witch

Midnight, Texas

A witch is not always a woman, and not always a sorceress. In the series about the Witches Midnight, Texas, the nee Medium Manfred Bernardo falls into a series of terrifying events that lead him to a deaf village called the city. It seems worse for him, and you cannot imagine. But you need to leave safe.

Manfred from childhood sees the dead, and sometimes the most dexterous even instill him. This causes a lot of troubles, and so as a notorious boy who has one of the senior grandmother of the medium. But when he grows up, his grandmother dies, and he is left alone with his problems. Although no-the deceased granny-ghost regularly visits him.

And so he gets into Midnight, where everything seems to be too dull, and would have to sketch problems here, and would again on the road. Yes, only this town is not as simple as it seems. There are vampires, and witches, and demons, and even a fallen angel hiding his power to be with a beloved demon man. The series is so clinging that after it everything seems fresh.

TV series Midnight, Texas
TV series Midnight, Texas


The youth series of the vampire diaries so carried away the viewer that the next one was immediately born behind them - the ancients. In the center of the plot is a family, pristine vampires. They have a small crumb hybrid Hope, and according to the prophecy, she has a unique fate. It is Hope who becomes the main character of the series about witches Heritage.

The series delays from the first frames, but in order to understand all the plot lines, it is recommended to first watch the diaries of vampires, ancient and only then, according to the chronology of events, the legacy. Despite the fact that the witch is dedicated to the last series from the cycle, in the first two, there are also witches, although they remain on secondary roles.

The series Heritage
The series Heritage

Once upon a time, in a Fairytail

A fascinating family series about witches and magical worlds based on world -famous fairy tales and legends. Here, in addition to the main characters connected by magic and blood kinship, you will find almost all fabulous heroes. Despite the fact that the plot is tied on fairy tales, history is interesting to both children and adults.

The plot of history on Cinderella and the prince, as well as their struggle with the evil queen. But very quickly they go into the background, and in the center of the plot is an evil witch and her curse, which the whole fairy -tale world transfers to our time. And this is only the beginning!

The series Once in a fairy tale
The series Once in a fairy tale


The series about witches The Witcher was shot according to the novel of the same name. In the center of the plot, the Witcher Geralt, who became a mutant and the first fighter with evil. But if with evil spirits everything is clear: you see evil - you destroy evil, then people are much more complicated with people. But the witcher constantly faces the fact that people can be much worse than hellish creatures.

The series Witcher
The series Witcher

And in conclusion, we suggest watching a video selection of series about witches.

Video: TOP-5 of the best series about witches

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