The best recipes for pickled garlic cloves and whole heads, as in the market, for the winter in jars. How to quickly and tasty prepare pickled garlic for the winter in Korean, in Georgian, with beets, with red currant, gooseberry: recipes

The best recipes for pickled garlic cloves and whole heads, as in the market, for the winter in jars. How to quickly and tasty prepare pickled garlic for the winter in Korean, in Georgian, with beets, with red currant, gooseberry: recipes

What to do with a large harvest of garlic? Definitely - pickle!

Is the garanine garlic - a delicacy or a snack? It is difficult to call a delicacy a product that can easily be found in the grocery market in barrels and banks. Despite this, pickled garlic is considered a pleasant addition to dishes. The same category includes sauerry and pickled cabbage, salty cucumbers, carrots in Korean, pickled ginger.

So looks pickled by slices garlic
So looks pickled by slices garlic

Recipe for pickled garlic cloves for the winter in jars

This recipe requires more time to prepare products, but then it will be possible to enjoy a treat without unnecessary trouble.


  • garlic - 700 g
  • water - 500 ml
  • sugar - 25 g
  • salt - 20 g
  • vinegar - 80 ml
  • black pepper with peas - 1 teaspoon
  • peppers Sharp-1-2 pods (1 per jar)
  • umbar of dill - 1 per jar


  1. Banks and lids are sterilized in the oven.
  2. Peel the garlic, cut into slices.
  3. Cut out each slice, cut off the bottom.
  4. Wait for the rapid seething of water, place a colander with garlic there and blanch cloves for 60 seconds.
  5. Remove the garlic and put it in cold water.
  6. Wait for the cooling of garlic.

At this time, do the preparation of the marinade:

  1. Put water (500 ml) on the stove.
  2. Dissolve salt, sugar, pepper in it.
  3. Boil.
  4. Remove from heat, introduce vinegar, stir.

Lay out products in a jar in the following sequence:

  • umbrella dill
  • garlic to the middle of the jar
  • pod of acute pepper
  • the remaining garlic
  1. Fill the banks with a hot marinade.
  2. Upon, turn the lids down.
  3. When the banks cool down a little, remove them on the floor and wrap them in a blanket. Then place in the place of storage.
Delicious and not complicated recipe for garlic pickled slices
Delicious and not complicated recipe for garlic pickled slices

Recipe for pickled garlic for the winter with whole heads, as in the market

Enough garin is good for the fact that his taste is rich, and there are fewer troubles with cleaning during cooking. But you still have to clean such garlic, only before meals directly.

Note! Red or pink garlic is usually sold on the market. Such garlic can be obtained if you marry it with beets.

The more beets you put, the more red your garlic will be
The more beets you put, the more red your garlic will be

Pickled garlic with beets like in the market
Pickled garlic with beets "like in the market"

Pickled garlic: a quick -cook recipe

This recipe for pickled garlic is considered fast because it does not require much time to "bring to taste." Garlic can be consumed after 3 days. For those who love more human-after 5 days. Also, the recipe does not require sterilization and rolling into banks.

You need to store the appetizer in the refrigerator or in another place where it will definitely not be thrown away and will not deteriorate.

Advice! Add spices to your taste, but keep in mind that there should be a lot of life. Otherwise, the garlic simply will not have time to marry in such a short time.


  • unpeeled garlic - 1.2 kg
  • water - 250 ml
  • vinegar - 185 ml
  • salt - 25 g
  • sugar - 55 g
  • black pepper with peas - 10 pieces
  • cloves - 5 pieces
  • coriander - 1/4 teaspoon
  • rosemary is a pinch
  • nutmeg - a pinch
  • bay leaf - 3 pieces


  1. Peel the garlic from everything superfluous, divide into slices.
  2. Fill in garlic pre -disinfected at high temperatures of the jar.
  3. Do the preparation of the marinade:
    1. Dissolve salt, sugar and other spices in water.
    2. Bring to moderate boiling.
    3. Introduce vinegar quickly and remove from heat.
  4. Pour in freshly prepared hot marinade garlic, close jars and refrigerate for 72 hours.
Pickled garlic can be prepared super-fast!
Pickled garlic can be prepared super-fast!

Garlic pickled by the dentum for the winter without sterilization

Garlic without sterilization can be prepared according to some recipes above. There is one big plus in such a cooking method: you do not need to bother much. However, banks will have to be sterilized anyway!

Useful information! Sterilization involves the processing of cans in a special way in which they are boiled in a large capacity of a large volume for 5-30 minutes.

Sometimes sterilization is necessary. For example, when you cook without sugar, or the same garlic without a bite. But in most cases, this stage can be omitted.

This recipe is extremely simple.


  • garlic - 1 kg
  • water - 250 ml (or more)
  • bite - 150 ml
  • coriander ground - 1 whisper
  • bay leaf - 3 pieces
  • sharp peppers - 2 pieces
  • salt - 30 g
  • sugar - 65 g
  • ground caraway seeds - 1/2 teaspoon


  1. Stir the garlic from everything superfluous, leave clean slices.
  2. Prepare the container for garlic in a special way.
  3. Fill it with garlic.
  4. Do the preparation of the marinade:
    1. Chop sharp pepper with rings.
    2. Dissolve sugar, salt and other spices in water.
    3. Boil boiling for 3 minutes.
    4. At the end, remove from the stove and introduce vinegar.
  5. Pour a garrin with a hot marinade.
  6. Roll the banks with lids, turn over and leave to cool.
The marinade is transparent and very tasty
the marinade is transparent and very tasty

Pickled garlic cloves with beets for the winter

This recipe is very similar to the recipe for picking garlic “like in the market”, but there is still differences


  • garlic - 1 kg
  • beets - 200 g (2 pieces)
  • sugar - 70 g
  • salt - 30 g
  • vinegar - 150 ml
  • cinnamon is a pinch
  • cloves - 5 boxes
  • black pepper peas-6-7 pieces


  1. Carefully clean the garlic, separating the slices.
  2. Clean the beets, cut into the plates, then each plate in half.
  3. Put in sterilized banks in layers of garlic and beets.
  4. Boil the marinade:
    1. Dissolve salt, sugar and spices in containers with water.
    2. Cook after boiling for 2 minutes.
    3. Remove from the fire and carefully introduce vinegar.
  5. Enter a hot marinade in garlic with beets.
  6. Call the banks, turn over and remove.
Original appetizer to the table
Original appetizer to the table

Pickled garlic in Korean

This recipe is quite simple. You do not have to cook separately marinade with spices.


  • garlic - 1.5 kg
  • water is optional
  • dining vinegar-300-400 ml
  • soy sauce - 1 liter (it may be less required)


  1. Peel the garlic well, leave the slices.
  2. Put the garlic to the top in the banks. Pour approximately 2/3 of the volume of the jar with table vinegar. Fill the rest with boiled hot water.
  3. Close with lids and take it into a dark cold place for a week. For example, in the refrigerator.
  4. In a week, take out cans with garlic, open them, drain the marinade.
  5. Dissage the jars, boil soy sauce for a quarter of an hour, then cool.
  6. Put into banks into 1/2 of the volume of garlic.
  7. Fill it with warm sauce, foil with lids.
  8. Remove to a dry cool place.
It is better to use soy sauce of good quality for pickling
It is better to use soy sauce of good quality for pickling

Pickled garlic with red currant without vinegar

Such a recipe is especially relevant in the summer, when there is nowhere to put a large crop of currants. Ginger will add a snack of piquancy and severity, and the lack of vinegar will make it also very useful.


  • garlic - 10 heads
  • water - 600 ml
  • red currant - 500 g
  • ginger-100-150 g (to taste)
  • salt - 10 g
  • sugar or honey - 60 g


  1. As usual, clean the garlic, separate the slices and clean them.
  2. Wash ginger, but not to clean, because it is the peel that contains most of the beneficial substances. Cut the average cubes.
  3. Sort red currants, remove bad berries, branches, garbage and leaves. Rinse.
  4. Make marinade:
    1. In water, dissolve sugar or honey, add a few a pinch of salt.
    2. Then enter all the garlic into the liquid.
    3. Boil garlic with marinade 60 seconds.
  5. At this time, lay out the currant and ginger equally.
  6. When the marinade cools down a little, pour it into banks with garlic.
  7. Fix the banks tightly.
  8. Then rearrange in a cold dry place for storage.

Council No. 1! In this recipe, you can use both garlic heads and cloves. The difference in taste will not lead.

Council No. 2! If you are worried about blanks without vinegar, you can additionally sterilize the banks with marinade and currant for 10-15 minutes and only then roll up.

Banks with pickled garlic and red currants
Harvested garlic garlic and red currants

Pickled garlic: Georgian recipe

In Georgian recipes, such spices as Tarhun often appear. This is not lemonade, another name Tarhun is a popgon. The grass is fragrant, very smelling. Georgians like to make drinks with her and use for pickling.

In this recipe, there are no strict restrictions in quantity, only the proportion applies: the ratio of water to vinegar should be 1: 2. That is 1 part of the water and two parts of vinegar.


  • cleaned garlic - 1 kg
  • water is optional
  • wine vinegar - optionally
  • salt, sugar - to taste
  • the estron is optional


  1. The garlic cleaned in advance is shifted with a chopped stage to banks, alternating: a layer of garlic, a layer of grass and so on.
  2. The bite is mixed with water in the previously indicated proportions, dissolve salt and sugar, bring to a temperature of 90-95 degrees.
  3. Such marinade is filled with food banks.
  4. They cover with a lid loosely and cleaned in a cool place. Ideally, in the cellar, for 14 days.
  5. Over time, banks open, check the contents, and, if everything is in order, the lids are tightly screwed.
This recipe for picking garlic will definitely surprise everyone
This recipe for picking garlic will definitely surprise everyone

Pickled garlic in beetroot juice for the winter

If you want more garlic and less beets - then we present to your attention a simple recipe for making pickled garlic in raw beet juice. According to this recipe, garlic turns out to be the most tender, and the taste of beets is almost not felt.


  • beets - 2 pieces
  • garlic - 500 g
  • salt - 20 g
  • sugar - 50 g
  • dining or apple vinegar - 60 ml
  • water - 500 ml


  1. Peel the garlic, separate the cloves.
  2. In boiling water for 2-4 minutes, blanch the garlic.
  3. Then immediately cool the cloves of garlic, lowering them into ice water.
  4. In parallel, you can do the preparation of the marinade:
    1. Grind pre -cleaned beets on a coarse grater.
    2. Using gauze to squeeze the juice.
    3. Dissolve salt, sugar in water, combine with beetroot juice.
    4. With stormy boil, boil a quarter of an hour.
    5. Introduce vinegar, mix, remove from the stove.
  5. Fold the cloves of garlic in jars.
  6. Fill the container with hot marinade.
  7. Twist the cans with lids and remove to cool.
It would be nice to add spices in this recipe
It would be nice to add spices in this recipe

Pickled garlic in red currant juice

Garlic in red currant juice is marked in the same way as in beetroot juice. Only if the beets are crushed with a grater, then you need a blender, meat grinder or kitchen combine to grind currants.

Advice! Keep in mind that the marinade and beets are more spicy, and with red currants - sour. Therefore, you can reduce the amount of vinegar and add spices: rosemary, coriander, cloves.

Red currants for the recipe can be used both fresh and frozen
Red currants for the recipe can be used both fresh and frozen

Pickled garlic: cold method

The difference between the cold method and the hot is that the marinade is used to fill garlic completely cooled. Such a garlic should be infused in a dark dry and cold place for at least 60 days (2 months). If this is a long time for you, then refer to a standard, hot marining method. Hotly pickled garlic can usually be eaten after 2 weeks.

Any recipe for pickling garlic can be turned into a cold at a moment if you pour the cloves not with hot marinade, but cooled to room temperature. This is the whole secret.

Coldly marin both separate cloves and whole garlic heads
coldly marin both separate cloves and whole garlic heads

Young garlic pickled: recipe for the winter

Young garlic is at least very soft and delicate, still suitable for pickling. The marinade for young garlic is suitable for anyone, like a method of pickling. It is advisable to additionally subject the young garlic of additional sterilization, since its antiseptic properties are still weak, and in the process of storage it may deteriorate.

Ingredients for pickling young garlic
Ingredients for pickling young garlic
Description of cooking
Description of cooking

Pickled garlic for the winter with hops

Eastern spice-hop-sunels, is traditionally used for meat, fish, vegetable dishes. Garlic is also great for pickling along with cloves, coriander, black pepper. The seasoning has a pronounced taste and aroma, it is remarkably combined with lemon juice.

Two recipes for making pickled garlic with hops-sunales.

Recipe No. 1
Recipe No. 1
Recipe No. 2
Recipe No. 2
Garlic, pickled with hop-sunales has a pleasant yellow-green tint
Garlic, pickled with hop-sunales has a pleasant yellow-green tint

Pickled garlic in apple cider vinegar for the winter

Apple vinegar is often replaced by ordinary vinegar. It is believed that it is apple cider vinegar less caustic and harmful. Of course, if we are talking about high -quality vinegar, or about home. A poor -quality store apple cider vinegar is most often a mixture of apple juice and table vinegar.

Since apple cider vinegar can be replaced by a regular dining room, any recipe from this article is suitable for you to prepare pickled garlic. Just replace one vinegar with another.

Advice! The most good combination can be achieved by adding apple cider vinegar to the recipe for pickled garlic with currants, hops-sunels, or beets.

Garmin pickled by teeth for the winter with a grenade

Garlic, pickled with a grenade has a pronounced sweet and sour taste, is quite pleasant and piquant at the same time.


  • garlic - 500 g
  • grenade ripe - 1 average
  • wine or apple vinegar - 100 g
  • water - 300 ml
  • salt - 15 g
  • sugar - 30 g


  1. Peel the garlic, separate the slices.
  2. Grenade is also cleaned in any way convenient for you, divide the grains.
  3. Banks are exposed to high temperatures (boiling, heating over steam or in the oven)
  4. Put the cloves of garlic and grenade grain in jars in jars.
  5. Prepare the marinade by mixing the remaining components except vinegar.
    1. Boil marinade for 3 minutes, remove from heat.
    2. Enter apple vinegar, mix
  6. Pour freshly prepared marinade, tighten the lids.
Grenade with garlic - a successful combination of tastes
Grenade with garlic - a successful combination of tastes

Recipe for pickling garlic in plastic buckets

It is convenient to pickle in buckets when you need a large volume of finished products at once. There are no troubles with banks. Sterilize the buckets is simple: scald them several times with boiling water. It's enough.

Advice!It is better to use plastic buckets that close hermetically. The volume of such buckets is usually 10 liters. They most often sell mayonnaise, salted herring, cucumbers, cabbage.

Video: How to cook pickled garlic?

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