The best pictures and photos for an avatar: a selection for guys and men. How to create your own men's avatar for a group, VK, Instagram, classmates, Skype, YouTube, phone, Vaiber, Watsap from a real photo?

The best pictures and photos for an avatar: a selection for guys and men. How to create your own men's avatar for a group, VK, Instagram, classmates, Skype, YouTube, phone, Vaiber, Watsap from a real photo?

How to make a cool male avu for a social network? The best men's avatars of various types.

Social networks today have tightly entered our daily lives. With the help of them, we communicate with friends, acquaintances and strangers, share our joyful and sad events, try to create a certain image for ourselves. Sometimes, in order to convey your mood or your inner world does not have enough words. Our avatars come to our aid in such situations. It is with the help of such photos and pictures that men try to impress the fair sex, tell more about themselves or embellish their true “face”.

What size should there be pictures and photos for a men's avatar?

What parameters should Avarka have for various social networks?
What parameters should Avarka have for various social networks?
  • By uploading photos or pictures to social networks to the capital page, it is necessary to take into account the fact that each network has its own requirements and AVA loading parameters.
  • So, for example, on Facebook you can download an avatar with dimensions from 180x180rh.
  • There is an opinion that the Avatar parameters of 200x500rh are installed on VK. In fact, you can upload any photo - just the ratio of the width and their height should be 2 to 5, respectively.
  • Twitter has its own requirements for the heading photo - at least 400x400rh.
  • On Google+ the minimum parameters of AVA in 480x270rh are installed. Of course, you can download better pictures. However, in this case, you need to be prepared for the fact that the image may swim slightly. Round avatars, at the same time, should be 250x250rh.
  • In classmates, you can upload any photo - 300x300rh will be enough, since the avatar is still cut to a square 190x190rx.
  • It is advisable to download the picture to the main page of YouTube, where all the most important information is in the center. YouTube advises his customers to download an image from
  • parameters 2560x1440rx and a maximum volume of up to 2MB.

How to create your own men's avatar for a group, classmates, VK, Instagram, Skype, YouTube, phone, Vaiber, Watsap from a real photo

  • On the Internet today there are quite a lot of different resources that allow you to create a unique, ideal avatar.
  • To create a cool title photo, you can use the services of specialized sites to create AVA, for example, or, but you can just process photos using Photoshop on the appropriate resources or In order to create a unique ava, you need to upload your favorite photo to the site and use all the functions and the possibilities of image correction proposed by it.
  • After the image is ready, the resulting avatar must be saved and loaded into the corresponding social network.

Cool men's avatars for guys and men: pictures, photos

Cool male avatar
Cool male avatar
Avatar for a cool guy
Avatar for a cool guy
Cool avatar for a brutal guy
Cool avatar for a brutal guy
Cool Ava
Cool Ava

Cool men's avatars for guys and men: pictures, photos

Cool male avatar
Cool male avatar
Cool Ava for a man
Cool Ava for a man
Funny male avatar
Funny male avatar

Beautiful men's avatars for guys and men: pictures, photos

Beautiful male avatar
Beautiful men's avatar with Gerard Butler
Beautiful male Ava
Beautiful male Ava
Beautiful men's avatar with Tom Hardy
Beautiful men's avatar with Tom Hardy
Beautiful men's avatar with Jason Stetham
Beautiful men's avatar with Jason Stetham

Men's avatars with meaning for guys and men: pictures, photos

Male avatar with meaning
Male avatar with meaning
Avatar with meaning for a man
Avatar with meaning for a man
Semolored male avatar
Semolored male avatar

Stylish men's avatars for guys and men: pictures, photos

Stylish male avatar
Stylish male avatar
Avatar for a stylish guy
Avatar for a stylish guy
Ava for dudes
Ava for dudes

Erotic and sexy men's avatars for guys and men: pictures, photos

Sexy male avatar
Sexy male avatar
Erotic male avatar
Erotic male avatar
Sexy avatar for a sexy man
Sexy avatar for a sexy man

How to make an avatar for VK: video

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