The best home -made body scrubs. How to cook body scrubs at home?

The best home -made body scrubs. How to cook body scrubs at home?

The article will give the best recipes for body scrub, which can be made independently.

Human skin is an amazing product of evolution. And although it does not protect a person as thick skin of an elephant, for example, it still has a number of amazing properties:

  • The skin of a person breathes. Many metabolic processes occur through it, without which life is impossible
  • The epidermis is the upper layer of the skin, its cells regenerate the fastest
  • The life of the epidermis cell ranges from 4 to 6 weeks. The younger the person - the faster the regeneration
  • The skin performs the most important protective and regulatory properties, this is one of the organs of interaction with the outside world

As already noted that the older the person, the worse his cells are restored. That is why older people cannot boast of delicate skin. But we are able to help our skin recover faster. For this, there is a simple way - scrubbing of the skin.

How to use a body scrub?

  • The skin needs natural protection, which is produced by subcutaneous glands. Scrubing destroys this protection
  • People with oily skin can use a body scrub once a week, with a dry type - 1 time in 2 weeks
  • If the scrub contains oils, then after applying it, you need to hold the product on the skin for up to 5 minutes
  • The scrub should be applied to wet, steamed skin. Then its effect will be maximum
  • After scrubbing the skin, it must be lubricated with a nutrient or moisturizing cream
How to use a scrub?
How to use a scrub?

Is it possible to prepare a body scrub at home?

  • The scrub at home can not only be prepared, but even necessary. Such a scrub will have many advantages
  • You will be confident in its composition that there are no preservatives, dyes and harmful chemicals. This is especially important for people with allergies or sensitive skin
  • The price of a home scrap will be significantly lower than the purchased
  • In a home scrub, you can, at your request, regulate the size of scrubbing particles. After all, some love, for example, small scrubs
  • You can cook a scrub at home literally from improvised products
  • Some home scrubs need to be prepared immediately before use
  • Any home scrub should consist of a softening base and particles that will exfoliate keratinized cells. If desired, you can add additional substances to improve the home cosmetic product

Anti -cellulite body scrub at home, recipe

  • The scrub against cellulite works at several levels: microparticles stimulate blood circulation in the skin, and nutrients smoot it
  • Anti -cellulite scrub can be prepared according to several recipes
  • Recipe 1. Coffee -based scrub. We take cough coffee coffee, add a spoonful of olive oil and a couple of drops of orange essential oil to it. Mix everything thoroughly and apply with massage movements to the skin, paying special attention to zones with cellulite
  • Coffee has long been famous for its property to accelerate blood circulation, and orange oil is the best tool in the fight against cellulite. The complex of these tools is a powerful remedy for "orange crust"
  • Recipe 2. A spoonful of sea salt is mixed with a spoonful of one oil (for example, almond oil), add 2 drops of rosemary oils and 1 drop of orange oil
  • Sea salt removes excess fluid, and rosemary oil improves blood circulation. If the salt is too large, grind it in a coffee grinder
  • Any of the anti-cellulite scrubs must be actively rubbed into the problem areas, and then leave for 5-10 minutes
  • After scrubbing, the skin must be lubricated with a moisturizing lotion with a drop of orange essential oil
Coffee scrub
Coffee scrub

Coconut body scrub at home

  • Coconut body scrub - real paradise pleasure for the skin
  • Particles that cleanse the skin with coconut chips. It is not too hard, so the exfoliation will pass softly
  • This scrub is suitable for people with sensitive skin
  • Coconut chips for scrub should be without dyes
  • Recipe. The shavings, if necessary, are additionally crushed in a coffee grinder. Then mix it with several tablespoons of almond oil and a spoon of white sugar. If desired, you can add a drop of peppermint essential oil for aroma
  • Depending on how much sugar is added, a scrub will turn out so hard. Adjust its amount, focusing on your skin type

Honey scrub for the body at home

  • Honey is an indispensable cosmetic product. It not only supplies the skin with useful substances, but also helps to cleanse the skin of acne and red spots
  • Honey scrub with coffee will become your favorite skin care product. Adjusting the amount of coffee scrub can be made rude or softer
  • We will need: 3 tablespoons of honey, 2 tablespoons of olive oil and a spoonful of ground coffee. All ingredients need to be mixed and a little heated in a water bath
  • You need to scrub the entire skin. But pay special attention to the elbows and knees - there the skin is coarse the fastest
Honey scrub
Honey scrub

Sugar scrub for home at home

  • Sugar is a universal exfoliating agent. You can use both white and brown sugar
  • For sugar scrub you need: 4 tablespoons of fat sour cream, 3 tablespoons of sugar. Mix the tool thoroughly before use
  • Sour cream or cream are rich in animal fats that nourish and moisturize the skin
  • Sour cream can only be used natural, without impurities and additives. It is best to take sour cream 25% fat content

Salt body scrub at home

  • To scrub skin, it is best to use sea salt. If it is too large, grind it in a coffee grinder
  • Salt should be dyes and flavors
  • The best base for salt scrub is oil. Therefore, in 3 tablespoons of oil (olive or almond), add 2 tablespoons of salt
  • In order for the scrubbing procedure to bring us pleasure, we add a couple of drops of essential oils. For example, 1 drop of bergamot oil and 1 drop of clove oil. Scarb thoroughly mix before use
Salt scrub
Salt scrub

Chocolate body scrub at home

  • Chocolate is not only a delicious treat. It is also a powerful antioxidant and a remedy for dryness and aging of the skin
  • Chocolate can be used not only for scrubbing, but also as a wrap. To do this, after the scrubbing procedure, wrap the problem areas with cling film and hold the product for 30 minutes
  • It is best to use black chocolate for cosmetic procedures with a high content of cocoa products
  • Chocolate scrub can be saved in a jar in the refrigerator for a long time
  • We will need: 3 tablespoons of white sugar, a black chocolate tile grated on a fine grater, 3 tablespoons of almond oil, 2 drops of orange essential oil and 2 drops of cinnamon oil. Everything needs to be thoroughly mixed
Chocolate scrub
Chocolate scrub

Tighting body scrub at home

  • The tightening effect for the skin is created by some essential and cosmetic oils that must be added to the composition. Also, honey and coffee have a tightening effect
  • Create a fragrant scrub on a soap basis. The scrub will turn out to be delicate, while it can be used more often than a regular scrub
  • We need: 3 tablespoons of very small coffee, 4 tablespoons for a shower gel with a neutral smell, 2 drops of clove oils and 2 drops of a small cinnamon
  • Such a scrub foam like an ordinary shower gel. Because of this, it is very convenient to apply

Moisturizing body scrub at home

  • For people with very dry skin, they need to use scrubs no more than 1 time in 2 weeks
  • The best basis for a moisturizing scrub is a fat sour cream or cream
  • Cook the scrub: mix white sugar with sour cream, add a little liquid vitamin E and 3 drops of orange essential oil. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly
  • Fixing scrubs are unacceptable to prepare in reserve. It must be used immediately, as prepare
  • Be sure to moisten the skin with a lotion after the scrubbing procedure
Moisturizing scrub
Moisturizing scrub

How to prepare a body scrub at home: tips and reviews

  • Remember that the scrubbing procedure is not only the benefits for the body, but also the source of pleasant sensations
  • Choose the essential oils that you like. Any recipe can be modified at your discretion
  • Do not overdo it using scrubs. Frequent use will lead to a deterioration in the condition of the skin
  • After the scrubing procedure, the skin perceives massage and wrap better

Video: Preparing a body scrub at home

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