The best quotes about love with meaning, a true love for a man, a guy, a girl, a woman: a list for statuses. Beautiful, short, smart quotes and phrases, statements of great people, from films and songs about love, life, happiness, family, wedding, fidelity: List

The best quotes about love with meaning, a true love for a man, a guy, a girl, a woman: a list for statuses. Beautiful, short, smart quotes and phrases, statements of great people, from films and songs about love, life, happiness, family, wedding, fidelity: List

In this article you will find the statements of various great people about love. They can be put on the statuses of your social network to tell about your feelings throughout the world.


All philosophers, writers, sociologists, representatives of culture and art, humanists, theologians, teachers, historians, state and public figures, scientists, poets, outstanding and ordinary people quoted the definition of love.

  • Any person, when he really falls in love, begins to look for statements about love.
  • This unique feeling overflows from the inside and causes the desire to search for the beautiful.
  • Aphorisms, quotes about love, statements of great people - all this you will find in this article.
  • The simplest phrases will help to deal with their feelings and more deeply understand the essence of love, and statuses in social networks will help the whole world about what is happening inside you.

What is love: quotes, phrases

If a person admires the beauty of another person or his thirst for possession of the object of his adoration wakes up - this is not love. If we begin to talk about love or analyze it, then this is not love. So what is love? Here are the quotes and phrases of great and ordinary people:

Love: quotes, phrases
Love: quotes, phrases

Quotes and phrases about love for a man, guy, girl, woman at a distance for statuses: List

When the loved ones are at a distance, they become sad and I want to declare everyone about the sadness of parting. This will help to make quotes and phrases about love for a man, guy, girl, woman at a distance for statuses. Here's a list:

Quotes and phrases about love for a man, guy, girl, woman at a distance
Quotes and phrases about love for a man, guy, girl, woman at a distance

Quotes and phrases about love and relationships, happiness, life, family for statuses: List

Family, happy love, relationships between a man and a woman and our life is the most expensive that a person can have. In this section you will find beautiful and romantic phrases about marital life, as well as funny statuses about family and relationships. A real family is the family in which there are children and this is true, because love should have a sequel. We offer beautiful quotes and phrases about love and relationship, happiness, life, family for statuses. Here's a list:

Quotes and phrases about love and relationship, happiness, life, family
Quotes and phrases about love and relationship, happiness, life, family

Quotes and phrases are sad about the love of unrequited, unrequited love

Unhappy, unhappy and “sick love” - all this gives us flour and suffering. Express your feelings in the form of beautiful quotes and phrases, sad words about the love of unrequited, unrequited love:

Quotes and phrases are sad about the love of unrequited, unrequited love
Quotes and phrases are sad about the love of unrequited, unrequited love

Short quotes and phrases about a real, faithful and beautiful love for a man, a woman for statuses: List

Happiness is a little continuation of you and your object of adoration. If love is mutual, we rejoice at happiness, and we want to shout about our feelings. Short quotes and phrases about a real, faithful and beautiful love for a man, a woman for statuses. Here's a list:

Short quotes and phrases about real, faithful and beautiful love for a man, woman
Short quotes and phrases about real, faithful and beautiful love for a man, woman

Short quotes and phrases about first love for a guy, girl for statuses: List

First love is almost always unhappy and unlucky. It happens at the most excellent age, when a person is still young, inexperienced and naive. But this is the most beautiful when we do not think about what will happen next, but completely surrender to the feelings and call of our heart. Express what you have in your soul with the help of short quotes and phrases about your first love for a guy, a girl in statuses. Here's a list:

Short quotes and phrases about first love for a guy, girl
Short quotes and phrases about first love for a guy, girl

Smart quotes and phrases about eternal love and fidelity for a man, guy, girl, woman for statuses: List

I want our statuses in social networks to talk not only about feelings, but also of high intelligence. But at the moment when you need to speak out, nothing smart comes to mind. Only some banal words and incomprehensible thoughts. In this case, smart quotes and phrases about eternal love and fidelity for a man, guy, girl, woman will help. Here is a list for statuses:

Smart quotes and phrases about eternal love and fidelity for a man, guy, girl, woman
Smart quotes and phrases about eternal love and fidelity for a man, guy, girl, woman

The best quotes about the wedding for statuses: List

Girls dream of marriage, a wedding, a beautiful white dress, and many men are afraid of this and try to delay the moment of the offer of their beloved. But he can hint about your desires with the help of the original status on the social network. Here is a list of the best quotes about the wedding for statuses:

The best quotes about the wedding
The best quotes about the wedding

The best quotes about love with the meaning of Omar Khayyam for statuses: List

Omar Hayyam is a Persian philosopher, a legendary scientist. He lived in the 11th century, but his smart thoughts survived to this day. The statements of this sage are parting words for many people. Here is a list of the best quotes about love with the meaning of Omar Khayyam for statuses:

The best quotes about love with the meaning of Omar Khayyam
The best quotes about love with the meaning of Omar Khayyam

The best quotes about love with Yesenin's meaning for statuses: List

The greatest Russian figure, Sergey Yesenin, wrote many poems and quotes about life and love for many people of the present road and his phrases are interesting, who teach to live and help to understand the highest human feeling - love. Here is a list of the best quotes about love with Yesenin's meaning for statuses:

The best quotes about love with Yesenin's meaning
The best quotes about love with Yesenin's meaning

The best quotes about love from the movie "Love and Pigeons" for statuses: List

The comedy "Love and Pigeons" is all the favorite film since Soviet times. He has long been dismantled for quotes. The brightest moments are the life of heroes, their love, treason and relationships. Here is a list of the best quotes about love from the movie "Love and Pigeons" for statuses:

The best quotes about love from the movie
The best quotes about love from the movie "Love and Pigeons"

The best quotes about love from the series "Black Love" for statuses: List

The best series is life. But there are such multi -part films, with the heroes of which we live their life, as if our own. So exciting plot and the heroes of the words, phrases and quotes in the heroes. Such series include Black Love. The phrases of the main characters are repeated in the statuses of many pages of social networks, as they talk about the most important sense of people - love. Here is a list of the best quotes about love from the series "Black Love" for statuses:

The best quotes about love from the series
The best quotes about love from the series "Black Love"

The best quotes about love from the movie "With Love, Rosie" for Statuses: List

Rosie and Alex from the film “With Love, Rosie”, were the best friends since childhood. But they had to part immediately after graduation at school. However, despite this, they continue to remember each other. Here is a list of the best quotes about love from the film “With Love, Rosie” for statuses:

The best quotes about love from the movie
The best quotes about love from the movie "With Love, Rosie"

The best quotes about love from the movie "Love in the city of Angels" for statuses: List

The city of hopes and the city of angels are Los Angeles. Here is each person, if not an actor, then a producer. Dreamers come to this city to meet their love. The film about love in this city talks about feelings between two people who met in Los Angeles. Here is a list of the best quotes about love from the film "Love in the city of Angels" for statuses:

The best quotes about love from the movie
The best quotes about love from the movie "Love in the city of Angels"

The best quotes about love from the movie "Formula of Love" for statuses: List

“Formula of Love” is a good old film about Count Cagliostro, who traveled around Russia and studied people's lives. Some build, others break - this is Russia, where everything is simple and forever. Here is a list of the best quotes about love from the film "Formula of Love" for statuses:

The best quotes about love from the film
The best quotes about love from the film "Formula of Love"

The best quotes about love from love songs for statuses: List

The song is able to convey the feeling. The necessary words are always selected in it, and the melody complements them. Phrases become quotes, we write them into the statuses of our social networks in order to tell the whole world about a feeling for a specific person. Here is a list of the best quotes about love from love songs for statuses:

The best quotes about love from songs about love
The best quotes about love from songs about love

The best quotes about love from the work "Pomegranate Bracelet" Kuprin for statuses: List

Kuprin's story “Grenade Bracelet” is based on real events. The theme of the work is love - real, eternal, which is a rare gift. List of the best quotes about love from the work "Pomegranate Bracelet" Kuprin for statuses:

The best quotes about love from the work
The best quotes about love from the work "Pomegranate Bracelet" Kuprin

The best quotes about love from "Masters and Margarita" for statuses: List

Everyone knows about Bulgakov’s novel “Master and Margarita”. Some re -read the book more than once, others watched the film. You can not fall in love with the work, but it is impossible to remain without emotion to its quotes. They hold in tension from the first lines to the end of the novel. List of the best quotes about love from “Master and Margarita” for statuses:

The best quotes about love from
The best quotes about love from "Master and Margarita"

The best quotes about Love from the Bible for Status: List

The Bible teaches us life. Orthodox always turn to this book of life for help at the complex moments of their being. If you want to express what you have in your soul with the help of status on social networks, then choose a suitable phrase from the best quotes about love from the Bible for statuses from this list:

The best quotes about love from the Bible
The best quotes about love from the Bible

The best quotes and statements about the love of remark for statuses: List

Erich Maria Remarck is one of the most read writers of the twentieth century. His deep and soulful quotes put millions of people into the statuses of social networks, lead as arguments during a conversation about love and simply give answers to their questions many lovers. List of best quotes and statements about Remarque love for statuses:

The best quotes and statements about Remarque's love
The best quotes and statements about Remarque's love

The best quotes about the love of Osho for statuses: List

In the life of every person, there are such moments when advice is needed, and then we turn to the statements of the sages and philosophers, in the words of which there are answers to the questions that have arisen. Osho - Indian mystic. Despite the fact that in life he was a supporter of mysticism and religion, his statements are very vital. List of the best quotes about Love Osho for statuses:

The best quotes about love Osho
The best quotes about love Osho

The best quotes about Shakespeare's love for statuses: List

The creations of the great English writer William Shakespeare are forced to look at such a beautiful feeling as love. The words about the love of this poet are very beautiful and elegant. Therefore, his works are popular at all times. List of the best quotes about Shakespeare's love for statuses:

The best quotes about Shakespeare's love
The best quotes about Shakespeare's love

The best quotes about Coelho love for statuses: List

Paulo Coelho is a famous writer of our time. Its bestsellers are re -read several times. All his works are dismantled for quotes and in social networks in almost every public quote this famous writer. Here is a list of best quotes about Coelho love for statuses:

The best quotes about love Coelho
The best quotes about love Coelho

The best quotes about Nietzsche love for statuses: List

Friedrich Nietzsche is a famous philosopher who taught non -academic teachings. His statements are destroyed by generally accepted stereotypes, people find the necessary answers to their questions. The philosopher easily clarifies the problems of reality, morality and religion. List of the best quotes about Nietzsche love for statuses:

The best quotes about Nietzsche love
The best quotes about Nietzsche love

The best quotes about Yevtushenko love for statuses: List

Evgeny Aleksandrovich Yevtushenko is a famous Soviet and Russian poet. He is also known, like a prose writer, a talented director, screenwriter, publicist, reader-orator and good actor. His statements speak of life and painful for every person. List of the best quotes about Yevtushenko love for statuses:

The best quotes about Yevtushenko love
The best quotes about Yevtushenko love

The best quotes about Dostoevsky's love for statuses: List

Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky lived in the 19th century. This is a wonderful writer, philosopher, thinker and publicist. Dostoevsky's most striking thoughts are dismantled in quotes. They are published on social networks and with their help philosophize about life, love and all beautiful on this earth. List of the best quotes about Dostoevsky's love for statuses:

The best quotes about Dostoevsky's love
The best quotes about Dostoevsky's love

The best quotes about Hemingway love for statuses: List

Ernest Hemingway was well versed in people. His books are cynical, harsh, but they have a lot of honesty. Hemingway spoke a lot about love in its most diverse manifestations. List of the best quotes about Hemingway love for statuses:

The best quotes about Hemingway love
The best quotes about Hemingway love

The best quotes about Freud's love for statuses: List

Sigmund Freud quotes can tell us much more about ourselves. This is a paradox, but it is really so. List of the best quotes about Freud's love for statuses:

The best quotes about Freud's love
The best quotes about Freud's love

If you are happy with love, or you, on the contrary, have unhappy or unrequited love, and I want to say about painful or share your joy, change status on social networks. All your friends will know about your state of mind, and the object of your adoration will learn about your thoughts. Good luck!

Video: The best quotes about life, love and relationships.

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