Dreams: How to do it with your own hands at home? What is a dream catcher for?

Dreams: How to do it with your own hands at home? What is a dream catcher for?

How to make the original amulet "Dream Catcher" with your own hands? How to make a double, triangular, original Indian talisman "Dreaming Catcher".

I so want that in the modern high -tech world there remains at least a little space for beliefs and traditions. But man more and more believes in science than in God or, especially the forces of nature. The objects that were previously sacred turned into simple jewelry.

Similar happened to the dream catcher, the talisman of the North America Indians. Bought in a souvenir shop or made independently, barely similar in design with authentic, it is not rare in the houses and apartments of Europeans. But what if you believe that the dream catcher really works?

What is a dream catcher for?

Dreams are an Indian talisman. In the original, it is a willow twig, bent into a circle, braided with a natural harsh thread, with a web from the thread inside. Dreams were decorated with beads and feathers of birds.

He was hung over the bed and believed that the talisman would save from nightmares, they would be confused in his web. Joyful and funny dreams will easily pass through a small hole in the center of the amulet.

Dreams are a amulet of the North America Indians.
Dreams are a amulet of the North America Indians.

The dream catcher itself and each of its elements are very symbolic. The ancient legends of the North American Indians are associated with the talisman.

So, according to one of them, the elder of the Aborigines of North America, the people of Lakota, received a high vision on the mountain. In it, he talked with a spider in which the teacher Ictomi reincarnated. During the conversation, the spider web, a symbol of human being:

  1. The vicious circle that the spider created from the willow’s twig symbolizes the cyclicality of a person’s life: he is born in a baby, and adults take care of him. Growing up, he gives the life of new babies, and now he is entitled to take care of them. And so again and again, to infinity
  2. The threads woven by a spider inside the ring are numerous life paths that seem to man. And no one knows which one is the most correct
  3. The web from the threads is designed to protect a person from the bad and the evil, as if filtering him
  4. The hole in the center of the talisman is the soul of a person, always and under any circumstances discovered by something good and good
  5. Feathers decorating the talisman is air, without which a person cannot survive
Dreams are hung in the bedroom.
Dreams are hung in the bedroom.

Directly with good and bad dreams, the talisman is connected by another legend, according to which a woman - Spider Asabikashi gave his Indians. Her children were all people of the Earth. But when there were too many of them, and they settled on the four cardinal points, Asabikashi had to teach women to take care of their babies themselves. She taught them to weave dream catchers and hang them over the cribs so that the babies would not bother nightmares.

Important: by the way, a ritual object, similar to an Indian dream catcher, had Siberian shamans. Ordinary people did not use it. A hoop with a web served as a kind of network, which fell both evil and good spirit, to appear at night a shaman in a dream

Today, the dream catcher has been popularized. Few people understand his sacred meaning. Most often, a curiosity is hung in their own house to decorate the interior, especially if it is decorated in an ethnic style.

To get dreams, it is not necessary to go to America or Siberia: talismans are sold in souvenir shops. Also, they can be done with your own hands.

VIDEO: What is a dream trap?

DIY Dreams: step -by -step instructions

Before starting the manufacture of a talisman, it is necessary to decide why it will be needed.

  1. If the dream catcher is only a decor in the room, everything is much easier. The accessory will only be stylized under the Indian style, it will not be difficult to choose materials for him
  2. If the dreams of dreams are used for its intended purpose in order to weed out the negative or drive away bad dreams, you need to make it exclusively from natural materials
Materials for the catcher of dreams.
Materials and tools necessary to make dreams for a catcher.

You will need:

  1. The branch of willow. It will be necessary that a young flexible twig with a thickness of up to 1 mm, and not a twig. It is recommended to cut it to the middle of autumn while there is juice in it. Do this on the growing moon. Often, rowan is used to make a catfish catcher. Below will be described how to make a talisman from a wooden hoop
  2. Threads. They should be dense, strong and natural. Cotton, wool, flax are best suited
  3. Horse hair, skin or suede. They will need to decorate the talisman
  4. Beads. It is necessary to do it yourself or buy different sizes of wooden, metal or stone beads. You can also decorate the catchers of dreams of natural stones. It is known that each of them is endowed with its own energy and is able to influence the health, behavior, fate of man
  5. Featers of birds. They choose them not just in beauty. It is believed that if dreams are made for a boy or man, use feathers of daytime birds (eagles, falcon, hawk, rooster, pheasant), and if for a girl or woman, then night (owls, guinea fowls, partridges, ducks)

Important: Creating a modern version of the catcher of dreams, you can not do without glue, scissors

While working on the talisman, they only think about good, they wish health, happiness, good and good dreams to the one for whom the dream catcher is intended.

  1. Beat the willow rod in the hoop. Its ends are fixed with thread. For reliability, you can glue them
  2. Wrap the hoop with a rough thread or cord. From the ends, the thread forms a loop on which the dream catcher will hang
  3. A thread of smaller thickness is tied to the knot near this loop, from which a web will be spitted out
  4. Depending on the dimensions of the talisman at a distance of 2-5 cm from the node, the first half-star is made (the thread is wrapped around the hoop, its tip is spread into a loop). Are held by such half -names, located at the same distance from each other, throughout the internal diameter of the hoop
  5. Weave a web further. Passing half -names no longer by hoop, but on a thread
  6. Stiries and beads are immediately strung on a thread during weaving, this is, as a rule, in random order
  7. According to the principle described above, the ranks of the internal loops are made until a hole of 1-1.5 cm remains inside the web.
  8. The thread in it is binded by a node, the knot is fixed with glue
  9. On the end of the circle opposite from the loop, it is necessary to fix several laces (from 1 to 9), which are also decorated with beads and stones. At their ends, feathers of birds are tied or fixed with special mounts
  10. In order for the threads not sagging, it is recommended to sprinkle their hair varnish (with severe fixation, without sparkles)
Making a dream catcher with your own hands: Stage 1.
Making a dream catcher with your own hands: Stage 1.
Making a dream catcher with your own hands: Stage 2.
Making a dream catcher with your own hands: Stage 3.

VIDEO: DIY Dreams. How to make a beautiful dream catcher?

How to make a dream catcher with your own hands? Scheme

The weaving of dreams can be very unusual. Some masters manage to display entire drawings on a spider web. The submitted simple schemes will help beginners.

A step -by -step scheme for manufacturing a catfish.
A step -by -step scheme for manufacturing a catfish.
Dreams with circular weaving: Scheme.
The scheme of weaving a catcher of dreams with a circle inside.

VIDEO: How to make a dream catcher with an unusual web

How to make a slaughter of dreams from a hoop?

As a basis for a talisman, you can take a hoop. For example, large wooden hoops. Hoops made of plastic or metal are also suitable, but they need to be disguised, thoroughly wrapped with a thread.

  1. There are two options for using a hoop for the manufacture of a dream catcher
  2. The hoop is used in the same way as the willow branch - wrapped in cord
  3. In the hoop itself at an equal distance, holes are made through which nickname will be missed
  4. Further, the dream catcher is made on the principle described above
Production of a fishing catcher from a wooden hoop.
Production of a fishing catcher from a wooden hoop.

How to make dreams of dreams with a ring inside? How to make a double dreamer of dreams?

For the manufacture of dreams with a small ring inside, it is necessary to supplement the list of materials and tools with another willow branch or a small hoop.

  1. Initially, the dreamer of dreams is made in the same way as a simple
  2. A small ring is wrapped with a cord or thread in the same way as a large
  3. You can arrange a small ring clearly in the center of a large or arbitrary
  4. Both rings are laid out on the table, small inside the large. Both rings are wrapped with thread, leaving an equal distance between the loops
  5. You can repeat the winding in the other direction with a thread of a different color
  6. A loop is formed on a larger ring, decorated with shoelaces with beads and feathers
Materials for the catcher in the ring inside.
With a ring inside2
Weaving a grid for a catfish with a ring inside.

Double dreams of dreams can be made in other ways. For example:

  1. Inside the small ring, weave your own web (this is exactly, with a different pattern, threads of a different color)
  2. Hang a small ring at the bottom of the big
  3. Weave two rings from willow rods with the same diameter together
Beautiful double dreamer of dreams.
Soul of the Prairie1_enl
Dreams of dreams of two rings.

How to make a triangular dreaming of dreams?

If you make an interesting dream catcher not round, but triangular, it will look like Indian wigwam.

The shape of the triangle can be obtained in two ways:

  • tie or glue three twigs, sticks, planks of the same length
  • bend the willow twig
Triangular dreamer of dreams.
Triangular dreamer of dreams.

How to make an amulet of dreams of dreams? How to make a small dream clover with your own hands? How to make a bracelet of dreams of dreams?

Dreams are hung around the bed. But to protect against negativity, you can make a small version to yourself or a loved one, a certain amulet that you can carry with you.

In the form of a small dream catcher, they usually do:

  • britics
  • kulons
  • brooches
  • earrings
  • bracelets on the arm or leg
Decorations of dreams of dreams.
Jewelry "Dream Catcher".
Dreams - amulet.
Dreams - amulet.
Earrings Catcher of Dreams.
Earrings "Dream Catcher".

So, to make a pendant on the neck, you need to buy in a needlework store:

  • a circle of wood, plastic, metal for the base of the amulet
  • metal rings (feathers, beads, more) will be attached to the pendant)
  • beads made of wood and metal
  • crochet threads
  • small feathers or pendants in the form of feathers
  • kulon holder (Bale)
Materials for the amulet Dreaming.
Materials for the amulet "Dream Catcher".
  1. Inside the Circle of one, one of the schemes weave a web.
  2. Decorate it with beads if desired
  3. Hung feathers or suspension imitating them on rings
  4. Bale is attached at the top of the amulet
A small dream of dreams on the neck.
A small dream of dreams on the neck.

Important: if you make a bracelet with a catfish, it is better for its strap to take a metal chain with large links or a strip of leather

VIDEO: Master class on the manufacture of earrings "Dream Catcher"

How to make a dream catcher without feathers? How to make a bead of beads?

If you make a dream catcher without feathers, it will no longer be a talisman. But the interior will decorate.

Variations on the theme of the Indian talisman are:

  • crochet dreams
  • metal and plastic dreams
  • biser dream catchers

The latter are made like original talismans, but the beads are strung on them not in random order, but form a clear thought out pattern.

Bister dream catchers.
Bister dream catchers.

VIDEO: Earrings from beads "Dream Catcher"

How to make a “owl” dreamer? How to make an unusual dream catcher?

In Indian mythology, the owl symbolizes wisdom and insight. Dreams depicting this bird are very interesting. To do this, we need:

  • two small circles of the same diameter
  • two large beads
  • threads
  • beads for decoration
  • owl feathers
  • glue
  • scissors
Dreams in the form of a head of an owl.
Dreams in the form of a head of an owl.
  1. The rings are binded or glued together. They are the future eyes of an owl
  2. The same grid weaves inside the rings, it can be multi -colored
  3. Large beads wove into the center of the net - the pupils of the owl
  4. With the help of threads with beads, feathers of different sizes make an owl, eyebrows, plumage
  5. You can take a larger circle and weave the body of the bird from it
Dreams of the owl.
Dreams of the owl.

Further in the photo are examples of unusual interior jewelry "Dreams".

An unusual dealer in the form of a heart.
An unusual bright dreamer of dreams.
An unusual dream catcher with five rings.
An unusual Dreams of Yin and Yan.
An unusual crochet dreams.


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