Logos of clothing brands: list, photo, history. Deciphering the logos of Italian, French, British, American, German clothing brands

Logos of clothing brands: list, photo, history. Deciphering the logos of Italian, French, British, American, German clothing brands

This article will help to recognize, after reading it, any logo of clothing at first sight!

The logo is a kind of characteristic of the brand in miniature. And for sure, many of us, considering the pictures symbolizing this or that company, have repeatedly wondered about the interpretation. Let's try to figure it out!

Logos of Italian clothing brands: description, photo

  • Prada - A brand specializing in the production of clothes, accessories, bags, suitcases and even perfumes. But this is now. Earlier - at the very beginning of its existence - the company specialized exclusively in production of suitcases and bags. In memory of this, the logo does not change to this day.

That is, it is so Inverted metal triangle on a leather background. He contains name brand, city and date its foundations.

Important: sometimes instead of a triangle you can find a drawn rope oval, which also has a place and year of the base of the brand.

Most often, Prada logo on products looks like this
Most often, Prada logo on products looks like this
  • Versace - from its very foundation in 1978 The company decided to choose a contradictory but memorable symbol for its logo. Namely, mythical Medusa Gorgon.

This symbol, which is sometimes also called "Medusa from the Roman Palazzo Marquis Rondanini", Sometimes scares, pushes away. Which is not very surprising, because initially this mythical character appears a terrible monster. And only then he transformed. Also, the products of the fashion house transforms women.

However, when Gianni Versace was asked what Medusa symbolizes, he always answered somewhat differently. According to Gianni, Gorgon personifies beauty that can charm, hypnotize. Perhaps this find is extremely successful, because Versace products really are speechless. Gornon's head surrounds Greek ornament.

Important: it is worth noting that Versace loved Greek culture as the embodiment of simultaneous beauty and simplicity.

Versace brand logo in the form of a gorgon jellyfish
Versace brand logo in the form of a gorgon jellyfish
  • Fendi - The famous Italian fashion house, founded yet In 1925. The company originally owned exclusively a couple Fendi - Eduardo and Adele. Then five daughters of the couple joined them.

But, despite the fact that as many as seven representatives of one family were engaged in the affairs of the company, they were not invented by the logo in the future for the whole world. Sisters invite young Karl Lagerfeld, who created the symbol of the brand in 1965.

On the logo they mean Two letters F, one of which is turned upside down. Moreover, they are located very close to each other and as if connected.

Important: this Lagerfeld wanted to show the close connections that are in the Fendi family - both business and family.

The letters that make up the Fendi logo are really closely interconnected
The letters that make up the Fendi logo are really closely interconnected
  • Trussardi - Fashion House, whose story counts More than 100 years. But the brand logo is much younger - he just a little over 40 years. I came up with it the nephew of the founder, Which, moreover, significantly expanded the assortment of the company.

Despite the fact that the brand is from Italy, the symbol was chosen English greyhound. Nikola Trussardi himself explained this by the fact that he is a fan beauty and elegance dogs. And he wanted the company's products to also boast of similar qualities.

Trussardi logo is elegant and beautiful
Trussardi logo is elegant and beautiful
  • Gucci - The logo of the world famous company is simple. Although at first glance not everyone understands what he portrays. Depicted two letters G, intertwined between themselves. it initials brand creator - Guccio Gucci.
Gucci logo with the initials of the brand owner
Gucci logo with the initials of the brand owner

Logos of French clothing brands: photos, description

  • Chanel - The brand has one of the most recognizable logos in the world. First, he appeared on a bottle of legendary spirits, and only then moved to the rest of the products.

There are several versions of the appearance of the logo. According to the most famous, he depicts intertwined the initials of the founder of the brand - Coco Chanel.

Important: this version, by the way, is most likely true.

But fans of a less popular theory attribute the authorship of the logo Mikhail Vrubel. He portrayed this symbol yet in 1885, That is, long before Chanel's work. The symbol designated intertwined horseshoes - As you know, the embodiment good luck. Two horseshoes - Double luck.

There is also an opinion that the logo resembles the image that flaunted on the doors of the shelter, in which Gabriel grew up. Be that as it may, but the emblem really brought this woman good luck.

Chanel logo is a symbol that brought success
Chanel logo is a symbol that brought success
  • Lacoste - This brand founded a tennis player Rene Lacost. At one time, he won prizes in his favorite sport, but after a disappointing diagnosis of doctors, he was forced to leave sports. The character of Rene is amazing, because he did not give up, deciding to realize himself in the new field - the release of sportswear.

But not only grave and assertive character The tennis player made it possible to associate it with an alligator. There was a case when Lacost argued With the captain of his team that the tournament will win. In case of victory, Rene was to become the owner of a crocodile leather suitcase. The tournament was won.

Important: Thus, the Alligator has become a real amulet for Lacost.

Lacoste logo - a symbol that brought victory
Lacoste logo - a symbol that brought victory
  • Givenchy - This company has a logo that consists from the first letter repeated four times. The result is a rather interesting figure.

The design of letters is created in this way - it resembles clover sheet. As you know, this plant has long been recognized as bringing good luck.

The lines of the logo are amazing - they elegant, strict and harmonious simultaneously. A similar approach was developed and ancient Greeks. On the painting of which the logo, by the way, is similar.

Givenchy logo
Givenchy logo
  • Hermes - The logo of this brand often causes bewilderment. The company is known for the manufacture of expensive clothes. It would seem: where does a horse in the harness? Maybe it's about the hard work of the owners of the company?

It, of course, is, but that is not the point. For a solution, you need to turn to the history of the brand. The fact is that Initially, he made saddles and bridles.

Important: the creators of the company specially left the old logo. As a demonstration of what you can start and where you can come in the end.

Hermes brand logo
Hermes brand logo

Logos of British clothing brands: description, photo

  • Fred Perry - The founder of the brand was the most famous shade of the 30s. Surprisingly, at first he decided to perpetuate the emblem in the emblem of a completely unsportsmanlike thing - smoking tube. However, in the future, which is not surprising Changed the decision.

Laurel wreath - A more appropriate symbol. He has long been a synonym for victory. In addition, Perry wore this image On the sweater and jacket of the Davis Cup.

Fred Perry brand logo
Fred Perry brand logo
  • Burberry - This famous brand appeared in the distant 1856. However, the logo saw the light much later - in 1901. Despite the fact that the company could initially boast of quality and convenience, it really proved itself with cooperation with the army.

The result was the famous waterproof cloak and an extremely practical officer uniform. This tandem probably influenced the creation of the brand emblem - a horseman with a spear and in armor. Also, against the background, the inscription was previously flaunted "Prorsum"translated as "forward".

Important: in addition, the spear symbolized the protection of product quality. And the motto reflected the desire for new achievements.

Burberry logo
Burberry logo
  • Umbro - A well -known company for the production of sportswear and appropriate shoes. The name of the company is an abbreviated version of the original phrase "Humphreys Brothers". This is exactly what it was called before, until the brothers decided to come up with something more concise.

The logo is chosen for nothing double rhombus. It symbolizes diamond, that is the value and uniqueness of products.

Umbro logo shown on clothes
Umbro logo shown on clothes

Logos of American clothing brands: photos, description

  • Ralph Lauren - This brand developed rapidly. He appeared in 1967, And already in the next, the founder of the company opened his own boutique. But the brand still did not have a recognizable emblem.

Everything has changed in 1971 “It was then that Ralph Lauren gave representatives of the fair sex a shirt-Polo.” On the cuff just flaunted horseman-player in Polo.

Inspired Ralph, according to his admission, wife. She knew how to choose such a shirt and a jacket for herself with an amazing taste in the men's clothing department that everyone around was delighted. Lauren inspired a similar style association with young Catherine Hepburn, who rides a horse.

In addition, the Polo player was for Ralph Lauren - a native of a poor family of emigrants - the embodiment of success and wealth. After all, only wealthy people could afford this game.

Ralph Lauren brand logo
Ralph Lauren brand logo
  • Nike - The logo of this company is very simple at first glance. It consists of the name itself and a kind of tick. The development master was engaged in graphic design.

Symbolizes the emblem speed, movement. In addition, she looks like wing wave. The wing, according to the designer’s idea, belongs goddess Nick.

Important: in honor of which, by the way, the brand is named. Many people, as it turned out, do not even know about this.

Nike logo
Nike logo

Logos of German clothing brands: photo, description

  • Adidas - The world -famous logo of the sports brand, which was developed by Adi Dassler himself. He decided to choose as a symbol shamrock. According to the beliefs, a triliary is synonym for good luck. On some classic models, such a symbol is still preserved.
So the ADIDAS logo looked before
So the ADIDAS logo looked before

However after 22 years the decision was made change the emblem. Now she demonstrates a triangle, or rather - mountain. The mountain in this case acts as a symbol achievements and victories athletes, their success.

Important: but be that as it may, three stripes flaunt on both emblems. The founder of the brand has always called his brainchild "a three -lane company."

And so the ADIDAS logo looks now
And so the ADIDAS logo looks now
  • Puma - It is considered one of the oldest sports companies. And her logo remained unchanged From the first days to date. it Puma captured in the jump. Only in 1967 A little above the wild The caricaturist worked Lutz Bucks.

Few people know, but only once as a temporary measure on company products the emblem has changed. This happened in 2010 year. Silhouette african continent As a sign of support for football teams, from there, for some time was painted on the emblem.

But back to the classic version. Puma has always been personification beauty, strength, dexterity, courage. The creator of the company thus demonstrated his focus on a good result, willingness to win. Especially considering the long-term competition with his own competing brother.

Puma brand logo
Puma brand logo

Of course, it is impossible to accommodate all brands in one material. However, the most famous we tried to mention, and we hope that the material turned out to be informative.

Small video about the logo of clothing brands:

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