Lichen in a child. What does lichen look like in children and how to treat it?

Lichen in a child. What does lichen look like in children and how to treat it?

If you still ask yourself a question of how to treat lichen in children, then this article is exactly for you. From it you will learn how easy and simply you can get rid of this problem.

Sooner or later, absolutely all parents meet with such a problem as lichen. And although this disease is considered ordinary skin inflammation, it is not worth it to postpone its treatment. After all, if you do not take appropriate measures, then over time it will increase the size quite strongly and it will be much more difficult to get rid of it.

And if you want to avoid such problems, then regularly inspect the skin of the baby and if you notice a pink spot on the body, then immediately start acting. And in order for treatment to be effective, let's understand the reasons for the appearance of a dermatological defect and the methods of its treatment.

What is lichen?

At the initial stage, lichen may look like banal peeling. Over time, it will begin to change color and become light pink. Another sign of this disease is a round or oval shape of the spot. Most often, a fungus is a vitiligo causative agent. It can appear anywhere, including on the head.

Many parents believe that pets are carriers of this disease, so they try to limit their communication with the baby or do not start them, in general. But modern science has proved that a lot of factors affect the development, so even if you remove your beloved pet from the house, then the probability of problems with dermatological cover does not decrease.

Causes depriving in children

Very often lichen appears in healthy and well -groomed children. This is due to the fact that the child has reduced immunity and his body cannot withstand harmful fungi and bacteria. Most often, such problems appear at the beginning of spring, against the background of vitamin deficiency. Such a baby can easily become infected from a cat, a dog, another child, or even an adult, if he has any fungal infections.

Therefore, if you know that the body of your baby is exhausted, for example, with a viral infection, then make sure that he adheres to all personal hygiene rules. Such measures will help to maximize the risk of infection with pathogenic bacteria.

The reasons that provoke more developed lichen:
• fungal infections of people and animals
• Infectious diseases
• Hormonal disorders
• increased humidity in the room
• Excessive sweating
• Weakened immunity
• Endocrine diseases
• Mechanical damage to the skin

What is the lichen?

Although lichen in children the disease is quite common, sometimes it is difficult to treat. Indeed, in order for this skin defect to disappear as quickly as possible, to begin with, it is necessary to determine what kind it belongs to. If you do not know how to do this correctly, then it is better to contact a specialist, and he will definitely be able to make you the right diagnosis and choose adequate treatment.

Types of depriving children:

Pink. Most often localized on handles, legs, chest and stomach. In appearance, this is small, pink spots that are slightly peeling. Usually manifests itself after severe infectious diseases

Encircling. This type of lichen is considered the most dangerous for the child's body. Its pathogen is the same bacteria that provoke the development of chickenpox. But the worst thing that, having come into the body, they remain in it forever. And if the child’s immunity decreases, there is a chance of resuming skin problems

Crimeable. Typically, dermatological covers of school -age children affects. A sick child has scaly spots of white or red-brown on the skin. Because of this feature, this type of deprivation in children is also called color

Strigeous. This type of depriving children is infected most often. A child can pick up pathogenic fungi playing with a courtyard dog or on a playground. You can also become infected simply by being close to an infected child. This is due to the fact that the wind can quite easily transfer infected scales through the air

Symptoms of childhood lichen

Modern dermatologists are lichen call fungal and viral diseases that affect the epidermis and at the same time do not harm any harm to the internal organs of a small person. Usually such a disease manifests itself in the form of specific rashes of white, pink, dark red color. In severe forms of the disease, the affected areas of the skin begin to itch and peel off.

If you notice these symptoms of depriving you of your child, then be sure to show you a specialist and warn the employees of the children's institution that your baby visited. After all, there are types of pathologies that are transmitted through the air. And in this case, preventive measures must be taken to prevent the spread of the disease.

Symptoms depriving in children:
• peeling of the skin
• The appearance of pink spots
• Itching
• elevated temperature
• Increase in the lymph nodes
• General malaise

Possible complications depriving in children

We all know that even those diseases that are easily and quickly treated, leave a mark in our body. And, although, at first glance, lichen a rather harmless disease, it can also have a negative effect on the internal organs of the child.

Complications after vitiligo can be different, if your baby had, for example, pink lichen, then with the right treatment, problems should not occur. But if the child was picked up by encircling lichen, then treatment can greatly deplete the body, and the son or daughter will begin problems with the internal organs.

Complications that can provoke lichen:
• Problems with the cardiovascular system
• insomnia
• Worse hearing and vision
• diseases of the nervous system
• chronic inflammation of dermatological cover

Drugs and drugs for lichen in children Azigerpin

Most often, skin problems in children are treated with all kinds of ointments and creams. But there are cases when external treatment is not enough and then funds that have a general effect on the children's body are also needed. All these drugs can easily be bought at any pharmacy. But if you do not want to aggravate the course of the disease, then in no case do not buy funds based on your preferences.

Very often they gave birth, having seen enough of the TV, they run to the pharmacy, buy a publicized tool and try to treat their child. And when the treatment does not give the desired result, everyone even takes the baby and go to the dermatologist. Therefore, it is better not to conduct experiments on your child, and at the first symptoms, consult a specialist. So you can quickly get rid of pathology and maximize the risk of complications.

The most effective drugs for the treatment of vitiligo:

• antiviral agents. Acyclovir is considered the safest for the child's body. He mildly and without additional negative effects kills all malicious bacteria
• Interferons. Such drugs help increase the body's resistance. They are produced in the form of tablets and rectal candles. This allows you to effectively treat even the smallest patients
• antifungal drugs. Typically, in addition to anti -inflammatory elements, such drugs contain antihistamines. They help at least temporarily remove unpleasant itching, which does not allow the child to rest normally
• Strengthening drugs. In fairly difficult cases, the help of blood vessels is required. Askorutin may be prescribed to a sick child to strengthen them. It will help to slightly reduce pain and relieve swelling

How to treat lichen with folk remedies?

As you already, probably, understood the most important reason for the appearance of lichen in children is reduced immunity. Therefore, it is very important to ensure that a small person leads the right lifestyle and eats as many fresh vegetables and fruits as possible.

But even if such measures did not help you and the baby has a skin pathology, you should not get upset much. If there is no temperature, itching and general malaise, then it is quite possible to get rid of Vitiligo and folk remedies.

Folk remedies:

• Home ointment. To prepare it, you will need pork fat, bone marrow and salicylic acid. All ingredients are crushed and set to languish in a water bath. The resulting tool is applied to the affected dermatological covers, covered with a film and is left there for at least two hours. After time, the ointment is washed off with warm water using soap without fragrances and dyes

• Burn paper. Berm sheet of paper (preferably without color photographs), put it in a clean plate and set fire to it. When he completely burns on the walls of the container, the substance remains something similar to fat. Using a cotton wool or finger, apply the resulting substance to lichen

• cabbage compress. Such a tool not only treats skin problems, but also removes some symptom, for example, such as itching. So, take a juicy sheet of cabbage, grease it with sour cream and attach it to the sore spot. When the cabbage dries, repeat the procedure again

How to treat cutting lichen in children

Typically, to make a correct diagnosis, an inspection of an infectious disease specialist or dermatologist is enough. If there are a lot of symptoms, and they are all different, an additional examination can be prescribed - immunofluorescence. After the picture of the disease becomes clear, the doctor will prescribe adequate therapy. Most often, small children are prescribed ointments and creams with antiviral and antifungal properties. And in order for the treatment to give a quick result, parents are recommended to additionally process the affected epidermis with iodine or fursin.

If the cutting lichen appeared on the head, then the antibacterial must be added to all the above treatment. Usually it is carried out in a hospital. If parents adhere to all the recommendations of a dermatologist, then literally after 3-4 days inflammatory processes will decline. But in no case do not stop treating sore skin areas at the first positive results. Be sure to go through the entire course of treatment to the end if you do not want the disease to return again.

Treatment of enclosizing deprivation in children

Enjoying lichen in children most often provokes herpes virus. It has a negative effect on the child's body and the baby begins a general malaise, the temperature rises and a painful rash appears in the chest area. Usually, antiviral drugs, anti -inflammatory ointments, and antihistamines are used to treat this type of vitiligo. It is also necessary to process governing lichen with green. She will dry the watery bubbles and will not allow them to hit healthy areas of the epidermis.

But even when all the visible symptoms of pathology should not disappear to relax. After all, it is impossible to completely get rid of this disease. Usually, even after the most carefully treatment, the remains of pathogenic bacteria can remain in the nerve endings. And if your baby often gets sick and the body's defenses will decline quite strongly, it is likely that the disease will manifest itself with renewed vigor.

Treatment of browned lichen in children

This type of dermatological problems refers to fungal infections that do not affect the deep layers of the skin. And, although such lichen does not pose a danger of the baby’s health, it does not look very attractive visually. And of course, it will be better if you start treatment as soon as the first changes on the skin appear. If the disease is a feast in the last stage, then the treatment will last quite a long time.

Most often, creams, ointments and lotions that have antimicose properties are prescribed for the treatment of such vitiligo. If the disease is attached to such a treatment, then the doctor adds immunosopers and even antibiotics to all these drugs. You also need to seriously take the baby hygiene. All the things that he use must be periodically soaked in a disinfectant solution, thoroughly washed and ironed on both sides.

Prevention of lichen

If you do not want skin pathologies to ever disturb your child, then you are very attentive to his health and always adhere to preventive measures. They will not only help to avoid the disease, but in the case of infection, they will contribute to faster and more easy treatment.

Recommendations that will help will prevent lichen in children:
• The child should have his own personal hygiene items
• Make sure that the baby does not stroke stray animals
• Buy your child's clothes sewn from natural fabrics
• Increase the baby's immunity
• periodically disinfect the room in which a small person lives

Video: How to treat pink lichen? 100% working methods

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  1. It looks like a peeling circle on the skin with a little redness, my son, an animal lover, clung to this infection, drove to a dermatologist and there they took a little husk from the scene for analysis, was also lichen, the doctor recommended not to wet and smear with mysol, so we got rid of this nasty things)

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