Lychi fruits: how to grow from a bone at home on a windowsill in a pot? What are Lychi fruit, what looks like, where is its homeland: Description

Lychi fruits: how to grow from a bone at home on a windowsill in a pot? What are Lychi fruit, what looks like, where is its homeland: Description

The article will tell you in detail about how to grow an exotic plant - guides, as well as how to care for it.

What are Lychi fruit, what looks like, where is its homeland: Description

The fruit called “Lichs” is very unusual and is considered exotic. Someone calls him fruit, others claim that Lychi is a berry. Be that as it may, the leads not only have a pleasant and rich taste, but also a huge benefit. The benefit of the fetus is that it has a unique biochemical composition - a mass of vitamins and trace elements.

It is worth noting right away that the faces are not large, its diameter is approximately 3-4 cm. The weight of one berry does not exceed 15-20 grams. A feature of the exotic fetus is its dense and slightly prickly peel, which covers juicy and jelly -like pulp.

The color of the pulp is milk. A large seed of dark brown color is hidden inside the pulp. The taste of the faces are very pleasant. The ripe fruit has a sweet shade with a small sourness. If you try to find a comparison with other fruits, then the taste of the pulp is somewhat reminiscent of cherry and pineapple. The fragrance of the pulp is very fresh and sweet.

Lychi - a fruit common in Asia: China, Japan, India, Thailand. In these countries, objects are not rarely called as “the dragon's eye” for its visual similarity with the eye: a white apple and black anti -aircraft. For their useful and nutritious qualities, Lichi gained popularity in folk medicine. Many even consider it an aphrodisiac for the rich content of zinc, and therefore Lichs are mandatory treats on the tables of the newlyweds.

Frequent use of faces can favorably affect all body systems, increasing the tone of the body, improving the functioning of blood vessels, "killing" cholesterol and lowering sugar. The great merit of Lich is the ability to regulate the water-salt balance in the body, relieve swelling and favors weight loss.

Important: not only the flesh of the fetus is used for food. Healing decoctions are prepared from the peel of the faces. The bone, for example, in Vietnam and China, is fried with spices in oil, the raw bone of faces is considered poisonous.

Lichs: a whole fruit, pulp and bone
Lichs: Fruit in the context
The pulp of faces without a peel. It is best to clean the larch with a sharp and thin knife
Fruits of wood on wood, branches
Tree with ripe fruits of faces

Is it possible to grow larchs from a bone on the windowsill, like a homemade flower?

Lichs are an exotic, but very beautiful plant that has not only bright red fruits, but also graceful glossy leaves: elongated, pointed, long. The plant is more familiar to grow in warm Asian countries, but subject to all conditions, it is also possible to grow a small face on their windowsill.

It is important to know that you can grow larch only from the bone that was in fresh berry (dried and canned fruits will not fit). Of course, home faces will not be able to please you often with plentiful fruits, but, nevertheless, under close attention and your attentive care, you can find a beautiful plant.

Lychi plant with a fetus at home

How to choose a pot, land for planting faces?

After you eat the face of the face, try to remove the bone as neatly so as not to spoil and damage it. In order to grow something you need a small pot, no more than 8-9 cm in diameter.

Before planting, be sure to make a sufficient number of holes in the bottom of the pot so that the water in it does not stagnate and give the plant the opportunity to rot, completely draining. You can put a layer of drainage on the bottom of the pot (special pebbles that delay moisture, but passing water). Before planting, prepare the “correct” soil for the face - a mixture of land and peat.

Important: the Lich pot is best chosen to choose the one made of natural material, for example, from clay or ceramics. In a plastic pot, the plant can be “suffocated”.

Lichs: Home "adult" plant

Bone Lichs: how to germinate and plant?

It is important to know that when landing, it is necessary to put in the ground not one, but approximately 4-5 bones of faces. This is done quite simply: a bone is inserted into the soft soil with a finger with a finger, not more than 2-3 centimeters with a depth. From above should be no more than 1-1.5 cm of soil. The probability that the sprout will rise is great.

After that, moisturize the soil and tighten the pot with polyethylene (the food film is best suited). This will allow the sprout to be in constant humidity and it will not be able to dry out. For the first time, the pot should be placed in a warm, but not the sunny place (next to the battery, for example).

The time that will take in order to rise a sprout-1.5-2 weeks. All this time, it is important to check the pot, adding moisture, if required. The soil should not be dry a day. Each time, tighten the pot with a film. After a sprout appears on the surface, the film can be removed and put on the eastern windowsill (there should be few sun).

Lychi fruits - how the plant grows in a pot, at home: photo

After the sprout rises, you should carefully care for your faces. First of all, the temperature is important. A young plant needs a temperature regime from 23 to 25 degrees. The first few weeks after the appearance on the surface of the sprouts, the larch grows quite quickly and actively, their height can reach 20 centimeters.

However, after violent growth in the “first months of life”, the plant “stops” and stops increasing in size. The reason for this is the strengthening of the root system. The roots are so strong that if you still nurtured the plant in a plastic cup, you may notice how it bursts.

Lichs need light for about 12-15 hours a day, but he does not “not like” direct sunlight. In the cool season, provide the larchs with additional backlight. Make sure that the faces do not dry out, since the plant does not tolerate dry soil at all. Water the larch should be as the top layer of the soil dries.

Watering the larch should not be cold water, standing and room temperature is best suited. As often, increase humidity in the room and spray the plant from the spray gun. Only an adult plant should be fed with organic fertilizers, not “younger” for 3-4 months.

Video: "Lychi - growing at home"

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