Legends, history and photos of the Iveron icon of the Mother of God. What does the Iveron icon of the Mother of God help, and how does she need to pray?

Legends, history and photos of the Iveron icon of the Mother of God. What does the Iveron icon of the Mother of God help, and how does she need to pray?

Interesting facts and history of the icon of the Iverian Mother of God. How and why pray to the icon?

God's Iverskaya Mother is a famous icon for the whole world. She is also called a gatekeeper or goalkeeper. The icon got this name thanks to an interesting, unusual legend. Initially, the versions of creating the icon are somewhat different. Below we will tell you what the icon of the Mother of God and her origin helps.

Iveron Icon of the Mother of God: History

For the first time, references to the icon began to appear, starting from the 15th century, among the Slavs. And among the Greeks, mention of the icons date back to the 16th century. According to legend, this icon was created in the 9th century, during the reign of Emperor Theophilus. At that time, the iconoclasts were common, so according to legend, the icon was sent to the sea by a woman who lived near the city of Nikia.

Only two centuries later the monks of the Iversky monastery on Athos found an icon. The most interesting thing is that she was on a fire pillar. But as soon as the monks approached the icon, she moved away from them. Among the monks was Gabriel, who led a righteous lifestyle, and in the summer was a recluse, staying on a rock, and consuming only water and fruits with vegetables.

Holy goalkeeper
Holy goalkeeper

It was to him that in a dream the vision came that the Mother of God wanted him to take the icon, which will become the guard of this monastery and all of humanity. Gabriel woke up and told the monks about his dream. On the same day, he went after the icon, walked through the water, as on the ground. He took the icon, returned back, the same hour consecrated it, and placed it at the altar. Only the next morning the monk, who went to pray, did not find her in that place.

She hung from above at the gate of the monastery. The monks again took away, set up near the altar. This was repeated several times. Gabriel had a new vision in which the Mother of God said: “I do not want you to guard me, I will protect you. Leave me above the gates. " That is why the icon was called a gatekeeper or goalkeeper. Iverskaya-because of the monastery in which it was found.

At the very beginning, the icon was located outside, above the entrance to the monastery. But then a special, small temple was built for her, inside the monastery. He was to the left of the gate. The icon is still there. In the 16th century, Georgian masters decorated the icon with silver and to this day it is decorated. Only the appearance of the Mother of God and Baby are open.

In the present days, a holiday in honor of the Iveron image of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated several times a year: February 25, May 6, October 26 and on the second day of Easter week.

Iveron Icon of the Mother of God
Iveron Icon of the Mother of God

Iveron icon of the Mother of God Moscow: History

In 1648, it was for the Moscow Patriarchate, an Iveron icon was written, which is a list from the original located on Mount Athos. This icon was attributed to the cords and handed it to Alexei Mikhailovich, confirming that the written icon is almost a complete copy of the original. Since then, this icon was located at the Resurrection Gate and it stayed there for a long time. The temple itself also began to be called Iversky, precisely in honor of this icon. Then they transferred the icon to the wooden chapel.

Further, they moved to a stone chapel with a blue sky. A folk path did not run out to this icon, because people constantly came, prayed, and asked for something from the icon. She was considered miraculous. Many famous people who came to Moscow came not to the Kremlin, but to the chapel. But in 1929, the Iveron chapel was closed, and in 1934 they generally demolished. After that, the icon disappeared somewhere, many old-timers believe that the Iveron icon is in Sokolniki. Many icon painters, as well as Moscow old -timers, confirmed the authenticity of the icon. But there are still doubts about its authenticity.

In 1994, Patriarch Alexy 2, glued the first stone of the Iversky chapel, and in September 1995 the Patriarch addressed the rector of the Athos monastery with a request to write a new list. A little later, it was this list that was sent to Moscow by a Greek plane, along with twelve inhabitants of the Holy Mountain. This list was consecrated and is now located on the Resurrection Gate of the Iverian chapel, which was consecrated by the Patriarch. Since then, again, people began to come and pray to this list of the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God.

Iveron Icon of the Mother of God
Iveron Icon of the Mother of God

Iveron Icon of the Mother of God: What does it help from?

Why are they praying:

  • The icon pray for healing sick
  • In order to replenish the supplies of provisions, increase the productivity
  • To get rid of attacks of enemies and raids of barbarians
  • The image is addressed if the consolation is necessary in troubles
  • From disasters and fires
  • If they want the earth to become fertile
  • With intrusions, various misfortunes, from unclean power
  • For marriage and female happiness
  • For the health of children

Before the icon of the Mother of God, it is advisable to pray in order to heal the ailments of the body, as well as the soul. It is necessary to pray not only with repentance, but also with gratitude. Below are a few prayers that are pronounced in front of the face of the icon of the Mother of God to the Iveron. Now you can get the image of the Iveron Mother of God in any temple. She is the intercessor of women and keepers of the hearth. Usually this image is hung over the front door. Because she is considered a goalkeeper. The number of icons that are at home, as well as their placement, does not matter.

You can pray in front of the icon of the Iveron Mother of God, by pronouncing the prayer below in the pictures or in your own words, turning with your request to the saint.

  • Prayers in any life situations read before this icon.

Important: However, do not forget about serving God, because all events with a person occur according to the will of God.

The prayer of the Iveron icon of the Mother of God to calm the soul, from sudden death, troubles and misfortunes, grief, illness and evil.

There are no ready -made prayers for marriage and female happiness. Speak your requests in your own words how the soul tells.

Legends of the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God

A lot of unusual legends are connected with this icon. One of the most interesting is that the icon saved from the attack of the robbers. When the robbers tried to capture the monastery, the storm began and the ship was smashed to smithereens. One single person survived - a military leader who donated a huge amount of money to restore the walls of the monastery and asked for the remission of sins.

The icon also punished the monks. Once a poor man came to the monastery and asked him to feed him. But since at that time there were big problems with food, the monks refused him, they said that they would give him food, in return for money. Since the poor did not have them, he left. The poor man decided to go to the capital of Athos. On the way, a woman met him and gave a gold coin. The poor man returned to the monastery and gave the coin to the monks for food.

The monks were very surprised, since the coin was very old, gold, just such as it is on the icon itself. On the same day, after the monks fed the poor, the entire provisor deteriorated, rotted. Then the ministers understood that the woman who gave the poor coin is the Mother of God herself and thus tries to reason the monks. Since then, no one else has been driving money from pilgrims and poor people.

Iveron icon
Iveron icon

It is believed that the icon can portend trouble. The monks noted that if some kind of cataclysm or storm is approaching, then the lamp near the icon begins to swing. Until now, the icon is on the Holy Mountain. It is believed that she will be removed from there shortly before the second coming of Christ. From this icon, many copies were made that are in different parts of the world. Several of them are in Russia. One is in the Iverskaya, restored chapel. This is a copy that was created in 1995.

Iveron Icon of the Mother of God
Iveron Icon of the Mother of God

With the Iveron Mother of God, a lot of legends, interesting stories.

If you want a strong family, hang the image of the Iverian Mother of God over your front door.

Video: Iveron Icon of the Mother of God

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