Treatment of colds when breastfeeding folk remedies

Treatment of colds when breastfeeding folk remedies

A cold in mom's nursing is treated with drugs and traditional medicine. And breastfeeding is preserved.

The birth of a small miracle is the most long -awaited event in the life of each of the women. In the modern world, more and more young mothers make a choice in favor of breastfeeding, thereby gaining an invisible connection with the baby. But the joy of communicating with the baby can overshadow the cold.

How to treat a cold during breastfeeding?

No one is safe from a cold. Moreover, breastfeeding mom. During this period, the body spends a lot of strength and energy on milk production, becoming more susceptible to viruses.

The first signs of the cold of the nursing mommy are:

  • general weakness
  • headache
  • lomota in the body
  • temperature rise
  • nasal congestion
  • frequent sneezing
  • feeling and sore throat

Against the background of all this, only one question is disturbed by mom. Is it possible to preserve breastfeeding and recover from a cold?

More recently, a sick mother was isolated and deprived of the baby of the most valuable - breast milk. In modern medicine, it is proved that this is not what is not worth it, but categorically impossible.

Important: since it is with breast milk that the baby receives antibodies formed in the body, and a small part of the virus, receiving in this way the vaccine from the disease. And excommunication from the chest can negatively affect the health of the baby.

As soon as the mommy felt the first signs of a cold, it is necessary to seek help from a specialist. For treatment, medications or drugs of traditional medicine can be prescribed. The priority in this case is the well -being and health of the baby.

Of the medications, only proven, completed clinical trials, or homeopathic ones are prescribed.

You can put compresses, mustard plasters, make rubbing, inhalations, warm legs for legs with mustard.

Medicines for a cold during breastfeeding

As usual, with colds, drugs can be used local action:

  • vasoconstrictor
  • inhalation
  • anti -allergic
  • sore throat

If necessary, you can use and systemic action:

  • antitussive
  • to lower body temperature
  • stimulating the production of interferon in the body
  • with complications - antibiotics

From antibiotics permissible during breastfeeding, can be appointed: penicillins, macrolides, cephalosporins.

Important: if the patient's condition requires taking drugs, it is necessary to remember that the maximum concentration in the blood is achieved after 2-2.5 hours.

What can not be nursing mom?

  • take medications without making sure of their safety for the baby
  • exceed the permissible doses of drugs
  • engage in self -medication as a whole, and especially with a deterioration in the state of health

Even after the prescription of the drug, you need to study the instructions on the possibility of use in feeding.

Also, when taking drugs, it is necessary to treat with great caution containing acetylsalicylic acid in its composition. Aspirin can negatively affect the metabolism in the body of both mother and baby.

Important: before taking a cough medicine, you must make sure that it is not on the basis of bromhexin.

If the disease is aggravated by complications and antibiotics are necessary must be taken

Important: remember that there are such groups of drugs, negatively affecting the health and development of the baby. These antibiotics include:

  • tetracycline affects the teeth, spoiling them
  • gentamycin can provoke hearing loss at the baby
  • levomycetin affects the hematopoietic system

If treatment is impossible without the use of these drugs, it is necessary to stop breastfeeding temporarily for a while.

In order not to lose milk, you need to express ourselves every four hours. Thus supporting lactation. The baby is the necessary time to feed with mixtures, using it not with a bottle, but a spoon.

Can paracetamol during breastfeeding?

One of the most safe for the baby’s health with breastfeeding drugs is paracetamol. It can be used for head and toothache, for injuries and bruises, as well as to lower the body temperature at colds.

Important: the maximum absorption of the drug into the blood occurs about half an hour after taking. In milk, the concentration of paracetamol is 0.23% of the dose taken by mother. This is if the drug is taken correctly.

The daily dose is 3 tablets, the duration of treatment is no more than three days. With a longer admission and if the permissible dose is exceeded, the concentration in milk increases, you can harm the child.

Important: in order to reduce the likelihood of negative effects on the baby, the medicine must be taken immediately after feeding, and the next feeding is carried out only three hours after taking. During this time, paracetamol is almost completely excreted from the body.

In pharmacies, paracetamol is represented by a large number of patented names. The choice must be made in favor of ordinary tablets, without adding dyes and flavors. They can cause an allergic reaction in the baby.

Contraindications of paracetamol during breastfeeding

Of all the advantages, paracetamol has a number contraindications:

  • allergy
  • liver and renal failure

From side effects exist:

  • drowsiness
  • rashes on the skin
  • violations in the activity of the gastrointestinal tract
  • violations of renal activity
  • anemia, leukopenia

If at least one of the signs is detected, in yourself or in the baby, it is urgent to stop taking paracetamol. If necessary, turn to specialists for help.

Is it possible to drink citramon during breastfeeding?

What to do if there is no paracetamol in the first -aid kit, but only citimon? And mom has a very sore head.

Important: some of the doctors consider it possible to take a single medication, but no more. But most are categorically opposed to this.

In the instructions for use, you can read that The intake of citramon during pregnancy and breastfeeding is contraindicated.

Acetylsalicylic acid, which makes up the tablets, is contraindicated for children under the age of 14 years.

The consequences of taking citramon for infants:

  • sleep disturbances
  • increased excitability
  • vomit
  • bleeding

Important: taking even one tablet can provoke disorders in the metabolism, lower immunity.

Moms who take citramon during breastfeeding may not notice the negative effects on babies. And recommend other nursing mothers as an analgesic. But a caring and loving mommy will not risk the baby’s health, finding an alternative to taking Citramon.

The temperature of the nursing mother with a cold. What to do?

Important: first of all, you need to be able to correctly measure the temperature The bodies of mom's breasts. You need to do this not under the arm, but in the place of the elbow. During feeding, the temperature under the arm is higher than the norm. This is due to a tide of milk.

Typically, it is not recommended to knock down a temperature up to 38.5, since the body fights with pathogens of the disease. In the case of lactation, they advise not to wait for such a high indicator, but to take measures already at 38 degrees.

  • From drugs, to reduce temperature, doctors recommend paracetamol and ibuprofen Or funds on their basis.
  • Paracetamol can be taken almost from birth, and ibuprofen when the baby reaches 3 months of age.
  • Also recommended use them in the form of candles. They act weaker than tablets or syrups, but practically do not get into breast milk.

But there are situations when it is impossible to reduce the temperature with drugs, there is an allergic reaction of a mother or baby. In this case, the old proven methods are suitable:

  • a warm plentiful drink, simple warm water, light chamomile tea is suitable for this. Many advise adding lemon, honey, raspberry or currant to tea. This can only be done if the baby does not have an allergic reaction.
  • wet and cool air in the room
  • wiping, they can be done using simple, body temperature, water or with the addition of apple cider vinegar. The solution should be weak, in the ratio of 2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water. You need to wipe the forehead, armpits, elbows, knee, neck.
  • a wet towel can be put on the forehead area

Important: in no case should you use alcohol solutions for rubbing. Alcohol is quickly absorbed through the skin and can harm the baby.

What can you drink from the throat with colds during breastfeeding?

To relieve sore throat, you can use local antiseptics.

For rinsing The infusion of chamomile or a weak salty solution is good. From medications, you can use furatsilin, Miramistin or Chlorhexidine. It is necessary to rinse often, at least four times a day.

From sprays can be used hexoral, bioparox, Ingalipt, use after rinsing, 3-4 times a day.

With sore throat, you can absorb tablets or ledesbut only in strictly indicated doses. They include streptils, Lizobakt, Septtefril, Septolte.

Inhalation using essential oils They will help to cope with a cold faster and get rid of sore throat.

Be sure to abandon the irritating throat of hot or very cold food. Try to strain the vocal cords less. If relief does not occur within three days, while the body temperature is constantly increasing and difficult to get down, you must seek help from a specialist. Complications are possible.

How to treat a runny nose during breastfeeding

A compulsory companion of all viral and colds is a runny nose. The embedded nose does not allow to breathe and sleep normally, provokes headache, a feeling of fatigue and breakdown.

It’s as if to rage-prostate-root-mother

  • To overcome this ailment, nursing mothers can be used sprays, which include sea water. They help to wash the discharge, irrigate and soften the mucous membrane. It is also recommended to use sprays as a prevention, twice a day - in the morning and evening.
  • To relieve symptoms, you can use vasoconstrictor Drops or sprays. Their action is local and does not harm the baby. The main thing is to remember that they can get addiction if you use longer than 3 days. These drugs include nazivin, Tizin, Naftizin.
  • Oil drops on the basis of therapeutic plants help well. Of the contraindications, there can only be intolerance to the body of the constituent drops.
  • If the nasal congestion does not pass for more than a week, the release of steel is thick and green, severe headaches were added to the general symptoms - you need to seek help from a specialist in order to exclude complication in the form of a sinusitis.

How to treat a cold on a lip during breastfeeding?

The clock on the lip should be treated very seriously. Adhere to all safety measures for the child. You can breastfeed.

Important: you can not kiss the baby, lick a spoon or nipple, drink from his cup. Herpes is transmitted through saliva.

Antiviral ointment may be prescribed for treatment, the active substance Acyclovir.The ointment is not absorbed into the blood and has no negative effect on the baby. When a state worsens, you need to turn to a specialist.

Treatment of colds with folk remedies for breastfeeding. Recipes

Many mothers, despite the proven safety of some types of drugs, prefer to be treated with folk remedies. But this type of treatment should be treated with caution.

Honey, lemon, raspberries, viburnum, currants can cause an allergic reaction in the baby. If the baby is very small, it’s better not to experiment.

From folk remedies, one can note such that they do not harm mom and baby:

  • inhalations over boiled potatoes
  • rinse the throat with salt water or chamomile infusion
  • if there is no temperature, you can steam your legs, with the addition of mustard plasters or mustard powder to the bath
  • rinse your nose with saline, a tablespoon of salt per liter of boiled water
  • with a cough, you can put traditional mustard
  • black radish will help to cope with a runny nose. Grate on a coarse grater, take a handkerchief, put a radish in it, tie it well and warm your nose in the eyebrow area
  • fennel tea will help from sore throat and gaziks in the stomach of the baby. For the effective action of tea, insist 1 tablespoon on a glass of boiled water for half an hour.

Colds when breastfeeding: tips and reviews

No one is safe from the cold. In order not to catch the virus, during an increase in the risk of getting sick, try to be less in places of a large accumulation of people.

  • It is necessary to maintain immunity in open air walks, take vitamin complexes, eat fully, consume enough protein.
  • During illness, adhere to hygiene and bed regime. Ask for help from relatives and friends to care for the baby.
  • Do not self -medicate. Take prescribed drugs correctly, not exceeding acceptable doses.
  • Do not experiment with folk remedies.
  • With a deterioration of condition, immediately seek help from a specialist.

Video: ARVI or Crycard during breastfeeding Komarovsky

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Comments K. article

  1. During pregnancy, I also picked up a cold once ... Then they saved folk remedies and aquamaster)) A lot of water silt, my legs were warming in a not hot but warm water, I breathed over potatoes and +aquamster murmured. Everything went in the end)) and the baby also did not try, and you think about this during pregnancy first

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