Foil treatment of joints. How to treat your back, a bone on your leg, arthritis and arthrosis?

Foil treatment of joints. How to treat your back, a bone on your leg, arthritis and arthrosis?

Instructions for the use of foil for joints.

Foil has long been known for its healing properties. This simple item has been used for quite some time to treat joints, as well as colds. In this article, we will tell you how to treat the joints with foil with the help of foil.

Joint treatment with arthritis and arthrosis

The main feature of foil in its reflective characteristics. Accordingly, when applying a piece of aluminum foil to a sore spot, biots are reflected from it, and again they are sent to the sick organ. Thus, this part of the body treats itself, which allows you to quickly forget about pain. Using this method, you can treat gout, a bone on the thumb of the leg, a cold, joints of rheumatism, as well as arthritis. Please note that this method is also not the main one. It is usually used if it is necessary to warm the sick body of the body.


  • In order to cure the joint, you just need to put a piece of foil in the sore spot, reflecting the side inside and wrap it with a piece of elastic bandage
  • It is necessary to walk with this application for about 2 hours, then take a three -hour break
  • In just a day, it is allowed to do 4 times such a procedure
Foil from arthrosis
Foil from arthrosis

Treatment with lumbar foil, neck

In the treatment of such sites as the neck or vertebrae, you can not rewind everything with foil. In this case, the so -called bridge is usually made.


  • For this, a large adhesive plaster is taken, about 10 by 15 cm in size
  • Further, the foil roll is cut into small pieces, about 1 cm wide and 5 cm long
  • These strips are glued near each other, the distance between them should be 1.5 cm both at the top and below
  • After that, the strips are glued to a sore spot, and so that the strips of foil themselves are located vertically
  • Boarded areas on which foil is not attached is perfectly adhere to the body and attach to it
  • In this state, you can go to rest. The period of exposure to the body up to 3 hours
  • Next, it is necessary to remove applications, repeat them every 4 hours
Food foil
Food foil

Treatment with foil of bones on the legs

Please note that with the help of foil you can cure not only sore joints, back, but also bones on the legs.


  • In this case, the whole foot is wrapped in foil with the shiny side inside, and a cotton sheet is applied from above, or socks are put on
  • It is wrapped with an elastic bandage. In such foil socks you need to walk for an hour
  • If the foil is rubbed, it is allowed to unwind and make a kind of gasket between the body and the foil in the form of thin socks
  • This will not affect the result in any way, because still the biot will reflect from aluminum and get inside again, on the sore part of the body
Foil socks
Foil socks

This is an interesting, unusual way that will cure chronic joint diseases. China uses treatment with courses during which, within two weeks, a peculiar compress of foil is applied to the sore spot every day.

Video: Treatment of joints foil

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  1. Yes, everyone has known this for a long time. Although in our time and without foil there are enough funds - my grandmother was treated to her, and I only recently earned arthrosis. But I haven't used it yet. I am saved by the joint, there is no pain, my legs move.

  2. It’s so interesting ... But I’m somehow for the prevention of timely, not treatment. I also literally started to get sick a little, I immediately reviewed my lifestyle: I excluded cardio, I train only in sneakers, I switched to a high-fat diet+ I accept Triple Omega-3 (I usually order an Evalar on a shop). All the pains have gone, which cannot but rejoice)

  3. I fly the joints of exercise therapy and turpentine baths. I buy an emulsion of Skipar in a pharmacy and at home I put my own baths according to the instructions. And I feel much better after them

  4. I also take baths with a skipar. It accelerates metabolism, gives the skin elasticity and elasticity

  5. Guys, well, we all understand that the joint pain cannot be cured by foil. Or did someone succeed?

  6. I like the revitonics apparatus or tozaton. These are ultrasonic devices. Immediately smear my knee diclofenac, then 10 minutes the device.

  7. I didn’t try foil, but for the first time I did an intraarticular injection. The flexotron ultra pricked, the procedure is not pleasant, but it is pleased that one injection is enough. The drug replenishes the lack of hyaluronic acid, preventing arthrosis from destroying cartilage. The maximum effect did not occur immediately, but after about a week, I feel great. I’m walking for several hours, which I could not dream of before.

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