Mineral water Donat Magnesium: composition, indications for use, instructions for adults, children of pregnant women, contraindications, side effects, analogues, reviews. How to drink water Donat Magnesium with constipation, for weight loss: instructions, tips

Mineral water Donat Magnesium: composition, indications for use, instructions for adults, children of pregnant women, contraindications, side effects, analogues, reviews. How to drink water Donat Magnesium with constipation, for weight loss: instructions, tips

Donat MG is water with unique properties and composition. It is saturated with magnesium and other useful components. Then we will talk about this natural panacea, find out why it is used and how.

Water, which flows in underground pools, which are located in the rock area, has miraculous forces. Such water tends to be enriched with minerals that have healing properties. The resort, located in the east of the country of Slovenia - the horn of Slatin is known throughout the world. He won his popularity thanks to the source of the Donat MG mineral water.

Therapeutic mineral water Donat Magnesium: composition, indications for use

From other therapeutic mineral waters, Donat MG varies with its composition. There are many useful components in such water, it is uniquely balanced, suitable for a comprehensive treatment of different ailments. It is recommended by doctors to improve the work of internal organs, strengthen muscle, bone tissue. It is effective for the treatment of the following pathologies:

  • Diabetes, disorders of the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Gastritis, stomach ulcers, intestines, heartburn
  • Pancreatitis and cholecystitis, hepatitis
  • Hypertension, eliminates the high level of blood cholesterol

In addition - mineral water relieves stresses, relaxes the muscles in spasmodic conditions. It increases potency, promotes weight loss, removes toxins, toxins.

Mineral water - composition
Mineral water - composition

IMPORTANT: Magnesium, which is part of mineral water, contributes to the accumulation of energy in cell tissues, it strengthens the nervous system due to anti -stress properties.

Therapeutic mineral water Donat Magnesium: Instructions for use for adults

The natural panacea has truly unique properties. It enhances metabolic processes in various body systems, strengthens tooth enamel, supplies carbon dioxide, sodium ions, calcium sulfate, bromine, magnesium, lithium, fluorine, bromine, iodine and other substances into human life systems. The only thing that therapeutic water must be drunk according to a certain scheme and only the attending physician can choose the right dosage to the patient. Only in this case you will benefit from this mineral water. If you count approximately, then an adult needs to be used approximately three hundred and five hundred milliliters Donat mg per day.

Mineral water Donad Mg
Donat MG water

The low content of the MG mineral in the human body system leads to diseases of the heart, digestive tract, depression, apathy.

So that this does not happen, it is necessary take Donat Mg according to a certain method:

Experts recommend drinking her courses, not once. This will contribute to the accumulation of so necessary components to the body. It will be true drink a panacea during 5-6 weeksthree times a year.

Drink water three times a day - Necessarily after food intake. The interval between the meal and the use of Donat Mg should be two and a half hours. One kilogram of human weight should account for 26-30 ml of water per day.

IMPORTANT: Donat MG active substances penetrate quite quickly into the vessels, human blood, thereby provoke biochemical processes. Thanks to which the patient feels a surge of strength and a general improvement in the picture of health.

Therapeutic mineral water Donat Magnesium: Instructions for use for children

Small children, especially until a certain period, are actively growing. They have changes, more precisely, the formation of all organs of different systems is underway. That is why children are simply necessary for natural minerals, which are pleasant in the Donat MG water. You need to drink water in certain dosages. Below is a data table on how to use a panacea.

children under 3 years of age 120-145 ml
children-from 4 to 6 years old 155 - 225 ml,
children-from 7 to 10 years old 225-275 ml,
adolescents-from 11 to 17 years old 255 - 325 ml
4-5 ml per kg of child weight per day
Donad Mg - How to drink children?
Donat Mg - How to drink children?

Therapeutic mineral water Donat Magnesium: Instructions for use for pregnant women

The benefits of the Donat MG mineral water are obvious. Naturally, if it is not abused, but drink it according to the above schemes. Despite this, pregnant women may have doubts whether the source of unique components will harm the unborn child.

Donat MG is useful for expectant mothers at any time, the main thing is that a woman does not have contraindications to her composition and not get carried away with excessive use.

In small quantities, water will save the future woman in labor from toxicosis, anemia, constipation, causeless anxiety, depression, miscarriage, problems with internal organs, all kinds of fears, nervous overexcels.

Even the MG donat will be useful for small crumbs, it is able to saturate the body with useful substances, normalize the functionality of all vital systems of the body.

Donad Mg - for pregnant women
Donat MG - for pregnant women

IMPORTANT: Pregnant Donat MG should be used in the same way as adults.

How to drink water Donat Magnesium with constipation

Constipation-causes discomfort in people, because of this ailment, patients feel a constant feeling of fatigue, an unpleasant taste in the oral cavity, bloating, nausea. Donat MG water is able to save a person from such a problem. It enhances the production of bile secretion, increases the peristalsis of the large intestine. It saturates the body with liquid, thereby preventing stagnation of feces.

To get rid of this symptoms, use water according to a normal scheme - three times a day by three hundred four hundred milliliters per day.

Donad Mg for losing weight
Donat Mg with constipation

How to drink water of the Donat Magnesium when losing weight?

If you decide to lose weight with this natural drink, then you do not have to sit on a hard diet and constantly exhaust yourself with training in the gym. You can do this without it, taking only Donat MG water before eating. Many losing weight have already checked this quality of water on themselves. In one calendar month you can lose from two to six kilograms of body weight. To achieve the maximum result, drink water with a course 25 minutes before meals. The use scheme of the MG Donat is presented in the table below.

How to use? The volume of water consumed Temperature regime How to use? How much to take?
25 minutes before the morning meal 225-325 ml Temperature - 55 ° C Fast sips


From 5 to 6 weeks

25 minutes before lunch 175-225 ml Temperature - 25 ° C Slow sips
25 minutes before the evening meal 175-225 ml Temperature - 25 ° C Slow sips

Is it possible and how to take Mineral water Donat Magnesium in diabetes?

If a person regularly does not eat correctly and overeat, then his metabolism may be disturbed and as a result a metabolic syndrome may occur. It consists in the fact that the patient has violated the work of organs. Because of this, incorrect insulin production occurs. It is in the body, but does not work as it should - turns into a hormone, which in the future leads to excessive fullness.

And helps to cope with the situation in such cases Donat MG. The main substance, which in the liquid is plenty of - magnesium penetrates into cells, where, due to the pushing of calcium and sodium, there are more receptors on the cell membrane itself. And bicarbonate contributes to the production of good hormones, which improve insulin production.

Water lowers blood sugar, normalizes the functionality of the pancreas, helps to slow down the aging processes of cellular components. Use it as well as for weight loss before eating per twenty five minutes for a month in the amount of 225-500 milliliters per day.

Donad mg water for diabetes
Donat MG water for diabetes

Therapeutic mineral water Donat Magnesium: contraindications, side effects

Even such a natural panacea as mineral water has a number of contraindications. You can’t drink it:

  • patients with kidney diseases
  • with pathologies of gallstone disease, which require surgery
  • cancer patients during the exacerbation of pathology
  • people with stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcer with internal bleeding
  • patients with low acidity

So that there are no complications, take Donat MG in sparing dosages. And do not start drinking water immediately from the recommended doses. You should start drinking it from a small amount (preferably half the dose), and then, making sure that it suits you-take 325-500 ml of water per day.

Contraindications. Who is undesirable to drink Donad Mg?
Contraindications. Who is undesirable to drink Donat Mg?

IMPORTANT: So that mineral water does not lose all its beneficial properties, in no case do not leave it in the refrigerator. You can’t freeze it also. Drink water only for prevention. Donat Mg should not replace the daily dose of fluid intake.

Therapeutic mineral water Donat Magnesium: Analogs

It is difficult to find the Donat MG mineral water in normal sale. STELMAS MGSO4 can be its cheaper analogue. It contains similar components, but they still vary somewhat. This mineral water also has a choleretic, laxative effect. It is necessary to drink an analogue only as prescribed by a specialist in the recommended dosages.

Water Stalmas Magnesium - an analogue of water Donad Mg
Water Stalmas Magnesium - analogue Donat Mg

This mineral water has long been popular, now its properties are also not lost. Therefore, she has not lost her popularity today. It is not used to treat various diseases. It is recommended to maintain health, preventive goals. If you do not take into account the contraindications of Donat MG, then complications and health problems are possible. Before using it-consult a specialist doctor.

Video: Therapeutic Mineral Water Donat Magnesium: Reviews

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Comments K. article

  1. By the way, the water is very good ... At one time, the deficiency of magnesium helped me to replenish. I just took it instead of ordinary water and that's it .... True, I still took magnesium lactate from the sports expert) so I can accurately advise such “therapy”, if also problems with magnesium)

  2. I drink very good alkaline water Aquadetox. It works very well. Leather straight soft, soft

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