Laser eyebrow correction - well -groomed eyebrows up to 7 years: pros and cons. Who should think about laser eyebrow correction?

Laser eyebrow correction - well -groomed eyebrows up to 7 years: pros and cons. Who should think about laser eyebrow correction?

Ideal eyebrows for many years: in detail about laser correction of eyebrows for women and men.

Well -groomed eyebrows are a well -groomed face. And if you do not want to return to this issue every week or a month - think about the procedure for correcting female and male eyebrows with a laser. It is about her that our article.

What is laser eyebrow correction?

Seeing the laser correction of the eyebrows in the price list of an armored vehicle, the procedure seems unnecessary to many, but is that so? To begin with, consider options for eyebrows:

  • Giving a form by removing excess hairs;
  • Cutting out of the total contour of the eyebrows (if necessary);
  • Coloring eyebrows in the desired shade (if necessary).

As you can see, if the haircut and staining are not always required, but the elimination of separately growing hair and hair that violates the ideal shape is always required, and there is no person on which there is no need to make a correction. So the laser correction of the eyebrows, this is just the removal of excess hair, so that the correct shape is given to the eyebrows. At the same time, unlike plucking, the laser removes the hair for a long time (up to 7 years, and sometimes forever!).

Laser eyebrow correction with subsequent permanent tattooing
Laser eyebrow correction with subsequent permanent tattooing

Who should think about laser eyebrow correction?

Laser eyebrow correction makes it possible for several procedures (sometimes up to 6-7 procedures with a difference of several months) to remove excess hairs near the eyebrows for many years. And consequently, the perfect solution for employeeswho do not want or cannot afford to visit a beauty salon every month. Almost all men and most women can be safely attributed to this category.

The next category - girls and women with naturally dark eyebrowsthat does not require staining, but only giving the correct shape. It makes no sense to visit the salon every month, it is better to go through several procedures and enjoy perfect eyebrows for a long time.

Correction of female eyebrows with a laser
Correction of female eyebrows with a laser

Girls who plan permanent eyebrow makeup. Before performing the procedure, you can once and for a long time get rid of excess vegetation around the eyebrows, and then apply permanent tattoo and do not think for several years, but probably know that your eyebrows are perfectly well -groomed!

But natural blondes and gray -haired women, laser eyebrow correction, unfortunately, is not available. The laser works only with colored hairs, and when processing a blond or gray hair (with a small amount or lack of melanin) you will not see the result.

How is the laser eyebrow correction procedure?

It is recommended for 30 days before visiting the salon not to adjust the shape of the eyebrows and let the hairs “look out” from the skin.

By visiting the salon, first of all, you will discuss the desired shape with the master and move on to laser eyebrow correction:

  • The master will draw the contours of future eyebrows and show you for coordination;
  • If necessary, will make edits and will again show the eyebrows for approval;
  • When you are completely ready, the master will clarify (and in no case are you bragging, and do not hide) the pain threshold, the presence of menstruation and its approach as a whole (a few days before and during menstruation, the pain threshold decreases, and the state of voltage increases). Together you make a decision on the need for anesthesia. But even if you decide and refrain before the procedure, after the start of the procedure, if you experience pain and discomfort, return to this item and ask anesthesia;
  • The master prepares the working area, and you put on the offered points. Due to the fact that the laser shines up, as well as these glasses, the laser correction of eyebrows on vision does not affect in any way;
  • The hair removal session passes with a laser, during which the laser burns hair follicles and the hairs die without nutrition;
  • You are provided with a mirror to inspect the work performed;
  • You leave the salon until the next procedure or for many years, depending on the recommendations of the master.
How is the laser eyebrow correction procedure
How is the laser eyebrow correction procedure

Advantages of laser eyebrow correction

The salon procedure of laser eyebrow correction has a lot of advantages. It is worth evaluating them, and you will understand that the cost of the procedure is very justified:

  • The hairs are removed by the laser point, which allows even selectively “promp it” with thick eyebrows. What can we say that the laser allows you to adjust the perfect eyebrow line better than tweezers;
  • The skin during the operation of the laser is not injured, and this means that there will be no irritation after the procedure, as after hair removal, shugaring or studying the eyebrow zone with tweezers;
  • There is soreness of the procedure, but it is minimal. But one more plus - the master can do anesthesia, which is not practiced in other embodiment of eyebrows;
  • If you listen to all the recommendations of the master and pass, the course of procedures according to his instructions, it is possible that the hair follicles will completely collapse and the hair will never grow in this place. Isn't it an ideal solution?
  • Minimum side effects. There may be small edema, redness on the first day, but pass the maximum per day.

It is worth remembering that laser eyebrow correction removes hair follicles in the active phase of growth. Therefore, after some time several new hair can be “cut through”, but it is also recommended to be removed with a laser, and not to pluck them so as not to provoke a new influx of hair.

Ideal natural eyebrows after laser correction
Ideal natural eyebrows after laser correction

Contraindications of laser eyebrow correction

Yes, this is a very serious cosmetic procedure, so the laser correction of eyebrows also has contraindications:

  • Any type of tan. At least 60 days before the start of the procedure, do not sunbathe and do not visit the solarium. In general, plan a visit to the salon in the cold season;
  • Any kind of pissing, acne and allergies in the eyebrow zone;
  • The presence of pigmentation in the eyebrow zone (moles, pigment spots, etc.). Visit the master in advance and specify the possibility of the procedure;
  • Burns of any prescription;
  • Scars and scars;
  • The presence of diabetes of any stage;
  • The presence of oncology;
  • HIV infection;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as blood diseases;
  • The presence of a cold, elevated temperature, etc.;
  • The presence of pregnancy or breastfeeding;
  • If you take for a long time, any medicine, consult with the master and the attending physician;
  • Sometimes photodermatosis is found - a special sensitivity to ultraviolet.

Disadvantages of laser eyebrow correction

And in conclusion, let's talk about the shortcomings of laser eyebrow correction.

  • The first and probably the most serious problem is fashion. If you plan to change the shape of eyebrows depending on fashion trends (which is especially relevant up to 30 years), then this procedure is not for you. But if you have decided on the form for a long time and have not changed it since then for many months, or maybe years, then this procedure is just for you;
  • Price. Yes, the procedure is quite expensive, especially with a good master, but if you divide it into the number of years, during which you will not remember them, then this is saving up to 90%, regarding the usual salon eyebrow corrections;
  • It will be necessary to avoid the sun before and for some time after the procedure. If you do not imagine life without a tan, this is an obvious minus;
  • Some note the soreness of the procedure that cannot be endured without pain relief;
  • Since the procedure with a long -term effect, and besides on the face, can only be trusted to a professional. A beginner can create many problems;
  • Strict performance of the indications both before and after the procedure. Otherwise, complications may arise;
  • Most often, a repeat of procedures is required (well, on the other hand, what these several procedures mean if we are used to going to them every month, and here is the prospect for half a life!).

And in conclusion, we add that after the procedure, a sparing regime is recommended during the day. It is advisable to choose the day after which the weekend will come, and you can relax. No baths, solariums and other procedures in this and the next couple of days. It is also worth noting that in some cases crusts are formed. You can’t touch them, they themselves will disappear for several days.

Do you think the eyebrow correction procedure suits you with a laser? And for a complete understanding of this issue, we suggest watching a video review of this cosmetic procedure.

Video: Truth about laser eyebrow correction

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