Do they smoke on trains now? How to smoke on a long -distance train? What is the punishment, a fine for smoking on a train, train?

Do they smoke on trains now? How to smoke on a long -distance train? What is the punishment, a fine for smoking on a train, train?

Is it possible to smoke today on long -distance trains and trains? How is smoking on a train, an electric train? Is the smoking of electronic cigarettes on the train forbidden?

The Government of the Russian Federation has long taken to strengthen the health of the nation. It came in this matter and avid smokers. They were forbidden to smoke at a certain distance from the entrances to public places and in public places themselves - at stations, playgrounds, in the subway, airports, river and seaports. But how are things with the favorite vestibules in trains and trains? This will be discussed below.

Is it allowed to smoke on long -distance trains?

Is it possible to smoke on long -distance trains?
Is it possible to smoke on long -distance trains?
  • From June 1, 2014, a ban on smoking on long -distance trains entered into force.
  • From this moment on, the smoking men had to abandon the habit of smoking in the train and train.
  • In addition, from June 1, 2013, a ban on smoking on suburban messages (trains) and on platforms of such a message was imposed.
  • On platforms of a mixed type (for suburban and long -distance trains), smoking is allowed, but only in cases where it does not interfere with others and the distance from the smoker to the door of the station is at least 15m.

Is it possible to smoke train in the vestibule in the toilet in the vestibule?

Is it allowed to smoke in the vestibule and toilet of the train?
Is it allowed to smoke in the vestibule and toilet of the train?
  • Until recently, many smokers were practiced in the art of tightening cigarettes in the so-called smoking smokers.
  • Since June 1, 2014, smoking in such parts of the train is also strictly prohibited.
  • As for lovers of smoke in the toilet, such a practice has not been welcome before, but now it is even even more forbidden.

Are there any trains for smokers?

Are there any trains for smokers?
Are there any trains for smokers?
  • There are no special trains for smoking people in our country, just as special wagons for smokers.
  • People with nicotine addiction have to travel around the country in standard trains and refrain from their habit.

Is it possible to smoke electronic cigarettes on the train?

Is it allowed to smoke electronic cigarettes on the train?
Is it allowed to smoke electronic cigarettes on the train?
  • As for electronic cigarettes, the situation is completely unclear in this matter.
  • In the aforementioned law on the ban on smoking on trains, we are talking about tobacco products.
  • In other words, only cigarettes cannot be smoked, the filler of which is tobacco, and which are considered a source of tobacco smoke.
  • At the same time, the electronic cigarette does not contain tobacco and does not emit tobacco smoke into the air, that is, it does not fall under the law.
  • In order to dispel all the ambiguities of the adherents of electronic cigarettes made a request to the website of the State Duma about whether the law applies to their favorite substitutes for tobacco products.
  • In response to such a request, the Government of the Russian Federation in April 2013 issued an amendment that electronic cigarettes do not fall into the list of prohibited smoking substances.
  • However, smoking in public places of electronic cigarettes should be regulated by surrounding people.
  • If such actions do not cause protest in citizens and do not harm their health, then smoking electronic cigarettes in trains is permissible.
  • But with all the harmlessness of this device, it is better to carry out the smoking procedure in the vestibule or corridor, but not in the general car or compartment.

How to smoke on a long -distance train now?

Where to smoke long -distance trains for passengers?
Where to smoke long -distance trains for passengers?
  • In long -distance trains, it is allowed to smoke during stops of the train on platforms and platforms.
  • There is only one note - the distance from the smoker to the station room should be at least 15m.
  • In addition, it is undesirable to smoke in the presence of people to whom such an action harms or is unpleasant.
  • As for the suburban trains and electric trains, it is impossible to smoke either in them or on their platforms.

What is the punishment, a fine for smoking on a train, train?

What size is the fine laid for smoking on a train and train?
What size is the fine laid for smoking on a train and train?
  • For violation of the law on the ban on smoking in public places and long -distance trains, a fine of 500 to 1,500 rubles is expected.
  • The same punishment threatens to smoke in trains and suburban trains.

Summing up, it is worth saying that it is cheaper and useful to say goodbye to such a pernicious habit as smoking.

Is it possible to smoke on trains: video

Smoking ban: video

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Comments K. article

  1. i constantly see, though they smoke al. Sigrates with steam.

  2. it seems like they are not prohibited

  3. but they prepare a law that equates them to ordinary cigarettes, and I think that is right, nicotine is nicotine.

  4. children at the same time would be forbidden on trains, it doesn’t matter to me without a difference of drunk or a child, there is OR, just as nicotine is nicotine. In general, it would be glamously to make three wagons smoking at the end of the train and business then

  5. it is also advisable to limit the issuance of driver’s rights to stupid women in large cities, because of which traffic jams are 10 balls, because they do not think where they need to go and go “according to the MKADA according to the rules in the Saaaaa with the left lane 60 km”, “I think this That's right - a cork is a cork ", and the interferences of life are interfering with living

  6. this is not a fight against smoking .. This is the fight against smokers. He prohibited! A lot of people can no longer go to friends and on vacation. Why????? "I want" so "

  7. Only only shops of stained specifically yellow are missing. (For smokers)

  8. And I personally and my country are most harmful to these lawmakers. How to ban them.

  9. Then let's go further .... We will have alcohol ... Huge harm to health and families scatter) .... I think they are forbidden to smoke in public places ... So create conditions for smoking (some kind of limited place).

  10. Give places for smoking on long -distance trains !!!!!

  11. Dibbilism, refusing smoking is more expensive than smoking, ok .. let's honestly make a way to earn money on human weaknesses, oh .. we will perfectly give up the prices of tobacco, alcohol will introduce fines, because when it comes to money, there are not particular brains there. After all, it is known that it is not possible to eradicate this problem, t or more fines, so draw conclusions, instead of the Tog Och, to make a normal place for smoking, in Russia a man has been made that a person lived as little as possible and about any concern for citizens here And there is no question!

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