Sesame seeds: useful and healing properties, calorie content, contraindications. How to use sesame seeds to replenish the body with calcium?

Sesame seeds: useful and healing properties, calorie content, contraindications. How to use sesame seeds to replenish the body with calcium?

The sesame seeds have long been called as “food for the gods” because its rich vitamin and nutritional composition is able to give a person many positive properties: to strengthen health, improve well -being, eliminate problems. There are special rules for eating seeds, both seeds and oils to which it is worth paying limit attention.

Sesame seeds: beneficial properties

Snums are known to many white oily and very aromatic seeds. Not everyone knows that the sesame is not rarely called as “ses”.

This is an oriental plant that is extraordinary popular in Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese and Indian cuisine.

This plant looks extremely unusual and visually resembles a small box, a little oblong shape, which is completely filled with seeds of different colors. Sesame seeds can vary from snow -white to richly black color.

The remaining seeds can be yellow and brown and all shades of these colors.

sesame plant, boxes with oily seeds

A pleasant feature of sesame seeds is its very delicate and slightly spicy aroma. It is this property that allows you to use as a seasoning in cooking. But this is far from the last use of sesame seeds, because he found his application both in medicine and in cosmetology.

There is an opinion that in the east since ancient times, a special elixir of immortality, which also included sesame seeds, enjoyed popularity. However, this plant is still considered very useful for humans.

Useful qualities of plants:

  • These seeds naturally contain a lot of useful oil, which very favorably affects the work of the human body. These oils improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract, because sesame oil itself is completely organic and saturated carbohydrates, vitamins, proteins, amino acids and fatty acids
  • Sesame seeds contain a large number of vitamins very useful for humans. Most of all in them vitamin a and a huge amount of vitamins of group B. In addition, the presence of vitamin E, PP and vitamin C
  • There is a rich mineral composition in sesame seeds. Sesame is rich phosphorus, it has a lot of calcium, not a little magnesium and potassium

It is important to note that the number of antioxidants who are in sesame seeds are able to be stored in the seed for a long time - up to ten years.

Many beneficial properties of sesame seeds allow seeds to provide not only a therapeutic, but also a preventive property. So the sesame seeds are able to normalize many processes in the body:

  • prevent bone -tissue and joint diseases
  • improve metabolism
  • lower cholesterol
  • oncological

The substance that is part of the sesame seed, which has a favorable effect, is called Fitin. It is he who helps in the body to normalize all metabolic processes.

In medicine, oil from sesame seeds is used. A variety of drugs of various applications are prepared from it. It can be either ointment for external use, or in the form of injections.

Kunzhut oil also impregnes a variety of compresses and plasters, which help the fastest healing of the wounds. Another use of oil is in the form of enemas that cleanse intestinal.

The use of pure sesame oil inward helps the stomach to cope with ulcerative diseases and gastritis. In addition, regular use of oil helps to remove toxic substances and toxins from the body.

If you make regular face masks with sesame oil, you can avoid problems on the skin: rashes, irritations, acne.

Contraindications for consuming sesame seeds

  • Like any plant that has a number of useful properties, sesame also has its own certain contraindications. Firstly, the most basic disadvantage of the seed is its ability to influence blood coagulation. It is for this reason that people who suffer from thrombosis are often consumed.
  • It is also forbidden to eat sesame seeds for those who regularly suffer from urolithiasis
  • In addition, to anyone to use sesame seeds and sesame seeds can not be large quantities
  • It is permissible to use sesame seeds only in a certain limited quantity - no more than three full teaspoons per day in any form: in a salad, in baking, in the form of a goat

What is the difference between white and black sesame?

Of course, everyone knows what sesame is. However, many can mislead its color scheme, since the sesame can be both white and black. What is the difference between this seed?

Everything is much simpler than it seems. Black sesame seeds ripens along with white, but has a brighter and more pleasant, pleasant aroma and, unlike white, it should not be cleaned.

It should be noted that black sesame seeds are rich in iron, it contains much more than in white. It is for this reason that black sesame seeds are recommended to eat for those who suffer from anemia and the general weakness of the body.

Black sesame seeds are most often grown in China and Thailand, while the largest supplier of white seed - Salvador and Mexico.

Black seed if cleaned from the husk does not become white, its nucleus remains black. White sesame seeds also does not change color, but it should be cleaned.

types of seed, black sesame and white

Black sesame sesame is noticeably bitter, unlike white. White sesame seeds have a pleasant nut taste. Black seed is more oily and mainly get oil from it.

Black sesame seeds is ideal for the preparation of salads and desserts, and white is combined with baking and bars.

It is recommended to use both black and white sesame seeds along with husk, since it contains 90% of useful minerals and beneficial properties. The peel of sesame seeds is saturated with fiber, which favorably affects the digestive process.

Beneficial and therapeutic properties of black and white sesame seeds and contraindications

You should analyze in detail all the healing properties of both black and white sesame seeds, given all possible contraindications.

Properties Black sesame White sesame seeds
Biochemical properties More saturated than white. Black sesame seeds contain much more ash and carbohydrates White sesame seeds have a richer content of proteins and fats. It is noted that there is much more moisture in white seed than in black.
Vitamin composition Black seed rich in vitamin A and vitamins of group B White sesame seeds is more rich in the content of vitamins such as E, and there are also a lot of vitamin C in it
Protein content Black sesame contains about 20% White sesame seeds contains about 22%
Fat content Black sesame seeds contain less fat, approximately 48% White sesame seeds are more fats - about 53%
Useful effect on the body Black sesame seeds contain the maximum number of antioxidants, there are much more in it than in white sesame seeds There are a lot of phytosterols in white sesame, which favors a decrease in blood cholesterol
Medicinal properties Due to the fact that black seed is more saturated with useful trace elements, it is most often used in medicine Contain Cesaminol and Cesamolin - useful antioxidants
Contraindications Individual intolerance, tendency to thrombosis. Uroline disease. Individual intolerance. The calorie content of the seed makes it unacceptable for eating people prone to fullness.

It is worth noting that the use of sesame oil on an empty stomach can provoke unpleasant sensations: nausea and vomiting.

What is the most useful sesame for women?

Sesame seed has many positive properties that favorably affect the female body:

  • Sesame seeds are rich in antioxidants and therefore their frequent use has an anti -aging effect on the skin and the entire organism on women
  • Sesame seeds with regular use can favorably affect female health and improve the work of the sexual sphere. Especially if you use sesame seeds with poppy seeds or linen seeds
  • Snums contain a large number of female hormones. It is especially useful to use it to those women who have reached menopause and have an imbalance of hormonal background
  • It is recommended to use sesame oil during lactation, as it is able to improve the flow of milk and reduce the likelihood that an inflammatory process may begin in the chest
the benefits of seeds and oil sesame seeds for women's health

What is the most useful sesame for men?

Sesame seeds also favorably affect men's health:

  • Sesame seed is saturated with vitamin E and therefore very favorably affects the state of male health and it is for this reason that the sesame is not rarely called "Aphrodisiac"
  • To achieve the effect, you should fry sesame seeds a little in a pan and use them with honey and nuts
  • In addition, sesame seeds are rich in such an important mineral as zinc. It is zinc who is responsible for the production of sex hormones, both in women and in men
  • Zinc in sesame seeds is able to directly and favorably affect the prostate, improving its work and carrying out the prevention of cancer of this gland
  • in addition, the rich content of zinc, vitamin E and other useful elements improves the reproductive function of a man, improving the work of the genitals and improving the quantity, and most importantly - the quality of sperm

It is proven that Cesam (aka sesame) improves blood circulation both in this body and in the pelvic organs. Thus, it favorably affects the male genital organs, improving the erection and helping to make sex longer.

The amino acids contained in sesame seeds favorably affect the production of testosterone by the male body - the main sexual hormone, which is responsible not only for general well -being, but also for sexual function.

How to use sesame seeds and oil: benefit and harms

The modern market offers the consumer two main types of sesame seeds: black and white, as well as oil mined. But you should know about how to use each type of product, so as not to harm yourself and get maximum benefits from sesame seeds:

  • If you want to get from seed The maximum benefit, you should know that it must be consumed in cheese, not processed and preferably with husk. If the seeds are frying, they lose half of their beneficial properties, both white and black
  • Sesame oilit is often used both in cosmetology and in medicine. It is often consumed inside one tablespoon per day to saturate its body with useful trace elements
  • Regular use of clean sesame oilfavors the digestive process and eliminate the problems of difficulty bowels, normalizing the chair
  • If you use it snem seedstogether with poppy and linen seeds, you can get a powerful charge of zinc and vitamin E, which will almost instantly serve as an aphrodisiac for your body
  • Not rare sesame oilapply externally, applying to the skin and this is correct, because it can not only feed it, but also protect from harmful ultraviolet radiation
  • Many use sesame oilexternally in order to improve skin condition, smooth wrinkles and improve hair structure
  • Snem seedsoften, those who regularly fight with excess weight problems are often eaten. But in this case, it should be noted that sesame oil is absolutely contraindicated for them due to its high calorie content, it should be preferred to black sesame seeds, which retains a shell saturated with fiber

The sesame seeds before use are in no case subject to any heat treatment, as this will contribute to the loss of about 90% of nutritional properties.

All that needs to be done is to pour the seeds with water and let them brew for ten hours. Such seeds become softer and larger, they are easily chewed and do not lose good.

Than unique the sesame seed: replenishment of the body calcium

  • Sesame seeds are incredibly rich in vitamins and other trace elements that are important in the normal life of any person
  • It is worth paying particular attention Calcium, which is contained in sesame seeds in sufficient quantities
  • Sesame can be safely called the "champion" among other seeds in calcium content
  • It is for this reason that it is recommended to eat it, but in a limited number for women in position
  • It is extremely useful to use sesame seeds for adolescents in whom the bone and skeletal system experiences their strengthening and growth, as well as for old age people in order to avoid the fragility of bones and inflammatory joints
  • In addition to the fact that the sesame seeds are able to strengthen the bones, it also helps to remove various and harmful products of metabolism from the body
  • Calcium contained in sesame seeds improves the secretion of hormones in the human body

Is it possible to sesame pregnant and nursing?

The unique properties of sesame seeds help people of all ages fight various problems: constipation, gastritis, bone diseases and joints, and skin imperfections.

It is worth noting the positive effect of sesame seeds on the woman’s body, which is in position. There are sesame seeds about pregnancy and breastfeeding, but only in limited quantities and focusing on your own tolerance of this product.

What is favorable sesamera during pregnancy and lactation:

  • The rich content of vitamin and calcium in sesame seeds favorably affects the embryo, giving it the necessary complex of trace elements for development
  • Sesame seeds and oil are easily absorbed and are not able to give any unpleasant sensations either to mom or baby
  • When choosing sesame seeds for consumption, do not give preference to polished seed, since it is intended only to give aroma and decoration of pastries. Choose a black or white sesame with husk
  • Do not eat more than three teaspoons of seed per day. You can eat it in its pure form, and add various dishes: to the salad, to meat, to desserts
  • During the lactation of one teaspoon of sesame oil oil per day, it will be quite enough. If you eat a lot of oil, you risk giving bitter milk. This, in turn, may not attract the baby and force him to worry
  • Sesame oil and sesame seeds favorably affect the lactation process, increasing the flow of milk and making it a little fatter. Such milk will give the child satiety and energy
  • Using sesame seeds, a woman in a position or a nursing mother may not worry that she will have a lack of calcium, which will eventually lead to bone diseases and teeth falling out
  • Regular consumption of sesame seeds favors the normal formation of bone embryo and avoiding serious problems and diseases
  • Pregnant women are recommended to use a spoon of oil daily to improve the defecation process and avoid painful constipation

The rich vitamin composition of sesame seeds will have a strengthening effect on the body and will help a woman after childbirth will quickly recover.

At what age can sesame seeds, Kozinaki, halva and sesame oil can be given to children?

  • Researchers calculated and came to surprise when they noticed that sesame seeds contain three times more calcium than in natural milk. In addition, the rich mineral composition is able to favorably influence the work of the liver and glands
  • There are no certain restrictions on the use of sesame seeds in childhood and each time it is worth focusing only on the individual tolerance of the product by each person
  • So, in childhood, when the child has teeth and he begins to try serious adult food, occasionally it can be spoiled with a small piece
  • It is worth noting that if for an adult the norm of pure sesame seed per day is three teaspoons, then the child’s norm should be strictly limited to one teaspoon for a day. The same goes for oil
  • Sesame seeds and natural dishes from it can be consumed in limited quantities at any age, each time after consuming the seed, the child should monitor his well -being, stool and condition of the skin for the presence of an allergic reaction

What is the calorie content and nutritional value of sesame seeds?

Another feature of sesame seeds is that since it is a Shrovetide plant, it is very high -calorie. On average, about ten grams of sesame seeds can give a person approximately 560 kcal,at the same time, 50% of this product will be pure oil.

It is worth noting that sesame seeds are too heavy and high -calorie food for people with overweight. Therefore, the losing weight should not eat more than one teaspoon of seed per day and the ray of everything, if it is not polished sesame.

Its husk contains a lot of fiber, which favorably affects the process of losing weight and digestion.

Video: “Sesame. The recipe for your youth. Food of the gods"

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