Who is smarter: cats or dogs and why? Comparison of the intelligence of the dog and cats: similarities and differences. A cat and a dog - who is better: merits to humanity. Who is better to get in an apartment - a cat or a dog: a test

Who is smarter: cats or dogs and why? Comparison of the intelligence of the dog and cats: similarities and differences. A cat and a dog - who is better: merits to humanity. Who is better to get in an apartment - a cat or a dog: a test

In this article, we will deal with cats and dogs: who is better, who to choose and how to find certain qualities in your animals.

Between the owners of different animals, various disputes arise quite often, for example, who is smarter than cats or dogs, who is better among pets, who is better to start, etc. Each owner protects his pet and tries to expose him as possible in the best light, at the same time, it is worth remembering that dogs and cats are very different animals, and everyone has both advantages and disadvantages. Let us consider the differences in these animals in the article.

Comparison of the intelligence of the dog and cats: similarities and differences

To resolve the dispute between lovers of cats and dogs, many scientists carefully examine the structure and physiological data of animal data. But even to this day, scientists are not enough facts to give an accurate answer - who is smarter than a cat or dog.

  • Many facts argue that dogs have more neurons in the brain that are responsible for the transmission and assimilation of information than cats. And this indicates that dogs are able to perceive information more, thus smarter than cats.
  • The number of neurons depends on the way of life of the animal, the more predatory behavior - the higher the intelligence. This is justified by the fact that this way of life requires the ability to develop, because This is necessary to outwit the victim.
  • Scientists calculate the number of neurons in the cerebral cortex, because It is these neurons that are responsible for processing information, that is, the ability to draw conclusions based on past situations and life experience. In dogs, approximately 600 million neurons are accrued, and the time in cats is only 150.
Comparison of cats and dogs
Comparison of cats and dogs
  • All studies over the structure of the animal brain do not prove that dogs are 100% smarter than cats, and both people know how to solve simple puzzles in order to get food. But the difference is that if the task “came into a dead end” dogs turn to the owner or other person, but cats will stubbornly continue attempts to solve. This indicates that dogs are able to contact a person and understand the minimum social interaction skills.
  • Dogs, like people, have social intelligence, so it is easy to explain the one that dogs are more likely to gather in flocks, unlike cats. Dogs are more communicative among themselves and distribute responsibilities in the pack.
  • If the dog has communication skills with a person, then cats own sensory intelligence, this helps to quickly catch food. Cats are more precise in movements and much more sensitive than other animals, which is why they used to have cats so that they would catch mice, which the dog is very difficult to do.

It is believed that dogs are more useful to humanity, and that is why many laboratories (approximately 10) are narrowly engaged in the study of the structure of the body and intelligence of the dog. But there are no similar laboratories for the study of cats, and therefore the brain of these animals is not fully studied.

Intellect of cats and dogs
Intellect of cats and dogs

In addition to sensory intelligence, cats possess a good memory, as for animals, which is why they are often called vindictive. But, if the cat is pleasant, she also remembers it, however, not long, because Animals are prone only to short-term memorization (from 5 da 16 hours).

Each animal is of incredible benefit for humanity, of course, intellectual abilities, both cats and dogs are an order of magnitude inferior to man, while animals have other useful qualities. But in order to completely study the brain of animals, it is necessary to conduct even more laboratory tests and household manipulations.

Cat and dog - who is better: merits to humanity

Conditionally, animal lovers can be divided into two camps: “cats” and “dog lovers”. There is a war between such groups all the time, and everyone tries to prove how much his pet is useful. An unambiguous answer to the question "Who is better?" , of course, does not exist. Each animal brings incredible joy to its master, as well as our favorites have many positive qualities that are useful for all of mankind as a whole, and separately for everyone.

  • Dogs began to tame more than 20 thousand years ago, because They are better to be trained, but cats are much later - less than 10 thousand years old. Dogs for such a long service life have mastered many professions.
  • Initially, they were used for hunting, dogs helped to drive animals (often sheep and goats), the ancestors of the current huskies were considered sled dogs, and also, to this day, they use courtyard dogs as watchmen.
  • Nowadays, a number of useful dog professions have been replenished, on the streets you can find guide dogs, police officers, rescuers, etc.
  • In the Second World War, the dogs also participated, thanks to such animals they looked for bombs, and enemy tanks exploded at the cost of their life.
Who is better
Who is better
  • Despite the fact that many consider cats to be completely useless animals - this is far from the case.
  • The first owners of cats were the Egyptians, this is justified by the fact that it was Egypt in ancient times that traded a large amount of grain. Of course, where the grain was, there rodents and various insects immediately started. It was the cat who helped to fight pests, because These little predators are incredibly sensitive and have sensory intelligence.
  • Approximately in 1600, cats were used as a clock, it is possible to determine the time to expand the pupil of the animal. In Japan, they even built a temple dedicated to cats, into which the watchmakers come to this day and thank the prosperity of their craft.
  • But the most important merit of cats has always been, is and will be - this is the extermination of rodents. If there were no cats, the population could die out of hunger, and also, it should be remembered that rats and mice are the main carriers of diseases, so it is very important to get rid of them.
Who will the choice fall?
Who will the choice fall?
  • If we consider animals as a “child”, then in this regard the dogs are more attached to their owners, more friendly and malleable. Cats are in essence a loner, however, they really do not like to change the usual place of residence. Zoopsychologists consider dogs more adapted to life with people, although it is very difficult to understand what cats feel.

Important: researchers at the University of Colorado established that dogs are more prone to training than other animals. Dolphins and chimpanzees are also prone to learning, but by emulating - repeating movements behind a person. But dogs, as children understand tone, look and gestures, etc. It has been established that dogs can be instilled in etiquette, but cats are very far from the cats to the results of dogs.

Dogs have a wonderful scum, which is why they are used as a leather, but the cats have a wider hearing range and they are able to see in the dark. Also, both dogs and cats are able to relieve tension, lower pressure, and even lower cholesterol, and most importantly, it is to increase the mood. To decide which animal you need to start, it is worth relying on your desires, because it is very difficult to answer who is better from such equivalent and irreplaceable animals.

Who is smarter, better - cats or dogs and why: the best answers

Each animal brings to its master not only positive, but also performs useful work.

  • For example, dogs are more likely to be made to protect the house, or as a guide, and of course, thanks to sociability and suppleness, they are often called family members.
  • Cats are tender, affectionate, but by nature lonely, but according to the statistics of cats, they make much more often than dogs. The main goal in the life of a cat is a hunt, which is why, even sitting in an apartment, in four walls, the cat trains a lot: attacks, runs after toys, etc.
  • A characteristic feature of all cats is considered to be rational intelligence. Cats can be selective and inventive, but only in those issues that are really important to them. If the cat is interested in something, it is impossible to tear it away from a fascinating lesson.
  • The cat is considered one of the most attentive animals, in this the dog is inferior. This can be understood by placing fluffy in a new environment, before starting familiar affairs, the cat carefully studies a new place. Also, unlike dogs, cats very quickly find a cozy and warm place to sleep.
  • Cats are not only attentive, but also careful for everything. The found thing first sniffs, and then it can touch your paw, later, if the thing is safe, the cat just ceases to be interested in it. This ability allows you to survive in various conditions.
  • Both cats and dogs are able to remember their name, of course, dogs are more trained and easier to be trained, but cats can also be taught some primitive teams (for example, go to the toilet to the same place).
Who is better?
Who is better?

Due to the fact that dogs are less developed in sensory intelligence, and with it the sharpness of movements in the capture of prey, dogs need to be in a pack. Perhaps this genetic feature provoked the sociable skills of dogs and the development of social intelligence.

Therefore, dogs understand people much better, because Man also has social intelligence. Dogs perfectly read and decipher the gestures of people, this helps with communication. Also, it is often observed that dogs help their owners, for example, find one or another thing.

To answer exactly the question of who is better and smarter: dogs or cats is quite difficult, because each type of pet is unique, has its own positive and useful features. Each favorite is the best in a particular area, the dogs are developed intellectually and are able to communicate with people and among themselves, and cats are the best predators that can catch large prey, in relation to their weight in a short time.

Who is better to get in an apartment - a cat or a dog: a test

Before taking on such a great responsibility as having a pet, you should weigh the pros and cons. It is worth remembering to provide the pet with comfortable living conditions. Many are faced with the problem of choosing between the dog and the cat, because both of the look of the pet has its positive aspects, to choose which animal to get it at home, this test will help:

  1. How much free time you have a day that you can devote to your pet:
  • All day
  • 1-2 hours a day
  • Someone else will spend time with him
  1. What will you do if your pet is gone:
  • This will not happen
  • I will look for all over the city, hanging ads
  • Calmly wait until he returns
  1. Is it worth it to teach pets tricks:
  • Of course
  • I do not have time
  • No, it does not need pets
  1. Why start pets:
  • I want to have a friend
  • From boredom
  • This is a toy for me
  1. The place of residence of your pet is very dirty, you notice it, but you need to go to meet friends, your actions:
  • I will stay and quickly remove everything
  • I will ask one of the relatives to do this
  • I will remove it later
  1. How much you love animals:
  • Very much
  • I feel calm
  • Not really.
Take a test for the definition of your beloved pet
Take a test for the definition of your beloved pet

If there are more first answers, then the dog suits you more. If you want to have a real friend, then the dog is the best solution. You can walk with it and have fun, traveling, thus, a dog can become a member of your family.

If there are more second answers - you belong to the "cats'." These animals are less demanding, and do not take much time for games and entertainment. But it is always nice to stroke smooth hair and listen to the purring of the pet.

Most third answers indicate that these species of pets are most likely not suitable for you, it is better to consider other options, for example, fish or a turtle.

The pet is a big step, and of course, before getting to get animals, you need to think well, because by sheltering a living creature, you are fully responsible for his health and life.

Video: Who to choose to pets: a dog or a cat?

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