Who is a nymphomaniac in simple words: the meaning of the word. Nymphomania, hypersexuality: causes, symptoms, treatment

Who is a nymphomaniac in simple words: the meaning of the word. Nymphomania, hypersexuality: causes, symptoms, treatment

Deciphering and the meaning of the word nymphomancer.

Nymphomaniac is a woman suffering from nymphomania. This term appeared for a long time, even before our era. Only earlier this disease was called not nymphomania, but by uterine rabies. In this article we will talk about who is a nympho and how she behaves.  

Who is a nymphomaniac in simple words: The meaning of the word

There is no such disease as uterine fury in the medical reference book. This is a folk interpretation of the word "nymphomaniac", which is known for a very long time. Smart words are called uterine fury nymphomania. This is nothing more than increased sexual attraction, in order to obtain a huge number of orgasms, or the opportunity to own a large number of sexual partners.

There is a termite from the word "nymph". There is a very interesting legend that says that nymphs that lured men there once in the forests. These girls corrupted men, doing various types of sex with them, bringing them to madness and even death from sexual exhaustion. After that, the man, returning home, was not satisfied with a sexual life with his wife, having tried a nymph. After that, they were forced to wander through the forest, in search of a nymph. This story appeared a long time ago, is considered one of the bright legends.  


In more detail, it became known about the fury of the uterus around the 17th century. Then the gynecologists were the first to treat the ailment, to develop a variety of methods of therapy. Then it was believed that the rabies of the uterus is a hysteria that forces women to fall to the floor and be struck in convulsions. Many doctors found ways to combat this ailment, and rather aggressive. Quite often, with uterine fury, electric shock was used, or the introduction of strong psychotropic drugs. All this was necessary only to muffle the sexual desire of a woman.  

The synonym for the word nympho is a whore or a prostitute. Although these girls do not take money for their services, because their main goal is to get sexual satisfaction. Very often this ailment is found in combination with other mental disorders.

Who is a nymphomaniac in simple words * The meaning of the word of a nymphomank * is one of the sources https://otvet.mail.ru/qulection/14575161

Many doctors proved that nymphomania is just provoked by some more serious mental ailments. Very often, schizophrenia and a variety of sexual disorders are found along with nymphomania. Often, nymphomaniacs practice non -standard sex, because they have a huge number of sexual deviations.

This is a tendency to violence in the process of sex, a fetish with changing clothes, as well as sex in public, exhibitionism. Scientists have proven that very often nymphomaniacs suffer from this ailment due to rape in childhood, or rude behavior on the part of one of the parents. This once again proves that most disorders of sexual behavior are precisely due to mental injuries from deep childhood.  

Nymphomania, hypersexuality: opinions of doctors

According to Wikipedia, nymphomania is a disease that is expressed in increased sexual excitability and the inability to think about anything other than sex. Thus, the whole life of a woman comes down to the search for another partners for sex. Moreover, most often, in the process of making love, a woman does not experience an orgasm or vice versa. After his test, she wants more and more. Accordingly, nymphomania can be divided into two types:  

  • This is a condition during which a woman wants to feel a large number of partners in herself, but does not feel orgasm.  
  • A woman leads a random sex life in order to obtain a huge number of orgasms.  

Nymphomania - a serious mental illness

In relation to men, the word nymphomania is not used. The analogue is satirizis. It is also a violation of sexual behavior, as well as excessive excitability. A man also observes a constant sexual imposition, a desire to have sex. Hypersexuality at the age of the teenager is absolutely normal. Night pollutions are associated with it, as well as a frequent erection for no reason. But at a young age, this is due to the instability of the hormonal background and is not considered a deviation.  

As for treatment, the causes of the disease are clarified first of all. After the definition, they try to eliminate the causes that caused nymphomania.


  • Most often, psychological suggestion, hypnosis is carried out for these purposes. That is, work with psychologists is carried out. Antidepressants and other drugs can be prescribed.
  • Since nymphomania is quite rarely connected with the state of internal organs, in particular the reproductive system, it is absolutely useless to prescribe some therapeutic drugs. Previously, the prescription of drugs that reduce libido was practiced.
  • Now this method of treatment is practically not used. This is due to the predominance of psychological causes of nymphomania.  

In fact, nymphomania is a serious mental illness that very often interferes with normally living. A person cannot do anything else except the search for the next sexual partners, as well as sex. For nymphomanias, it is absolutely normal sexual coitus 10-15 times a day. Moreover, most often during love of love, a woman does not feel orgasm.

Very often, nymphomania is explained by frigidity, also the desire to still achieve the long-awaited orgasm. Thus, getting an orgasm is the main goal in this case.  Now the concepts of nymphomania and satyriasis are used quite rarely. They were combined under the general name Hypersexuality and increased sexual attraction.  


The people are often used to characterize a girl who often enters into random sexual intercourse, and practically does not pay attention to age, as well as a partner status.  

Video: Who is a nymph?

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