Who brought, did damage: how to find out? How to find out, to understand if you have spoilage or evil eye at home yourself? Damage: How to find out who did on the egg?

Who brought, did damage: how to find out? How to find out, to understand if you have spoilage or evil eye at home yourself? Damage: How to find out who did on the egg?

Read the article to understand how to determine damage in yourself.

In the life of every person, moments may come when the work falls out of the hands, the hail pours various troubles, and the family relationships worsen. Often we assume that this is ordinary bad luck or we are surrounded by unworthy people, but what could actually be the reason for such a series of troubles?

  • An ordinary person will not be able to explain the appearance of his constant troubles, but an experienced magician or psychic will assume or even claim that this is the result of damage.
  • Even a novice practitioner at home will be able to bring a negative program on a person. It is enough for him to know a few rituals and conspiracies.
  • Each person who reads this information and suspects that he has damage or evil eye will have a question: how to determine this or how to understand that you have damage?

How to understand that you or a person were jinxed, or spoiled?

How to understand that you or a person were jinxed, or spoiled?
How to understand that you or a person were jinxed, or spoiled?

You can determine the presence of damage in a person using special rites. But there are indirect signs that make it clear that there is an impact of a negative program.

How to understand that you or a person were jinxed, or spoiled? Symptoms:

  • Physical fatigue.
  • Irritation from staying in crowded and cultural places (museums, theaters, cinemas).
  • Creative loss of strength - This applies to people of creative professions (lack of inspiration, muse).
  • Restless sleep - There are constantly nightmares, persecution, threats in relation to themselves or loved ones.
  • Complete apathy, depression, loss of interest in life - A person is even visited by thoughts of suicide.
  • Deterioration of health - Chronic diseases are aggravated, new and not one, but somewhat at once.
  • Problems at work - Relations with colleagues and superiors or even loss of workplace are aggravated.
  • Deterioration in the financial condition - Loss of a large amount of money, theft, a sharp decrease in income.
  • The appearance of traction to alcohol, narcotic substances and gambling.

Of course, any of these signs can be attributed to banal fatigue or temporary bad luck. But, if troubles torment you for a long time, you should think that it is damage.

How to find out who brought damage?

How to find out who brought damage?
How to find out who brought damage?

If you are a victim of guidance of a negative program on you, then you need to find out who had such an effect. This is no less important than eliminating the impact of the witchcraft rite. First of all, this is necessary in order to protect yourself from contact with a bad person.

How to find out who brought damage? Here are several ways:

1. The phenomenon of the sorcerer in a dream. You need to correctly tune in to receive such information:

  • Get ready for bed, relax and do not think about anything.
  • No need to try to guess the image of the ill -wisher, it will be able to get on the right path.
  • When you still managed to relax, say quietly and slowly special words.
How to find out who did damage?
How to find out who did damage?

After pronouncing these words, go to bed. At night you will dream of the image of a sorcerer who brought damage to you.

2. Help of higher forces. It is important to correctly and correctly turn to spirits. Thanks to this, the ill -wisher will betray itself or the Higher Forces will point to it. Do the following:

  • In the evening, put a pan with water on the gas and boil water.
  • Lower 7 rusty keys into this container with the words: Who wants to bring harm to the servant of God (name), bring the line to his house. There will be no evil to a man of peace, it will damn him to drive him out of the house. Amen.
  • The next morning the exhausted ill -wisher will stand under the door to explain.

3. Rites using magical accessories. Do the following:

  • Prepare a wax candle and a container with water.
  • Melt the wax and pour it into a container of water - neatly.
  • At the same time, repeat the words: I pour wax into the water, pour the name of the enemy.

Then look at what happened: draws in wax moon or flowers - the woman brought the damage, and if it turned out predatory animals, different geometric figures - the male. You can even consider the letters - these are the initials of the enemy or numbers - when a negative ritual was carried out.

4. Ritual using a sorcerer’s energy sample. When he damages, he still leaves some of his material or trace on you. This can be used to search. This method is usually used by experienced practices, since it is difficult for an ordinary person to see energy or biofield.

But do not be discouraged if you are not familiar with working with energy channels. After all, there are many other ways to determine damage that every person can use.

Damage: How to find out who did on the egg?

Damage: How to find out who did on the egg?
Damage: How to find out who did on the egg?

In this way, our grandmothers also used. So, if you suspect that you or your loved one, how to find out, who did on the egg?

1. Take a fertilized fresh egg (it will not work from the store, only homemade - from the village) in the right hand and say:

Damage: How to find out who did on the egg? words that need to be sentenced
Damage: How to find out who did on the egg? Words that need to be sentenced

2. Then roll the egg over the body of a personStart on the head and ending with your feet.

3. After the ritual is completed, break the egg in a saucer. If the yolk is whole, surrounded by a protein, then there is no damage. If the contents of the egg are dark, blood particles are observed, and the yolk spread - there is damage.

How to determine damage on a laurel sheet?

How to determine damage on a laurel sheet?
How to determine damage on a laurel sheet?
  • Lauren leaf has long been used as an effective weapon from magical exposure. If his twig to hang over the front door or in the kitchen, then she will protect the house from evil people, troubles and diseases.
  • If you plant a whole tree near the house, then it will protect the whole clan.

How to determine damage on a laurel sheet?

  • In general, bay leaf is used to get rid of negative energy. It is set on fire and fumigate all the corners of the apartment or at home.
  • A light smoke will clean the room from clots of poor energy.

But, and if the sheet burns poorly or, conversely, smokes strongly, then you should think about the fact that there may be spoilage in the room.

How to check damage, are there any matches?

How to check damage, are there any matches?
How to check damage, are there any matches?

The easiest way to determine damage to your matches. You will need not a faceted glass of water, 9 matches and boxes from them. How to check damage, are there any matches? Perform the following:

  • At dawn, pick up a glass (not faced) clean water and sit down by the window. Put a glass on the windowsill.
  • Mentally say the question About damage or evil eye and light the first match.
  • If the match is on, forming a lot of smoke and soot, it means that you have spoilage.
  • When the fire reaches the end of the match And he will begin to burn your fingers, throw it into a glass of water.
  • Repeat the action With all matches out of the box.
  • Then calculate, how many matches dropped to the bottom of the glass: 0-there is no damage, less than 4 or 4-evil eye, more than 5 matches-damage.

Important: Do not immediately be upset if there were more than 5 matches at the bottom. Previously, matches were made from a special type of wood, and the head was not sulfur-abbrise. Modern materials used in the manufacture of these products are completely different.

Advice: To obtain a more accurate result, conduct another ritual, for example, with an egg.

Damage to death: how to find out - signs

Damage to death: how to find out - signs
Damage to death: how to find out - signs

Almost always, sorcerers, making damage to death, use black magic. Therefore, the consequences and signs of exposure will be the most unpleasant.

If there is a suspicion that damage to death is done, then how to find out exactly and what signs exist? It is worth noting the following:

  • Slide problems. Signs of exposure to black magic are that a person suffers from insomnia constantly. He dreams of nightmares and other negative dreams.
  • The appearance of diseasesthat are difficult to treat. The results of the diagnosis and tests are always different, and the treatment is useless.
  • Strange behavior of domestic and stray animals (cats, dogs and other pets) - they run away, hiss, or whine.
  • Changing the relationship of a loved one Or a relative. He tries to avoid communicating with you.
  • A premonition of trouble. Anxiety and spiritual imbalance are constantly observed.
  • Lack of success and good luck for a long period of time. Any work begun will be failure.
  • A person loses self -confidence. I do not like the reflection in the mirror, and the person feels as if the reflection is not his.
  • Financial problems and difficulties at work. Damage attracts negative energy - colleagues and bosses do not like how you work. In addition, there may be large financial losses, theft.
  • Lost cross or you are unpleasant everything that is connected with the holy church objects. A spoiled person can even feel a burning sensation in the place where the cross is in contact with his body.
  • A feeling of unpleasant odors, the appearance of which cannot be explained.
  • Severity in the chest area, cold in the abdomen - this is how negative energy is manifested in the human body.
  • Depression, suicidal thoughts, loss of strength.

If some of these symptoms are observed, it is worth checking the threshold and entrance to the house. Any items that you will find by accident (pins, needles, salt, sand, earth and more) could be used to instill damage.

Damage to loneliness: how to determine?

Damage to loneliness: how to determine?
Damage to loneliness: how to determine?

If such a damage is made, then it will be very difficult to find a second half, since the clot of negativity is sent to the sex chakra.

Damage to loneliness: how to determine?

1st method:

  • Make a ritual with an egg and a glass of water. Type a glass of water and put a person over your head, who needs to be checked for damage. Let him hold the glass with his hands.
  • Take fresh fertilized homemade egg And break it into a glass of water.
  • Keep a glass above your head 3 minutes. Then remove, and evaluate the result: the egg is not changed - everything is fine, the protein threads stretch up, the bubbles - the evil eye, black dots, the brewed protein - damage.

2nd method:

  • Take a deck of tarot cards and mix them well. Think about a possible negative, ask questions.
  • Pull 7 cards and put them on the table. If two Magic and Moon - spoilage are caught in a row.

If one of the cards “falls” upside down is a sure sign of a negative program, and you can not double -check in other ways.

Spoilage for money: how to determine - signs

Spoilage for money: how to determine - signs
Spoilage for money: how to determine - signs

The negative magical impact on the financial condition of a person is a common phenomenon. Damage to money can manifest itself in different ways. How to determine? Signs:

  • Constant large thefts of money and ridiculous losses of financial resources.
  • Difficulties with the search for a new job in the loss of the previous place of work.
  • Debt "pits", from which you can’t get out.
  • Excessive transvention, if before the tendency to this was not observed.
  • Bankruptcy in business.
  • Apathy and the lack of desire to do anything to improve life and financial condition.

Damage for money and poverty is usually done on bills that were given in debt. If you have lended money after sunset and on a church holiday, then this means that you have taken it from you not a very good person.

Try not to lend from hand from hand to hand - put, for example, on the table. Write down the bills. Do not pick up the money back, and check the numbers. If they coincide with the numbers of the bills that you have borrowed, then they did damage to them and returned to you.

Damage to infertility: how to determine?

Damage to infertility: how to determine?
Damage to infertility: how to determine?

The ritual to determine damage to infertility can be carried out independently. After its implementation, you will know for sure whether there is a negative impact or not. You can’t get pregnant for a long time and think that you have damage to infertility? Several ways will help determine the presence or absence of poor impact from the outside:

  • Take a wedding ring or other gold jewelry. Spend them on the cheek. If there is a white trace - there is no damage, red or black - there is a witchcraft.
  • Prepare a piece of rye bread and a vessel with water. Squeeze the bread in the palm of your hand, and then lower it into the water. If the bread fell to the bottom, damage.
  • A broken egg into the water will also help determine the presence of a negative in the body. It was described above how to conduct such a ritual.

With the help of such damage, many rivals revenge more successful, in terms of male attention, to women.

Damage to the family: how to determine - signs

Damage to the family: how to determine - signs
Damage to the family: how to determine - signs

The essence of the negative impact on the family is to make all family members badly. Therefore, the signs can be very diverse and incredible. Children and old people usually suffer - the most unprotected family members. How to determine that damage to the family is done? Signs:

  • Older generation. Even if their health was not too good, but new or chronic diseases appeared, it is worth worrying.
  • Accidents. One by one - a series, accidents begin to occur. Many of them can be fatal.
  • Quarreling. Disorders, experiences, discontent between family members. Instead of mutual support, accusations and constant quarrels appear.
  • Financial wealth. Money "flows" like water.

These troubles can occur in a single or a series. The heat will be released from the family and experienced support will disappear. This method will help to determine damage to the family:

  • Visit the church and buy as many large candles as members in your family.
  • Now you need to put them alternately for health, calling the name.
  • If most candles will crack and smoke, then the family has a negative impact.

With the help of damage to the family, many envious people take out their evil. They see someone else's happiness, but they themselves have nothing. Try not to let unfamiliar people into the house, especially women.

How to find out if there is damage to the house?

How to find out if there is damage to the house?
How to find out if there is damage to the house?

Damage to the house is one of the most common types of negative influences. Typically, tenants intuitively feel this, but often it is written off on coincidences. So how to find out if there is damage to the house?

  • A person who has never been visiting you will not be able to bring a damage to the house. Although this is possible, but then the negative is left near the threshold. People who are crossing him will hurt and suffer from all kinds of troubles.
  • To determine whether a negative program has been brought to the room, buy incense and candle in the church.
  • Put incense on a teaspoon and set it on a candle.
  • Now go around the house counterclockwise, stopping for a few seconds near each corner.
  • In which place is the incense will begin to crack and smoke, which means that there is damage. It can be a needle stuck in furniture or bed or something else.

Orthodox Christians sprinkle their dwellings with holy water to baptism. This is considered the best protection for the home from the introduction of negative from outside.

Damage to food: how to determine?

Damage to food: how to determine?
Damage to food: how to determine?

This type of damage is made by sorcerers who want to influence the victim with direct contact. If damage to food is made, then it is easy to determine it. Such a negative program is similar to food poisoning, but is displayed in other more complex symptoms:

  • A sharp rise in body temperature to 39 degrees.
  • Excessive sweating and general weakness.
  • Poison medicines do not help, and other drugs, for example, to reduce temperature, give a short effect.

If damage is made for food, then a person begins to abruptly get fat or, conversely, lose weight. His appetite worsens or becomes too excessive. In this case, weakness, apathy and depression are observed.

Gottage damage: how to determine?

Gottage damage: how to determine?
Gottage damage: how to determine?

The birth damage is differently called a birth curse. Determine this type of negative program made for the whole clan can be by such signs:

  • Negative events that are repeated from generation to generation. For example, divorces after the birth of a first -born or accident at a certain age of family members.
  • Severe birth, infertility in women or stillborn children.
  • Suicide that can be repeated. For example, the father, under the influence of negativity, committed suicide at the age of 30, then the son will do the same with a high probability.
  • Hereditary diseases.
  • Mental illness, characteristic of the whole kind.
  • Old virgins and bachelors. Perhaps damage to love and celibacy. People cannot meet their soul mate.
  • Alcoholics and drug addicts in the male or female line.
  • All relatives are financially difficulty. At the same time, all relatives work hard, but do not receive enough money to have enough for life.

Only a professional psychic can stop such a complex negative program as a generic curse.

Video: Signs of birth damage

Damage to celibacy: how to determine?

Previously, the girls determined whether they would marry this year or not, on the night of Ivan Kupala. They weaved a wreath and threw him into the river. He ate he is afloat, which means that marriage is coming soon, and if he sinks, the girl this year will be one more. This rite will help determine damage to celibacy. The ritual does not have to be carried out on a Kupala night, you can on any day.

On the banks of the river, weave a wreath of flowers, thinking about relationships with the opposite sex. In this case, you need to weave 3 of your hair with flowers. During fantasizing marriage and relationships, you need to say:

Gottage damage: how to determine it?
Gottage damage: how to determine it?

When the wreath is woven to the end, stand with your back to the water and throw it into the water over your left shoulder. If the wreath has sailed, then there is no damage. If he hooked, drowned or stuck to the shore, then there is damage to celibacy.

Can they have damage for an accident?

Can they have damage for an accident?
Can they have damage for an accident?

Sometimes it happens that some drivers drive a car without excesses for many years. But suddenly, they begin to get into frequent accidents. Can they have damage for an accident? Answer: Yes. Even novice practices can send such a negative. Therefore, the machine should be consecrated in the church, and then no influence will be scared.

Symptoms of the evil eye and damage to a woman

Symptoms of the evil eye and damage to a woman
Symptoms of the evil eye and damage to a woman

Representatives of the fair sex like to show off their successes. Therefore, a woman is easy to jinx. Symptoms of the evil eye and damage to a woman:

  • Change mood for the worse, appearing for no reason.
  • Irritation for no reason.
  • Indifference to the news, especially to those with whom the husband wants to share.
  • Apathy to life, all things are lying from hands.
  • The absent -mindedness, exhaustion, which is reflected on the face in the form of fatigue, the deterioration of the appearance. The woman stops taking care of herself, she is not interesting.
  • Products from precious metals are darkened when wearing.
  • The chain is torn, the pins are unfastened.
  • Constant quarrels with loved ones, relatives, friends and loved ones.

A sure sign of damage in a woman is loneliness. She cannot get married or get pregnant for a long time.

Signs of evil eye and damage in men

Signs of evil eye and damage in men
Signs of evil eye and damage in men

Men do not believe in the appearance of damage or other similar manifestations. But sorceresses often send a negative program to a representative of the strong half of humanity. Signs of the evil eye and damage in men:

  • Failures and a dark strip in all areas of life.
  • Spoiled relations with people around: relatives, friends, work colleagues, wife.
  • The appearance of suicidal thoughts.
  • Closing in oneself, the joylessness of life.
  • Unreasonable quarrels during a family feast.
  • Irritability, imaginary, intolerance in relation to a partner in life.

It is necessary to eliminate the negative impact immediately, otherwise the consequences can be irreversible.

How to find out if there is damage on the child?

How to find out if there is damage on the child?
How to find out if there is damage on the child?

Any loving mother can immediately determine if her child has an evil eye or damage. This is evident from his behavior. How to find out if there is damage on the child? Symptoms:

  • Frequent colds with rise in body temperature up to 39 degrees.
  • The child eats poorly or, conversely, eats without measure.
  • Irritability, tearfulness. Crying can last for days.
  • Outbreaks of anger. The child begins to break toys, and tries to hit one of the adults.
  • Fear of darkness and loneliness before bedtime.
  • Constant injury. Other children play in the yard without consequences, and a spoiled child often breaks the limbs, stuffs bruises and cones on the head.

Another proven way: you need to visit the church. If while reading prayers to the priest, the baby becomes restless and begins to cry, then he has damage.

Can a mother bring damage to loneliness?

Can a mother bring damage to loneliness?
Can a mother bring damage to loneliness?

Mother is sacred, and she cannot damage her child. But often women do it unconsciously. Therefore, many girls and guys have a question: can a mother bring damage to loneliness?

If the mother will take care of her already adult child too much, then she can unintentionally close all the ways to her personal life. Not without reason, even in the Bible it is written for parents that they should let their children go when they grow up, how birds let go of their grown chicks.

Read prayers, go to church, confess and take communion, do not let unfamiliar people into the house, and then a negative program will not be launched in your house. With caution, treat other people's gifts and food prepared by unknown people. This will help protect yourself from damage.

  Video: damage to money (monetary damage) and damage to housing - Marfa Vasilievna

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Comments K. article

  1. Hello. Thank you very much for the article. But do not tell me how to be in such a situation? I hold a cow and chickens, and as soon as I start selling milk or an egg, the cow throws away the milking, and the chickens completely stop rushing. Tell me a coincidence? I checked three times. Always the same story. Tell me what to do.

  2. I think that in the vast majority of cases, damage is done unconsciously, and this is much more often our relatives, parents (especially mothers) and even ourselves.
    Interesting material is assembled, but it was submitted paranoid, this can only strengthen the gullible in their superstitions and promote the escalation of damage.
    It looks especially strange at the end of advice to go to church .. Alya! Conscious people go to the church, on the happy and believers, this hardness does not work at all.

  3. Removing damage, setting protection, if possible, a set of energy (the field grows to gigantic sizes of 8 km when your usual is 70 cm in size) opening a chakras at a maximum of 7 bodies at once. Installation of protection on the house of the premises, with the removal of damage from all objects (if there are those objects that gave and planted damage or made lining will be removed without emission of the subject). Office in the house of the energy -information trace that remain from the offending residents (it has the effect that people are better in the house It became) Healing can impose a healthy matrix of the idial body of you, to equalize all channels and meridians on the forefather of psychological problems, some diseases may be in the cause of psychology. Normalize pressure. dzeb2020@mail.ru

  4. I do not know a single white magician who really helps people.

  5. I have a friend Irina. She often travels to holy places and places of power. And he conducts rituals with light forces. But it is better to be able to get rid of the evil spirits yourself.

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