Who is larger, larger: mole or hedgehog?

Who is larger, larger: mole or hedgehog?

From this article you will find out who is more: Mole or Hedgehog.

Have you ever wondered who is more: Mole or Hedgehog? We will learn about this in this article.

Let's get acquainted with the hedgehog


Hedgehog in length 20-30 cm, weighing 0.7-0.8 kg, with a small tail, up to 3 cm in length. The hedgehog's muzzle is extended, the nose is sharp, the legs with 5 fingers on which are sharp claws. The hedgehog, except for the stomach and head, is covered with needles, 2-3 cm long, the needles inside are empty, they grow as quickly as hair, 1-1.5 years each. Between the needles, the hedgehog is also covered with rare hair. Dark hair is covered with a hedgehog, as well as the head.

Hedgehogs live in a temperate climate, in Europe, Asia, and recently in New Zealand. Set on the edges of deciduous forests, small meadows, floodplains of rivers, and even in parks. Generated places for building a nest in hedgehogs - pits, abandoned holes, under the roots of trees.

Everyone is built individually, but not far from each other. The nest is covered with dry grass and leaves. They sit in their shelters during the day, and at night go hunting. Hedgehogs are eaten by insects, caterpillars, frogs, mice, eggs of birds sitting on the ground. From plant foods, hedgehogs love berries, mushrooms and fruits. With the advent of winter, the hedgehog tightly closes the entrance to the hole, and hibernates, and in order to easily transfer the winter, in the fall you need to walk enough fat. At this time, hedgehogs are real gluttors: during the night they go to 5 km in search of food.

Hedgehogs are not terrible poisons produced by Osami, bees, snakes, they cope with them. The real enemies of the hedgehogs are birds of prey with long beaks (owl, owl, hawk), raccoon and fox. Life expectancy in nature is 3-5 years.

Let's get acquainted with the mole


Mole in length 12-16 cm, tail 2-4 cm, weighs 70-120 g, with small, with poppy grain, eyes and ears, covered folds of leather so that the earth does not fall. The entire animal is covered with black velvety short fur, in young individuals the fur is dull. Given the fact that the mole is a large hard worker, the fur is quickly wiped, and it is sinking 3-4 times in a year.

Moles live in a moderate climate of Europe and Asia live. For the settlement, they choose fields, gardens, meadows, edges of the forest, where soft, not compressed soil, do not like places with highly approaching water and sandy soil. Other relatives do not tolerate on their territory, they can even bite.

Since moles live in the ground all their lives, and in order to dig it better, nature made it so that their front paws are like shovels. Moles dig the ground, moving into it with the whole body, and the bore ground is raked with their paws, and replaced out. During the night, the mole can dig up to 50 m moves.

The moves are residential, where the mole is sleeping, and fodder. In feed moves, the mole makes real pantries. Food is stored here for the winter: living worms, larvae, caterpillars, insects, in which the heads of the head are leaned out, without them this living creatures cannot crawl far, but does not die. Such a stern of Mole is not surprising - the mole cannot take starvation, if it is not more than 12 hours, then death occurs.

In nature, moles live for 4-5 years.

What is common between hedgehog and mole?

Hedgehog and mole

For their lives, hedgehogs and mole do not meet, since hedgehogs live on earth, and moles underground, but they have a lot in common.

Similarity of the hedgehog and mole:

  • Both hedgehog and a mole insectivaries, which means that both eat insects
  • Both hedgehogs and moles live in their burrows one by one
  • Both species of animals love to sleep a lot, and during the day, 8-10 hours are the norm

So, we learned that the hedgehog is more, almost 2 times, from the mole.

Video: 10 facts about hedgehogs that you did not know

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