Blood in cheese chicken egg: causes, signs, can it be eaten?

Blood in cheese chicken egg: causes, signs, can it be eaten?

In this article we will study the question of why there are clots, interspersed or veins of blood in the eggs, and also find out how such a product affects our health.

Many of us noticed the blood at least once in the cheese chicken egg. Yes, even a boiled product sometimes comes across such veins. This does not bother someone at all, someone disdains-this is a personal matter. But we suggest you, so as not to guess, nevertheless to understand the reasons for its appearance. Perhaps this situation requires certain measures, especially if the eggs with blood carry home chickens.

Why in cheese chicken egg blood in protein or yolk: the causes of blood spots on the outside or inside the egg

Blood in chicken egg can be not only inside, but also outside. This question is especially relevant if you buy homemade eggs or collect from your layers. If you buy store eggs, then they usually go clean and with marking. But the blood inside the chicken egg can still come across.

Near the yolk
It is found both in home and store eggs

Fitblood on the shell of the yolk

The factor in this case is one - rupture of small blood vessels even in the process of ovulation, That is, there is damage to the egg. And when an unformed egg passes along it, it can “capture” these blood interspersed with you. And only then the egg is covered with protein and shell. But here There may be several reasons for this condition:

  • transferred stress
  • a large number of roosters or their complete absence
  • by the way, frequent competitions between males sometimes lead to injuries of chickens
  • this may be a consequence of the fall from a height
  • the result of a small room or courtyard for walking
  • transferred inflammation, infection or infection with parasites
  • improper nutrition or deficiency of certain elements
  • heredity and genetic predisposition of the breed
  • reducing immunity
  • age -related changes that say that the chicken will soon cease to rush

Important: often blood in the yolk, on its surface, is confused with the embryo, which also has blood veins. But in this case, there is always a dark stain of the embryo and the amount of blood, as a rule, is much larger! Even if the fetus is fading, the blood stripes have a mesh or root system, which covers the yolk.

By the way, it is noted that white hens suffer less often. Therefore, brown eggs and more often come across blood. In addition, we offer to read the article so as not to get confused in the color division of eggs -  “Why are there white and brown eggs: how do they differ and which is better?”

Flaw in the squirrel
Flaw in the squirrel

If the blood veins came across in the squirrel:

  • The protein directly depends on the nutrition of the chicken. And its filling with blood is the result of a lack of minerals, such as potassium, magnesium and selenium, as well as greenery!
  • This is intensified in the cold season.
  • And often pushes a monotonous grain without vitamin additives to such education. By the way, note that some reasons are closely interconnected. For example, nutrition affects the immunity of chicken!

Important: the presence of blood in the yolk or in the protein sometimes causes inflammation of the oviduct or salpingitis! It is based on the development of infection. And the reason for this can be dampness and dirt in the chicken coop, when cleaning is carried out very rarely! This also applies to poor ventilation, inferior nutrition and Kloaki injuries! By the way, sometimes the hens themselves blocked each other due to the deficiency of the perch.


Also a few words why the eggs can be blood on the shell:

  • The layer for the first time demolished the egg. Yes, a banal and simple reason. The egg went through the egg for the first time, so it caused small breaks of capillaries;
  • The second reason is associated with the same damage to the oviduct, but already in adult chicken. And here there is a small separation:
    • chicken has an infection or inflammation
    • too large egg, especially when protein food began to prevail in the diet. More often this problem concerns broiler chickens
    • sometimes it can be an egg trauma in the event of a blow, fall or even overpopulation in a chicken coop
    • sometimes it may be the result of the disease

Important: if you can visually determine the spots easily, then inside it is not so easy to see them. In general, a store product must pass a quality scanner to weed out eggs with such small defects. And if you want to reinsure yourself, then you can scan them with light. Such veins are usually visible!

Bloody traces in the shell
Bloody traces in the shell

Blood in chicken egg: is it suitable for eating in cheese, boiled or fried form?

To begin with, we will consider the case when the blood is not in the chicken egg, but outside. And it doesn’t matter - this is a home or purchased product.

  • An egg with a bloodied shell is completely safe for eating both in cheese and finished form. It should be washed and used as intended.
  • Ideally, of course, to do this with soda. After all, blood clots can lead to the development of microbes. You cannot store the washed egg! It is still worth paying attention to the diet and conditions of the chicken. Especially if this is repeated in systematic mode.

If you find blood in chicken egg, you can also safely eat it for food! Neither veterinarians nor experienced farmers have any objections in this regard! Blood clots do not affect the taste or composition of the egg! Moreover, this human digestive system also does not affect in any way!

Remove such spots
Remove such spots
  • But still you should not drink a raw egg with blood! Blood itself may contain microorganisms or, even worse, the bacteria of Salmonella! Yes, they can be in eggs without blood, but it is its presence that increases these chances. Therefore, eggs with blood should always cook for at least 10 minutes or fry well.
  • If you are unpleasant to eat blood clusters, then just carefully remove them with a knife, a toothpick or even a spoon. This must be done in a cheese product if you are going to fry it. In the boiled egg, it will also be possible to get this clot, which will curl up during cooking.
  • Sometimes it happens that protein (most often) has a high blood content. This is not so scary, you can connect with other eggs and just fry omelet well. Blood itself is not harmful and does not always talk about chickens. But this is suitable only for those who have persistent immunity to disgust. If you have one type of gag reflex, then certainly do not eat such an egg for food!

Important: but there is one remark - sometimes bloody rings go along the egg or, as we wrote above, like a root system. They can be without a dark spot if the embryo fades. This happens at an early date, for about 7-8 weeks. This means that the circulatory system of the embryo managed to cover the surface of the yolk, but the fetus ceased to develop. In this case, the egg can no longer be eaten!


If you saw blood in the chicken egg, what to do in such a situation with layers?

Important: a dangerous symptom, if the chicken becomes sluggish, it develops apathy and the appetite disappears. In such a situation, you should still contact the veterinarian. It is undesirable to prepare soup from it immediately, since it may be the result of infection or inflammation.

If you have chickens at your home eggs with veins or blood interspersed:

  • It is important to understand why this happened. If this is an old chicken and its reproductive forces at the end, then you can cook soup from it - time has come. Also, we do not touch the young chicken - this is temporary. You should not review all the chickens, if it was a one -time case of one layout. But watch.
  • If your house often occurs in your chicken egg, then you should find the perpetrators. It is not so simple to do it, but you can. We have already mentioned that you can see them out with light, as when checking the embryo. Such spots will be visible.
  • And when you determined which chicken carries eggs with blood,then it is worth planting it in a separate place with optimal conditions. That is, it should be clean and not hot, and good ventilation and muffled light are also required. Firstly, it can be a bearer of the virus, infecting other chickens. Secondly, if she has wounds on a cloak, then chickens can begin to peck her.
If the chicken lowered the tail, this is clearly not a good sign!
If the chicken lowered the tail, this is clearly not a good sign!
  • If you see an injury, As they say, “on the face”, then process it with peroxide to exclude infection. To soften the wound, lubricate the sore spot Vaselin. Can be used ASD-3 or iodoform.These are antiseptics with an anti -inflammatory effect for the rapid healing of wounds.
  • If the cause of the oviduct was the reason, Then it is worth washing it with a salt solution. Recipe: for 200 ml of warm water 2 tsp. Salt. It is worth working with a small sprint, regularly doing washing 7 days, enough 1-2 times a day.

Important: this must only be done if the egg does not have a formed egg. This can be determined by palpation on the stomach in the laying of the layer.

  • For drinking you can use Metronidazole (1 tablet per 1 liter), as an antibiotic for removing inflammation. To improve the elasticity of the egg, you can use injections Peterine or Symbol (1%). The first drug is made 4 days in the amount of 50 thousand units, 2 times a day, the second - 1 ml.
  • In addition, do not forget Introduce shells, chalk, bone or herbal flour, as well as yeast. This will accelerate recovery and will perform a preventive measure.
Sometimes you need to take stronger drugs
Sometimes you need to take stronger drugs

And several folk signs if you find blood in chicken egg

This is a relatively infrequent phenomenon when the blood comes into cheese chicken egg. But still, our Slavic ancestors saw the predictions of fate in everything:

  • A blood clot in an egg speaks of punishment of fate for a bad act in the past;
  • If there are bloody dots on the yolk, then you will become a victim of evil gossip;
  • If you accidentally broke the egg with bloody spots, then wait soon;
  • In addition, there is even a version that blood in a chicken egg is to illness or financial difficulties. And the larger the spot, the larger the problem;
  • But if a woman dreams of a baby, then soon her desire will come true;
  • If you dreamed of a bloodied egg, then wait for a meeting with a friend;
  • But inside the blood dreamed - to quarrels in the family;
  • If in a dream blood completely closed the inside of the egg or most of it, then this is a sign that negative changes await you in the near future.

By the way, we suggest you read more cognitive information about the interpretation of sleep with an egg in our article   "Why is the egg dreaming?"

As you can see, medicine does not see anything wrong if you find blood in the chicken egg or, especially, on its shell. But popular beliefs still warn about possible troubles. Although to believe in them is already a personal matter. The main thing is that you now know that eggs with bloody interspersed or veins can eat!

Video: salmonellosis and blood in chicken egg - can it be eaten?

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