Cream "Board Plus" green: useful properties, from which it helps, how to apply, can mother and child, pregnant woman can use it? Analogs of the Board Plus cream, user reviews about cream. What is the difference between the Board Plus cream green from purple?


From this article you will find out in which cases to use the Board Plus cream green.

The Indian Cream "Board Plus" consists of natural components, inexpensive. It is released in two varieties: purple and green. We will consider green cream here. What does it help, how to use it?

What is the difference between the Board Plus cream green from purple?

Cream "Board Plus" green and purple differ slightly

In the green and purple cream "Bor Plus" the composition is almost the same, with a slight exception:

  • Green cream is more moisturizing and antiseptic, due to the content of the seeds of Nima (wood growing in India)
  • Violet cream is more healing and disinfecting, due to margose components (shrub in India)

In addition to a small difference in the composition, creams have a different smell:

  • Green cream has the smell of grass
  • Violet - flowers

Also in two creams "Board Plus" different consistency:

  • Green cream is more liquid
  • Violet - thick

"Board Plus" green: beneficial properties of cream

Green Cream "Board Plus" from India

The cream contains the following types of herbs and flowers growing in India:

  • Vetiver - The grass related to cereals, vetiver oil relieves the itching of the skin well, for example, after a bite of mosquitoes or midges.
  • Nima seeds (it is an evergreen tree, which has branches, bark, roots, leaves and healing seeds), heals small wounds and scratches.
  • Aloe. We know this plant, almost everyone has it at home. Aloe in the cream moisturizes the skin, helps well with peeling of the skin.
  • Tulasi (We know this plant as a basil), has an antiseptic effect, and dries acne well.
  • Ginger lily (a very fragrant flower, a natural antibiotic) has an antiseptic and anti -inflammatory effect.
  • Turmeric (a herbaceous plant from the family of ginger, we have sold orange turmeric powder prepared from the roots and stems of the plant) has an antiseptic effect and updates the skin epidermis.

What does the Board Plus cream help?

Green Board Cream helps to get rid of bruises on the face and body

Cream "Board Plus" green has the following properties:

  • Reduces inflammation on the skin of the face and removes acne
  • Heals small scratches and cuts
  • Removes small suppurations on the skin, has an antibacterial effect
  • Relieves redness and improves the condition with boils on the skin
  • Helps with frostbite and burns
  • Helps with trophic ulcers on the legs
  • Heals scars faster after surgery
  • People prone to allergies are used to prevent allergies
  • Moisturizes the skin well, prevents peeling, and women of Balzac age use it to smooth wrinkles
  • Men lubricate the skin reddened after shaving with cream
  • Moms are lubricated with cream of rashes after diathesis on the skin of babies, as well as the skin reddened after the diaper
  • Mommy lubricate cracks on the nipples after fed the baby
  • The cream relieves redness after bites of midges and mosquitoes

How to apply the Bor Plus cream green?

Problem skin can be lubricated up to 5 times a day

Cream "Board Plus", if necessary, can lubricate the skin up to 5 times a day. We apply the cream each time on clean skin. It must be used until the condition of the skin improves, but not more than 1 week. If there is no improvement during this time, then you need to stop lubricating the dermis with Bor Plus cream, and consult a local doctor.

If you did not use the cream completely, and the tube still remains, it can be used further, but you need to put it in the refrigerator so that the healing properties are better preserved. The Board Plus cream can be used for 5 years from the date of manufacture indicated on the package. An expired cream must be thrown away.

If after lubrication with cream it blushes and itchs the skin even more than it was before, then you have an allergy to the product, and it is for you contraindicatedBut this happens extremely rarely.

If you used the Bor Plus cream very often or for a long time, may occur overdose. It is expressed like this:

  • Redness of the skin
  • Itching and burning
  • Swelling after lubrication with cream

Is it possible to use the Bor Plus cream green for a child, pregnant women?

Doctors advise Bor Plus cream even infants

Doctors allow, and even advise women with young children, lubricate the Bor Plus Cream, cracks on the nipples, only before feeding the chest should be washed off with warm water, and after this procedure to feed the baby.

Pregnant women are also not contraindicated in lubricating coarse or damaged places on the body with cream.

To small children who are already running, and often falling, doctors advise lubricating bruises, bruises and scratches on the body with cream. You can also use the cream and very small, to lubricate redness after the diaper. Children can be used for 1 weekAnd then you need to take a break, but if it has not completely helped in a week, you can extend the lubrication for a few more days.

Analogs of the cream "Board Plus"

Levomekol is the cheapest of analogues

In pharmacies, many ointments of this action are sold, which act as Bor Plus cream, but only “Levomekol” can be compared with it - the rest of the drugs are much more expensive.
Analogs of the Board Plus cream:

  • "Levomekol"
  • "Panthenol"
  • "Radevit" - has the same properties as Bor Plus, but also helps with eczema and dermatitis
  • “Demotion”, except for the useful properties that are in the Bor Plus cream, “demoten” helps with manifestations after a tick bite

Reviews about the cream "Board Plus" Green

Anna. I bought the Board Plus cream in a pharmacy when my baby began to reddening the body under the diaper. I used the cream 3 times a day. Redness passed quickly. I did not dare to smear the nipples - the cream has a strong floral smell that has been preserved for a long time, and the child may not like it.

Karina. The Board Plus cream was bought by the husband when mosquitoes were bitten by the child - the itch passed right away, but the spots were long. Then I tried the cream on myself. I smeared the skin after sunburn, cuts, coarse elbows and knees, cracks on the lips - and always helped the cream. The husband smears his face after shaving.

Olga. I bought a green plus cream green to smear places after mosquitoes, and then began to use for other purposes:

  • To strengthen nails after varnish
  • To reduce pores on the nose
  • For the treatment of skin from acne

The cream copes well with my problems, no worse than creams of expensive firms.

So, we got acquainted with the properties of the “Boro Plus” cream green, and found out that they can be treated.

Video: “Board Plus”: green or purple. Now I know what the skin requires!

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