Brevity - talent sister: author, meaning

Brevity - talent sister: author, meaning

In this topic, we recall the author and the meaning of the great phrase "brevity - sister of talent."

In the modern vocabulary, many new and fashionable expressions appear. But there are primordially classic winged expressions that no statement can be compared with. And they are transmitted as real instructions to the descendants for more than one decade. The phraseology “brevity is a sister of talent” did not become an exception, which hides valuable advice. Therefore, in this topic we want to make out this expression by referring to the letters of this author.

Who said the legendary phrase “brevity is the sister of talent”: the symbolism of phraseology

We are used to this winged phrase and do not think about how and when it appeared in our vocabulary, by whom and on what occasion it was said. At the same time, not only her author is known, but also the exact date of her spelling. We will be guided by "brevity - sister of talent", so we will immediately get down to business.

  • This phraseology was presented to the world the great Russian writer, playwright, doctor by profession - Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, The once fixed this phrase on paper April 11, 1899.
  • Almost all of us are familiar with the work of the famous writer. But not everyone knows that he had several brothers, and one of whom was Alexander, who also devoted his life to literary work. In his student years, Alexander was published in humorous magazines, and later worked in the newspaper New Time. He wrote plays, stories, prose and, despite the fact that he was an older brother Anton Pavlovich, often consulted with him on literary issues, showing him his manuscripts.
  • It was on that day that Anton Pavlovich Chekhov wrote a letter to his brother with recommendations regarding his new work:
A passage of writing
A passage of writing
  • It is unlikely that the great writer suggested that one of the phrases written in this personal letter would once become “winged” and survive the centuries.
  • And although it is believed that this thought was previously formulated by Shakespeare in the phrase “TheFore, since brevity is the soul of wit ...” (“And since there is a brevity of the soul of the mind ...”), but she became the famous aphorism precisely in the literary interpretation of Chekhov.

The meaning of aphorism

  • Today we use this phrase in various meanings applicable to all areas of human activity and a variety of creativity. And not least, we attach it to the construction of communications and communication between people.
Do not clog speech with unnecessary words
Do not clog speech with unnecessary words
  • At the same time, we put a single meaning into it that any information should be submitted briefly and capaciously. Because even the most intelligent thoughts expressed for a long time and ornate can lose their persuasiveness. A long monologue is able to withdraw from the main and bother the audience, as well as the pile of extra information can reduce any creative undertakings on it.
  • And the laconic, clear and understandable information that reveals the very essence of the issue is always doomed to the maximum effect - this is a kind of talent that not everyone has.

But you need to use this expression wisely. Sometimes they resort to such a phrase, if the meager vocabulary does not allow and correctly formulate your thought. Expand your knowledge and general horizons, but the aphorism “brevity is the sister of talent” should always be appropriate.

Video: brevity - talent sister or learning to formulate your thoughts

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  1. None of modern people have talent, even if he correctly understanding the essence of anything to convey it further. I own such talent, so I can. The essence of Chekhov’s statements is not to be reduced simply to the brevity of speech. An incorrect understanding of his message usually leads to bad. His main message is that brevity is talent. Skill. Art. Which needs to be developed. The essence of this talent is to be able to briefly convey the essence. Indeed, without this skill, she leads to errors and not understanding. The human psyche is such that everyone most often thinks that others think is identical, but this is not so. The set of information and personal experience is different for everyone. Therefore, some kind of goodness, in the heads of other people leads to completely different conclusions and another understanding. This is what exactly he had in mind. We must have some kind of talent, the ability to say briefly so that everyone understands the same way, just as you understand it. The brevity of talent or brevity is talent.

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